Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1992


Interschool athleties

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hurll, \I. *itph""IC a. c 12nd: 14\r\ soniij \rd : 1511Umj I*, hcl

Erlca Dunstan



Thc Q. SS S \ Aimlctic* .. 11 DJi**1:11, : 14* r\ '10/11 hu, Ul, \I W, ,liesdJ\ :I. DC1, !"r. *CTi"in I\* Bridic PULLr I I\!: 15\r\ 111,111.21,111i pro\Cd to he " jiltinu, "hle ,, 11* I*r 41"1:1:1. S"rJli kitL\tit 12nd'15\, Grainiii;it. Thi\ \"r LLC hallcred 1:1*I Swim. 3rd:I'm nil. 7:1e BCCr I 1st }e"r'\ re\111.1i h} PI". Ing 111inl, I\cr- 15\. kiln hurllc\I. .\!,\"lidr" DCr- "!I. loppliiig n, arc\I ri\"I\ S, ,ni*r\111c ,IL*. ! I*1.11. \r* iruhii. :!, hill. \left. diUi H. u, .e h\ 111iri> -ni"* ;111d JIIJlrIN, inn* H, \'lintm:I 11.1:16Lr~ 41, "11. 11,111 h"r Skirting\\ till" ticlJ*\*111\. Gr. 1111- Jib!;uklliigiid+ladg, ;JinN:171rs libn mar'\ \11', 11,111\ ill ;111 nit;I\ shunc hurUk\I. xi\.. 11* *:., UN 11/11*lull, ,Tnni Ihruiigli Milli " gcnuinc it;InI tit^I F1;xc h line*;in, 1.11. ,inn", litmih\ al* finin .ill .Irl\ Skit Hull in 11N ,xi " 11k. in*, k c\*"L Y, "r Li, 111'\ k"Ih*nil* D"\IC\ "lid \\ " re. 1111 \IN. 11 *runi *. b in an 1111 Urn, Bitnd. I C;1.1.11 h. ,111 glimeU **trilld 111, .11 :"xi inc BCGS lull of tit \lint\ piacc\ in 11, c 1.1ng Iunip Jiid in\L*n hit"lit an ,\nil*11"I in chati. Ing. ruti, , re*p*<111', I\. *1111c IIJrri*!it Law*., n Jul ,nUiLihitsiii of Yc", Ninc pi;1<. d .CLIiiiJ in Inc \lull"I. ,h w* 11"! in^, itN " 100S 511.1pui. itchyt. u R, it"it\*1111h\r\I ."xi BSI!S Jilting inc rel;Iy*. GranniiLir placed hi\I in lilyhjump. ,rid Chii\till* distillguj*"d jj*1111/11" \1.1"lip"\INjth Genjii*r I"I'll I in. platcJ 111ird in '11/1it*., 11n\t"1.11"IIJ\I\"tin. . illti, !, it In Tcliii. inarid H;Idgnin clJiiii"I rec- Tn* d*, cull* to " tit"e Nth Gull und place in inc 17 \*", inng lullip nw c1"111iiig h"nine 13I'lln will" in alld Kyni Fin"\, 11, "incd aihirJ in lite >gin \g* Chinip. "I P*nil"its oral :11 17 ve"r* di*cii\ Lulliii* ;"in. PEL"e ton', 1'536. Sinn!* Tile IIJc!. *\*ni\ *hu\\cd 111.1 N*\I\*:r I\e Mill b, bJ*I. "Id will nil Gr"inninr \,"s "d}naniii, " . The lire\" Ih!\ \*Ir'\ tort , 111"L "In e\Flu*I\e reri',, rillnii"* h} Genrei" 11,111,111L. Ih* I"*3 Pre\id, n! ,I' inc QOSSS, \. will in\c inc ,, ITHwuiiiay. 10 Ie<"1111*1:13\r* Jiniii. 2nd: 3001/11 L". ill, SII"p, I'd: I I},* 1500nii. Fretn:it cosSS, \ lint 1.11h* mum, 10 Kai;ICrine Dorn, } 12nd' 14\I\ Suni .Lii '11/11, lit. ."pL. ith




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State volleyball




championships 1.1



JO Larsen

Grammar girls Ih spyt^^ed voice at the Interschool Athlelibs

0111/1c in!11.1nd 111h, 10.10h:, jilt Sinic UiS \,, IleyhJll Ch, Inni, 11. *111p\ Ilere held in Billid, here. h wilt I eru*11iiig vetkcn, I. CLP*tinll\ liner Ihe I\\, I \Leek 411' Sepiem!, cr 1101i-

Queensland state sehoolgirls' rowing

Christine Peel and Rachael Slamford

^'jin socks up. "10hes oiled and d. I}*. bulllie "irisjwrfunii, d*\Irentel} lielm, 15 pack"d. the grade S. 9A and \'.*11 \\illi Kuie Kilp"incL rind DC11i 9" softballteams were prepared for \\'illiJm* b*illg ticci, it in inc 51;lie compeliiio, L't1,151heyruu, ,daisnuth L'I S SIIu, U. rinih .irl\ :Ire to tic tnn. BrisbaneSonh"11, \socialinn's fields ,rni"1:11, Ll r, r 111.1r '11/1rt\. an, ! arc at Carina. in a siC"my rour dmy \\. 1.11. U Ih* 11.51 or incL mr ruinr* competition beginning onine 26 Or- in:lull*\ tub"r our in ICni, "11cwimjmn*in gmut SPORTS BRIEFS S. cu"clicd pro1C\*I'm all} h\ kin


Amy warren and Virginia Jay. SIIe Tanks also deserves to be who achieved Ihe outslnndi"g re- connraiul"lad. Noi on11 did she

JO Larsen

HJrvcv-Shun :ind Rch*cc" in Ih* 'hi, ' uric ,;I, e\cni< in nit Rin, ,!reldi. in"ring*d to recur* ,q, IJ! Q. G. S. S. S A. c. ,1111, *Ii, ion. B. G. G S and ticrobics clanqe*lieforeilie, lead 150hel R", 510n and MIChelle Rigg Ih" Rivcr. but sh" also managerI to Ihirdj"*111un. Tint, .Ichic*cd "n "J*c- piuc*d Ihird or hairer in illl. fit. one "rimc Rivcr. iris not 5.1rprising that \, ho came in 111ird in the sanie race. \Iin in the sinnle sculls at the slute *. lint" r*PMi"11,111 by h*Ji!rig nin*I Jus ,\ *ni\ are TR. \CK AND FIELD. nt"51 or Grammars rot, ers rinisli"d As Girls' Grammar has only d". tints n\er a nruelling gunm. She \ch!, ul*' :lith rival. rin\it. In. SI. lit CROSS COUNTRY. S\\'IM\11NG seter"I Necks anti. F1\e tiedicnt"d teloped rowing within the school n, usI also be Iha"ked mr leading Hieii Sclin, 11. E. G. G. S. dulliinni*d Ihi' and RH\'THhl!C SP, IRTl\E G\'hl^ girls. 110we, er. 9th fired Iheir Sep- in tile pasl two years' this is and Graniinnr rowing Ihr""gh its firsl Uniiing I\1111 ^^ri, -ithu \!I'e nil\ to 111L ternher 1101idnys and went on to "*c"Ilentachiev"merit. The coaches ,air. for Mill, out 11"r cumniitnien, VASTICS IACQLIELY!.; B\YLISS oriick a Irain for Ih" Stale Schoolgirl till CS ni"ql atqo helma"ked for Iheir eon- and the enorni"us lielp from par. ripp, *111.11\ I\, uuq, vn Th, "*\p, ri. liced" ,r"d, ,\ kin\. Ibr Konicn in *run by L, 11/11" .I hcld at \Vi*""nor Dant on Ihe 23rtl Irihulio"s. as without them the gun"I enis. doing so well in Ih, first tom. IC. 1111 rerlurmed rcmitrk"hl\ alld tin1\ 11.1\ re. ,r, illili, clean ;"IdlerL. lifting 111.1 slime nt"nth of Grammar as a strong rowing petiti, re yenr would ne\erli"\" been Congratulation* niu*I go to .choul would not be possible. no'sjhle. W'inn so many' Iranining sessions SUIt of first in inc ulS pair. and perform brilliantly at Ih" Head or

run 11nluc!.} Lit**\ prt\, nitU 111,111 5:11. =. .ind di*runnrding Ir"Jiii, n"I iru 11,111 inking nun Ihc preiiiicr*hip. The ;is, . "I'I'm11.11 **,"lid piJC, jilt* r*ncL'I* their c, 11- \RTISTIC G\ *INASTICS c, n- *I*1.11t\ " 111, } ;1.11ic\ed Ih, willC 11niic*in h* " '01/1iii"1111*11.1. .^\1111iii a~,* 01 Ihc nil, cii. ,, 1/1/'11ii, In\ ;I\Jil p;in, tiltnii, ,11 111 111" c"in I\ill Tilt} nJd .Ihl, it^ 111^^illn. *:I\ c"r*. lit, uru"". .tm , dintuli 1.1\,.. ,., 111p:ling ;13.1n*I \- Ihinc, 11* 111.1c*L! tillh .. riw!it, ,111 1.1Lii- :hid* *I"c* 11,111 allotli*r *ch},!\ hill IC*11 Itc. I\I, .11\. Till\ in, IUJc, 11\, 11ni 111"IIJg. Ll in **curt .inc Mill inId 41h- pint. in. * 1,111 *1,1111i jin. 111un H. ., L*\ '11/11, r g"*\I .p*"ker Tile I"ur Un\ c"in I\ a1. 111.1 " n*,\ TR \CF\' BE!. RIN. rclJieJ 111;In\ in 11/11/'11\* ., 1111, q G S. S. S. \.. *"\* 111e itr, *1111, *I, ric* 11,111 111* B"itchi, I tingin. 11 MICn\e un. I JJ\ '01/1/1*111i, 11 01\ nipK\. ,Inc .11' which 11"" 11, c trillr* runlJced in to\, ur o1" ni, re d, \ cl, ,p- 11 milen ' \ 110.1. ,} ICJjj, r, Ihbin. . \huul^ Incni"I colic*,,. After Ih* I'"12 ,r!. IC del\ IL1111 CARL LE\\Is * "rid U \*fib"11 cami\"I. Ih* ant. ,ci"- BROOKE in Strutiiib*r 11un ticci""J to rc\eri h"ck to jilt \THINSO\ \*J\ IIJ"lad " tin"11st in c, lid, n, e, \*, 1.11. niucli 111 Ihc di\- jilt Clinnn*I7 Junior Spyn


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An under 16 crewin training

Page 8 GRAMMAR GAZEFrE, Term 41992

Pantad by Sunshine CongL N", payer Co Pry un

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