Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1992


Space camp U. S. A I 992

rind Engineerill. . Truck. \\'lien we \\*re 11.1 all loseilier wc \\ CT* being

JO Webster

On Ih*in\ith, ,juju. uricmi three. iruiiieJ Milliin the Incks for nur fuel\c girl* irum }*, r* Ien. cleveii rind VCi"11y role* forthe vimul"I'd mis Iv. el\e. attom, "inied by hli~* SIe\en\ kinn\. welladi\\'tilt^o-110urmis\ions ind A1i*MCAd", I. "ninered"lint rin*- JITJ one Iwelv*hour mission. On hint aim, n ICJdy 10 heniii ILLo w"1.5 the\e missions we were situai*I in ,rholida}*illthe USA. Hating\\nil*! one Drillree :Jans:111e mission ONm in alliicipaiion for moilUis. niany of us lion conirol Nom. wliich was Ih* 111und jihad !* believ, 111"11hcii, 11.11;Id "round conirol: Allaniis. Ihe orbiier conk, 11. r u\ to haul tile plane und ny nr Ih* \pare 51.1i, n. We 11nd many hall-*:, y ai, und Ihe \Lurid 10 untillier Ieciure*"Troughouitheweekand were c"niiii*1111, errshenc*, lie or Ihe mus! ;ithle meritrien, :eiiiesiin"lainrs. .lie e\tiling 11nliUa^ camp* evei. : Space or\, hiclialln\L'cd us 10 e\perlcnce a Acridcin> 11. S. \. Antr alitiui 17 hour' reeliiig Ihai was like walking o11 111* uii pi"ne\ LLC 11n"11\ :unLCU un Los 11,001i. Suine, 1115a1, o1eamiin <11h, di\.*. 111e clu, CSi 11/1/13 on Earlh to a Angcl*\ H"ving IIJd ne\I to 11, \icep LLC 11n"-gritiiyen\. Ironnieni. Allhee"d \.. cr* Jll it*11n, , " 1.11 inc \,, ur* 1'11r urn" 1401k \\e gradualcd Froni our we:IT. I. Li: LLC \\CT"ticcJ t'11/1" fulld"\ cniir* al, *"Ll or u\. \\* .. er* nick*d up tomi thrum I\elJ"\\' 11. it Iris UnR10 go unr hotel i" Iiiti, I"\jink rind \., r. ui\ cii I, tnn, :kin. hint^gulk lruir, inv*\, e \\err ainur, I 111e H, 111\ MM. DC\ "11 1,111* tiltre \qt LLC". to th* Errti Centre 01. ""\tvkl. lire KonRdy Slitt Cen- UTC. ! till Ihe u. I\ I* Liiiit ,,;11 Sill. 11n\ \litr\t\'riding niu\1/1/'11i* dn:In uniig Ir, .;"winl, t41nc. tile"galm. init=, IMF Lliii\*r. ;!13u"in\I\. L^\CTCi, I. till. 1:1 pills ' nonl"titi lull evilau, ting mire ""'lining in"11 \\ hlvli "~!.*d uiic. nilil} '11/1ii;11 11,111. I", fin, ill\*51n, pi, illsiuiiii \\* iru bt all in a. I. "xi, . ,ul t, trim\ R\ 111,11ni. LLC .:rri\*. I an full'11.1, I \\ c INCL'irui* un\\ in 11n\\;ui FINil\. Jilt, u crc .111 I. ,, d\* inr J cullp1, .11' day *' \.'. unL VCI, Iuq It inI \Ie IE\\k, I \VC \\, 111 u tit* hJ"11. \ei a", n did Full" Licep Hull". rU"Ik'tillkmiiii, \\e11.1, .ill .!krillng. ,with irur fiiial iii. hint 11,111 lvi*111 .ukl *"I\. real\ to k\I\* I. .\. .un=I 10.1 Ltuu Fr. "lithe L, inu Me Ichingii;Nay b, gill, ". Ir \\"I. 11 Sri"* A, *. kill\ Ll. S A Tni~ \\;, " Im*\ill-"-jilttiiiw , \ith- 1.1*11.11"IT nigli!. and we *itni, re re\I cik\, "ui lit, t, of " *ill, \, r "*. ei. \\'I, I ticn"*111"indri un tintj""it, . in ILi\\, u! it\:"I " *I\ 111 "N nullm* ;ukl Ik"re. \\'e unitkl hat in Bn*bark. fini*kU " I'll " 111::hi. it ILL e\inni*I\ eULiu~!*IlviiclJi".;ukl"link"Flu*I CAIuu, in" hill ,\tn hii winh\\hil* \VC 11r",",\, OILteL* \Leico\. tradUtii"it LLCn, diLid, diniuilir" dill. reinsruup*. re\!"y\\e\\, 111d rutc* again h, b:"kill ACro*p;"c Truck. Tcchn, logy. Ti, ck KIN, I Behind the ' Dawe' On Friday. 301h 0.10berDr Bruce language provides. " This \uns one or Dawe. actomplislicJ reel and leather Ihc toriimenis Dr D"\, e ntnde \vlieii of jiltraiure. came 1,111e *chuo1 101alk discussion fell on 11i* co. Iry. I{c also to girl* I'Dm years 9.10.11 and 12 coniinenied ithai when it canIe to in ribnui his writk and lire e\runenc**. spiralion for his work. he was in in inc riflenio, n a vinalI ginLip, I year debied 10 allih* neople who pro\ided I is and 125 had 111e pie, sure or him- hilli willI 11i* subjeci niniier. and gale ply titauin, I\iih Dr Dawe ah. ui 11is u* an id*a OIL\ here AUSimlian meIn v'ork and anything el, e Ihai callie un \vJ< at Ihe mirinieiii Ni in all. 11N arithico, I \\t* \. my DiscLissiu" varied from the 51n 111<-crimeiousness or wonien Ihrough emuyable Jul a' in\\t bon eniemii*I 10 'pop'-


U S 4:4


W"EEK # 38






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rospectiVe astronauts and aerospace engineers

Youth in Business


produced recycled paper und act" ally made a profit

Taryn Bums

Bri. balle Girls ' Granmruar School is on* or only Iwo illde p. nth": schools in Qu*ensl, lidiak ing pan in 111e National Pro^Ci 011 Ihe Qualii} OrTcacliiiig and Learn Ing The School it's se, up a learning ce"Ir* Iaciliiy. SIu dulls Dpi o111 o1' out or more lessons in on* or niore subjcci> a we. k to pursue all indiVidU ally negoiiaied N. E. \V. Prqeci N. E. \V. is an acronyiii Tm' Ne gotiaicd Enierprises welcomed A group or graJc nine 51u dcnis 15 analysing Illness levels and designiiig a Link way. pro gram. One grade Ien 51uU*ni is wriiing a play Language Flu dellis "re creating new clash

TlieeLurerie"Lets rin"duration al Ninety-, linepercenioflheschool would he unawareihaise, eralY""r and tvorlliy one for anyone who is 11 silldents spent eight n, untils or in Ier"sledin a profession connccl"d 111is yearinvesling grenl inter"51 in will, tile busiii"55i"dtislry. Janelle ec""Dinics and business. Y"un" Palel. part or 11/@ "Golya Good" Achievement Australianis in cliarge venture I'llh Hellie Scro"ing. sold of hundreds of coinp"nits 111rougli- personalily Dois. Janell" coin out Australia whicl, are all run by n, enled on 111e hurl work required for inc operation to be suecc, srul. Year 11students UV inking rid*antage of this on- but believed tile skills learnt innde porrumilyit allows students joltarn the work ,vorlhwl, ile Krilliryn Purler. Managing Di- about the business world. Setting up and running your very own reg- rector or "Yureka". ,vitli Lisa isleredcompa"y. alongsidea"nther Primery. 1,551ca Colloplia and 11i thenIy keenYearllstude"Is. makes jary we510n. sold r"cycl"d paper it possible to e\PIOre new avenues Kan, ryn. wli0 11nd 11/@ OPPurtunit, and to experience what eeonomie 10 hath establish and liquidate her companysa*55he"ouldliighly rec turni"il is all aimul Tlte unthusiastic respons"s urumend jilt e\PCrie""e to jujur" from tile parlicipanis or 1992 pro- interesied Y"ar 11stud"nls with such POSili, e r'spnnscs gramjust prove now suec"shiulilie Young ACliie\Eineni Australia con- 11nrot's YAAisa "profitable" pro cent really is. Taryn Burns. Mall- grini for all inv"IVCd rifling Director or "En viro, I-Ya"

,\. ,

moni resources

The N. E \V. pro^Ci will hc

big NE\Vs 11*\! y*ar

is it "in" to be thin?

innn, o1 us nit 111ei* \Litn a. Iuall}' un!} May 10 In\e weiglii. Rcally it " a way. or de

JO Larsen


The '01/11nuniiy 100 al*, t alitci* sini"Iy starving your*if you ,radu- h It nor sir"rige 111"I 111e leen", ers ur today, \in re 10 11n, e Ih" retirei 111c way. in which \\t see our*e!\CS all> bccoiiic more andninrcl*!liarsic figure. Every. wh*re Ih, re are piciures F, I inc boy do\\ " Ih* \Ircei you hn\* and in tile wnrs! possible sc*rinrio you or Ihin. bony girls or lang*. 111uscul"r 10 look like Ell* us >, u casually ion could aid up dying. Bing, eaiing it Ine". Tele\. Ision. niag"zine*. rim\- IN\I hi* iruni Urutr in leggiiig* and a an niber \\. ay inni girls Ihink Ih, y can its. s"iaicircie* and clothiii" shojt\ singlei. ,p. Fui. Ih* girl"Ih* Nith 1.5e I\cighi ,11 alit. 11h* \v"y in willclii*en"..*r*. \o11 h"\* to hn\e a lady Iik, Tom E"!ing Inn'sIte amounts. or 100.1 und p;Inicul"rlv \ruincii un guitnil. CFui\. in litkin1*11.1n\. 1,111inui a \hilt rin, I then ICcling guili\ n COMmun 11iding 1.1ur IIJ, inI"in, \I'm, ch Jnd intr, rule Lullii!ing Ih ribnui 111* ~, e 111emhcl\*\ \n. ,111er. ."11rihuiing Incl, r to 111* o111\' \. J\ 111"I tin\ c"n riJ 111em<, I\*\ Tile nicdia 15 one ,11' Ihc 111.1" toriirihuiing rat inI\ to nit Irl, ., Ih. 11 jut. I 11n!I h, in, Ihiii n "in". I* 111* ,,'11/1*gulli. \"niliing. 111,111gh. c"u. e* \\J\ 111 willcli '01/1* .. I 111e Ll. \i*ner let!11 dct. I\ IIJc"u*e .I' jilt regurg" lieing Ihin h Ih. on11 \\;I\ 1.1 g. , Ne\cr do \\* *** piL!inn .ir1\ o11 .1,111iiig \11np\ will 41nl\ \lit;. \IEC\ init, "ciJ\ tr"in 111* \1,111. "11. Tecili BC\*rlv Hill\". .Ir nil ""\ nilicr *1,111 to rutl\ *. Tilt} Unn'! with big \\111 gri I'll",' and hr, \111. hJd hreJ!11 re\uli\ ;111d 11u rin* Nil \,. Jni to I. ",\ pro"1,111,111ii. ,lull, *IIJg, r* ,\cc, rd- it, 1.1c in 111.1r, 1.1hc. ,,. jilt\" 11i* '11/11i\ Incdi". und \ti"I 11\re ing to leicvi\toll .inJ Ih* 1110\re\. 11 \ *u \\'C IIJ\, to JUL. up rind r*, IiZL you I\, ish ni, r* Ih"n nit -11\t kiln- ,. 1'1h* rentL. I figure Ih, ! it. I, \ Lullic" gram\ and 11n\* \lightl> lang* Ihigli\ in J:*:ing Diciing ith"I in, ,iru*inIC* a Ih, I \\* Jn: 11ni Jll I\. rn rerTeci. rind i! IIJ* lie\*r hecn initn. ICJ in be 111.1 VCIl hill"11c*d *, ling prosr, ni , ;:I Ihen \,, u arc . \L, ciJl ,uica\I Mas" rin, \ "I. n tnn!ribuie to Ih* IU*a "I tilt richi. but 11 i\ nit c\IF, nit\ \ucli us w"\ \\'. in. I\ e in it\*Kurue ,ur nit lierleci badv. file 111*1.1< in 111e lislii binge cmiing und Limpl* *IJrv"lion \,*\ion\ willI Inc "PCrle, I bud} "lid learn 10 acc*pi ourselves Ibr \"ho cluihes and swimsui!s "re it jinosi 111.1 do 111e Innbi dani"gc Man\ tills by lie\c Ihaiihi, I\ Ihe we are. rini how we 100L grossl} Ihin. and in reality. how


coC. ^ corn^ BC^marLn^ an^> ^in TV

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nun^ AM^ maru"^ ERP^,. DoD^AM^ Uria^ mm^ ,x^ ', LAl^ Rana un' '

Page 7 GRAMMAR GAZETrE, Term 41992

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