Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1992


The -'arts'.'^'in --review

instrumental and Voeal awards for fine!y tuned performances Froni tilt 5th to tile 23rd or :1150 to lie "lade in in is citricer, Orloh"r. tilt .\rinu"I us. G. G. S. with tomit, e"!. like. .'The instrunicntal;,"d \utaiConip". nullers 10nk VCr: nice" from Iiii"rig LLCr, c""tested. Thcse k\111 warnker. Mir "Tint. ten Crimp"11/10/13 arc an opportunity 510n is 1110u", ing; the for individual In"sin"115 within ridr"n"Iin is 110\\in"". frum inc school to perforn, as sol"1515 Miss, \rine lilac. \*I. ill. the con orin groups. itrid Millininre tnn, I cert began 1511 SI"deni* '01/1peiin" in rir- As inc adjuUic",",'. "Ir Fret"r teen talegorics. Ihe sinndni. d was ROTke. troll, the L. 111versiiv Dr sure 10 he 11igli Southern Queensland. slated in 11is willI some 111inur 11iccups '10sin" runi"rks. the Butsary could 11nng 111e \, a3'. the suctions \+eru 11n\e been a\larded to anv of ill" adjiidic"led antl Ih" ITin ners permrin"r*. Once rigii, I. congratu niln"uriced. Congratulations ai. " Iaiions to innilippn V, 'esl for win di, e to 111" winners or each sec. 11in" Ih" R. T. and A. re. Jerrei. i's Bursnr^ and to F1iilipj, " Ahem for Senior Sirings - lielen winniiig lite \\'is!11 Meni"rinl Buthhaclt a. lednl Junior Strings - PIiilipp in closing. nth. R"Ike. und Mrs we 51 Hancock who Lump"red 11^e Senior \'tie"! - Mieh"11" Tsui "*Qiniii". said innt jilt .. netinl praise junior \'"can I - .\1111 \\:, rr"n 5110uld no! only go to 111" willner* or Seni, ,r kt\hn"rcl - SII"roll eat!, sec, ion. hullo t;Ich and "VCr* girl *, hn entered 111L collij, "tin", I Toll!Iu"it I 1,111i, ,r FC\lionrd . Fijilipp" last. hut 1101 lenst. " Ile"rl} tnniiL \her, I - 1011 to 111e skiff anti \i*iting adju Seni",' \\""allii"d - Cull"lit- ofica, ,IT* Milo g"*eii!, ill"ir milt, o rii"MPS"". San', 11 111 o11,111"11 lie part ui' 111i\ annual *Lent inni"r I\"riduiiid - Lintia SiCmn" Still"r "I', i's - !\LIT, \\ ar:, k*r. I. ""I, , Gi'"\,"11 Julnior Urn*s - 5:1r"11 Galhi. "jin S"nior I'err"s*ion Kym Smith 1.11eri"S Burs"it. tilt at*ard of Ihe wiglii I\I*"IUT;.! itlednl Iva 00 e

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Eve Wood

L, Oki". b".!. .. 11 IQQ G Ninju in' 11"\ ..*, 11 innju r. 1,111 jilt"I\ 111 Drillii;I Jn, Un\IL. till I 111, \c h*I". "A kiwi*uiiim hi*111'\ Dic. 1111" Till*. Ih, IJr ,*, ,,,, it, ,,,, ,, 1'' "" '" '' 11,111 111 r, \*"I \,"!* v"\ nil I in* bc\I \cli, ,11 11r, IUuc, inn n S h"!A~. 11c*if ' * . 1.1. *IC i ;:"Ll hrilli;in*, '11/11 \t. .rd uld 1,111\ Itc in;litli, J h\ 111 init"I 111 ill1,11'1\ In\,, I Ltd Tilt ILL, . ., unit\. 11cr"Ii, .inU L}*"rid*r. piJ\. d It\ I, n, C"mill. I\ "lid Leiih hitPlici\,"I unil I, till*ITiu\ Jiid 1.1*1.11". K, 111 \\'"rr"kcr and H*1.11 Chri\1.11\o11 art Ihin\.. 11 1111n " 11,111 "I tom'u 1.11 un, n Inc\ uiiL", vinal\ "ci 111\, I\*d 111 J Unin, \11C di\pUi 11^^\\ c*11 0h, run I A1 arioi WonJli*Jul. 111d Tii, nin IEminn R, 1.1"\, ni Puck I Cullin 1.1unieri ian\ Inc h"11 r, 11ini! nil. .ing ev, n nc 11n Th* toriii. J! xide '11/11* slur\ us rinrir"!*d 10 ii\ 11/11**I \\iih hii"11,111\ p, rinrmalit** bv Ihe MetliJiiicJl* Caroli"e hick1"1,011 K"!hrLit lit" 7.11. I: Ji':I Allen R"\*111Jr\ I-t*11. cll Ju" .tl Inc. \IT* Rh. Id <. 1, nl\ ,Id 111* Dr. ni. I dcpJri 111,111 11'* 111* \ind, ni 1.1*111 1.11: 111 1.11 \h*lie 111mut:11 ;I-. ,\*11 01 ,11*, 11.1^, ., I 1111\ .'.,"1.1 IIJ\ C h n. ,\,;1.1,11 " 11.1Li !it. I 11, *11 I', r 111 Sit, ,.'11 ;in" Di "111.1 \1.11. c*11, ,iJll Mr* killij. h\. .*11.1.111, ci*. I ;ill, hilli:!1.11 ..\*, J 11"lidi*. 11*,, pi F. tr Init* 111,111. Gill*' GINIiiii lid .11.1\ Uii~h"lit It 11.11 tit'r IIJd* o1 .inL1 11N 111, \. .11 11* ,\11L \*r, in\, lit, in \\*111.1. c, 11. "A \11.1< uruiiitr Ni*111' * Di*. 1111" , 11.1



I**. .,*






SUFnniinli Ileliiinn

Kara Allen



\\'an" junk in "I, third we*k ul thin!. wireii Ino51 o1 BCGS \v;" wining bitkinio tilt twilleginR *, ren ads. ILiUi wuhann, I. Res anal slums\Dires. incd, uif. minusic"I at Boys' Gnurui, ,I: 'Cornus Carruls is tile 510.3, of a yamg red-lit:,*d orpli"I Ixi\ in tire rune I"nth kmiwy. \\iru vial 10 SIMM nunigliiliichngin"*, killer*11n quenis. Dr Ban^. wiki foulkkd titl thanI. was 1.1rL'*I in runt ithn Nil haring of a ruk. Tire hay trim\ dial of ext\*Lire and his .Mill nunp!at Bamrd0 10 adopt lireiiioiiu "NodesInuiecli"dwi" h lefti"d armiiiiai". Naniti Just \vlro played tile re male lead. Sune. arxierglii 'oldrui 9,151imnGirls' Gritmiarsupp, lied a large BCS casi. An rvii in Inniy hmms ufre1""5.5in, rig. uniting anxi '"airsing' in lire case Dr "re Omit":s. Nanmi Lkdic"led a Id of tinre to rubiesulthigin \ twiti, f"" WINti\c multilli;uni Niomrukt lioni*i. e. inkc"!anal"1,112"rid limit alum' 01 lire social *id*. ILL. hith was dentinlv Iru, Innii\e Tor anv of tile participantsi. 11rephy\ms"verygood liras"., allite"ashfulre"e^^I aka. dpirui. pilli!. Farih. ". win Wit u"d 10 acting coqxiie mirer chi\it was an eiitidii*ingirew a perl'core: tire rendi kipwiinuq, 10 thaw tile 'the ridr tire Nigirisinvo!\"dinh, Floydunild be conureidyl on 11Nir wondrrfu! p*noniruic*s. lot as \\e all haw Carrots" wonld have been 1051 without them


Jesus ehrist Superstar

Trimmy rimck. Cuth"rine

Kntharine Willis on

Special mention niusi also be '^^tl\/^;I, ,I '''""'-wardro, violin. rhi, ,,,, for Piano. Philipp" Ahem.

Tlte Instrumental and Vocal Cuntp"till"ns CUIn, mated in Ih"

busy on Ihe keyboards. found an

Neomi Just

Eva Wood

When reference is niade to Ihe lostiher by 1.11in" his body. in 11"r- Last year 111e Music Depart. ocinmer I, here 111e winners or runsi memor"ble musical event or ticular his lie"d. 1101djj, e rjjyjhm or n, ent as well as eighty girls reach sent"r section and Ih" s .-

inspiring come 10 mind. This year Irisiic use or CUIouriiii!Ie conteri. As Val. Tliis y"ar it tvas a little closer was Ih, year that "Jesus Christ Su- wellas lite eye-calcliin" CUSIunies in to nome.


scriptions of 111e cuntcri. d"zzl*d by 111e srieciaciilar jinhiing. ni"rinr111r"" days off"11 reh""rs On Thursday. 2,111 October a willI DJrliculnr nieniinn ham" Inad, alS. Front the Sth 10the 16th went io Ihe conceri and were de- Tile energy and \. ibrancy was berm""vs'andGirls'Granimars or Oclober 19931he SIu

not many of us could understand. lei .. man or ino, em*inI" it all logcther and I assure you A RTS Fins TIVAL. 10n definitely made his presence alle\petiaiions of its skill and en. On SIInday. 13/11 August. at a drama evening and con known willI his strong. command- I'minnieiiivaiu, .and was definitely May"re Hall. it sPeCIUC"Inr and tinue with a variei af cul

Ihe be\I sets of vocal cords in Ihe Iwo encore penorinances in octo. the exp"rience educational and an arl SIIov. . 10 showcase beneficial as wellasliighly enjoy- the best school talent couniry and. boy. could we leil. But her and November In lent at "Jesus Chrisi Super51ar" Thi*just goe* to show. Ih. IBris- al, IC. Th e activities will c Ul

conductor \vliuse hands were often thirteen raiiu. matclied. Day.

Page 5 GRAMMAR GAZETFE. Term 41992

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