Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1992
Editorial Ref!eetions Th* IT"diiiunal r*H*cii, ", viml uric in lite *titu, i's deLeinp which are 111. \ii"hl* dui'illg lint nieii!. Since Ih, opening urine closing weeks nf jilt school yenr Coinmunicaiion* Ccn!r*. jailsu", e celllre priiiiaril} tin Ihe departur* ICaching JnJ Ih* coinpui*!' ~..*leiii o1'1he Seniur student\. Th* '11/1n*- 11"VC pinvid*, n, \L \kill\ and Lip pilere Jind 1011* or Ih, \cli, ul I* purluni!I'S 111r \111d*rut. 01*pi. I\*" ,reall\ run"uric*U b\ Ih, '11/1ude* 1.1 Ih. I'ii*111meilie nut Incliiii, . alld lendcrshij, "I' Ih*\e girl. Earli LLCr* 11\eUi* ticin*11.1, "it 111,111*11 ..'car J lie\\ Jiin*11\Iun I\ added 10 \innJard* at 11i, \, d Ihi* \*, r lit the 5,11001 11n"gc. Ir"tillin115 "re stud*"I. " nil \*"I IC\, I* Torni*d and tnniinued \\. mile Ihe 1'11, co"1111"nu* inu*it ni'n^ lead*r* o1'1h* <1uJ. 111 bout 1110uld 31,111. ,inb di\1.1"\\. Ih, \niri: and *INn, Ihe" Girl<' Groinnt"I ,f lint Or*"! DChJ:* :ind 111e N, *ingie *\cn! innniit*I. sri*'11/1g ni"ith*. ., r* J!! *\alit Ihe culliribuiiuii o1'111t \, n:, I sill^ pi, \ ,I 111, I, "d*r*hilt J", c, , denls ,I\ '01/1pr*hensiv, I\ J. ,ruin"Ii, 11 \\'1111 \I'll .I'd \Iu School Dnv Thc alleraiioii*. jin- Jcni< \. hith cli"I. it1.11*** lint I'm Veilieiii* and .I'd 11i, n. 10 inc Grainmar girl prosrani relicciiii* clianging nio*" in fulfilling Ihe Inti\I 1111p, , as Grainin"r initgraic* 111e 11ndi- 1,111 r, it nl School D, *. tip*"Ing lions of our 111.10r\ \Lith Ihc de- 111e \chuol LOT public .cruiin} jin, rimiids or 111c IuiLire. Scli, o1 DJ, e \111bi!ing UUT gri"13 mr Ih* *ch. in I 1992 unii:1.1ak"bit repit**nicd Inc J"d Ihe cuminunii\'. Girls' Gram. uiiique *pirii or 111i\ }.,"I. mai' e\celled in 15 \tnr. Our A Ten*\VCd ciiiph"qis o11 Ihe ."111, \ eiiieni\ in all Iicld* \.. er* ;111 academic and co-curlic"1:1 DCT- piaudcd nild titcoui'"g, d n, I 11nl\ formante at Grammar provided all 101' inc de, clupiiieni ,I indiLidu CS, ecially impres\INe series o1' di, - als b"I Ihc also inr co-, perilioii pin's. Titer* was terminiy in, churl- and unity ciige"der, d will11n Ih* age 1.1 \up For!. d*\"iic the inde- , ^ * @ % ,. . I I ^ ^ I NIOWCC. 6\@. 0. ..- \. . o *. U' ,,^,,,, (^; RF. ,, ^ ^ Snap O ^ ITS AgA!, E ..,,*^^*!, I , fy", J:, :;:," " I 444 Fly\& ^ ^^^ <:1 Letters to the Editor and other contributions Tilese should be submitted 10 1<1'1siineCooke CL 3.01 Resource Teachers' Room Ph 831 1300 Deadline 15 Ih Ilyl rch 1993 Camera readv artwork should be submitted to Paul Benneii CL 2.05 Coinpuier Staff Room Articles and letters- on computer disc PIiotos- with nanTe and contact Editorial Committee Editors: Naoiiii Just and Johanna Sing ETica Dunsian and Jo mrsen Sub-Editors/ Sport Sub-Editor/ Arts: Kyni Sinnh Sub-Editor/Features Taryii Bums SIIb-Editor/Design Eva Wood Paul Beniieii and 1<1'isline Cooke Staff Consultants The newspaper committee would like to express their appreciation to those who encouraged this new endeavoLir by purchasing advertising space. We would hope that our readers will support those who have supported us Page 4 GRAMMAR GAZEFrE, Term 4,992
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