Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1992
Mer!e Weaver Awards
uudience as 511e targeted o11r PCIiii- Sopl, It Lee Ennuid be Prime Minis Ier" wasn't 1,510n h1,1111daTaylur's
modern woman 11a* changed Ih"I idea. and Ajison proved 111is coini 11nve dwell solely o11 Ihe tnncepiili"I a woman's place is in Ihc hunte. 111e
Angel" \Vilson heralds a new day 10r Junior Mene weaver 011 3 Novelnber. bluebiids. eru^ perurs in pink 108.5. cavemen. van
Johanna Sing
Kym Smith
Cara Swann wins the Senior cians anddiploniais. Our capable Head
Girl. Cainilla \Vainwrighi dellly pre-
Merl" weaver contest 1992
o115 colonred exotic animals and has- on "Birds urn funnier flock logiher". collviiicingly sled Grammar girls look over lite Wiih Ihe pecking older of Girl*' and
Some of tile begi public speakers senied lier compelling Drilloii un
The i'si speaker was Najasha
Boys' Grammar bluebirds analv"d. Stirling of Oninih. speakin" on in lite school galhered tin October 15 "Abortion". challenging 115 10 re- Audilorium file c\eniwas not. ashrs!1110uglii. Ibis speech proved Ihni rini only do 111e lopic. "Thougli your enenty for the Senior Mene weaver Crimpe- evaluate 111e issue a great excuse for a masquerade ball. birds cluster in groups. bui Ihc same is seen as a niouse. waicli hilli like jinon 1992 Seveii year twelve 51u bui. was ill fact. the Annual Junior phenomenon occurs un people also. a lion. " Noi only did Najasha denis provided inIeresiing and In- May. cnihralled studenis and sinn Followin" BelinUa was Kale $110\v Ih* e\jig o1riva!ry. bui also loonative cnienaiiiiii*ni for all 111.5e \\, ith her description of 'The Pencei Mene Weaver Public Speakin" Coin Boyfriend" and Victoria Shension. 's EruiaiTt of O'Connor. proLing Ihai 5110wed the 11nnsiiion or \, arious lucky enough 10 be preseni petit, on discourse about 'Tlie My 51eries or Congratulations to Cam Swann Angela Wilson or Gibsoii henaii "The simple 111ings in lire are often red coloured amiiiial* around a the competition. with a speech in^ beller". With another Inspiring lagoon maruely. an elephani. a from EnglandHn, iseforwinn:rigwiih Lire" was built interesting and rel spired by the proverb: "Tomorrow speech. Kale snowed Ihai even lite Phanioiii. a redback spider. a 11- her e\cepiinnally challenging spyecli evanl Allihe panicip"mis prepared coll- is a new day. " This spyecliwas noi rimst obscure pasiimes ntay bring dif- gcr. a frog. an ticiopus and a wi!d on "Honiosexualiiy". Cam also kept 11/11/3I into o1her colours. This of 111e andieiice capiivaied willI lier iru- scien!jously fortliis daunting 1.5k and only inntiv"lional. hui also huinor- rer*ni people PIcasure Next was F10na Crawlonl. repre- cou rse related 10 0u r school promptLi address: "That beauty it in 111e quality or Iheir conteni and pres- uus wiih analogies Inade belwecn a ,111aiion was impeccable bad day at school Iwhich was hell- seniing Hirsclil*Id. wlio spoke on the lionses and was a great \\."y to end 111e eye of the be holder' jutslb^ ^itsd lit ^I or 110usly made worse by slaining a proverb: "Wli, 11 un Ruine. do as 111e Ihe compeliiion All Ihe coniesi"nis lienoruied jin it w"* dimcult to choose a pressi"ely. inlegaling comic relieTinio it" cming"ban us 'dyad*e" vitae IRU blue lie pumlc with Iiimus solution I Runtans do". Noi only did we find anti niakin" 111e jujure beller For eve- oui Ihai Roninn elm"run onLe \\, re win n*r as 111e competition was so sonie serious is*Lies and creating skil- Gut hadyii at. fond it "11eyii"jinx, nunre, cenipiiik i. e. s. anti Ray-Balls. in lens* lieiwe*11 car1,110use. a Incl '11/1yiinnic .peerlie*. Irishd Hadgrafi's am, e UrnJs au aimLtitoi1" 91N"JP- ryone The ne\I speaker was nameiie hui also Ihai it 15 necessary to try 10 willch was coiniiiented upon by analysi* of "Enibarra*sriicni" was than'. hlr<. Raini Allatumi \Line on} hawson representing En"land. who come 10 tomis willI differeni cullure* line gue*I tidy"dica, or. Dr. Maure*n 11"riicularly i. .. IUT"live and I. hil, smutwadp!::L"xiydrhualLLkcsgn, Allkin. now"ver. Iher. had to be " EnimJ Robins, 11 pre*eni, d tile lopic UN gilt, "ithbyulmus"xi\\*It*. ed 5110kc o11 lite proverb: "Th* night is when 11nvclling WillI a 51Nccii inspired by inc \"inn. r anti coll, r"1.11niions to Ihc "Tli"I 111e *ycs ai'e big, *r than 111c pitt rini forever". in a Inure serious fin\ ,, ar' s coinj, tnnuli conadiily sitecli. Harrieile concernimied on 111e proVCrb. "A career worn"11 wuuld winner. Angel" Wils, n. and 10 Ih. hail>" willI rifleiiialiiy und confideiice Einin" "I" canI'd " spycial ni. 1/1/'11 jusli!dad rolli, or tilt re*! Boarding House improvements bring wereome comforts ", ^. litlin. in lu'': 11.1\ 1.1. .\ CLI I. , 1.1^^ * 1111 '.., u r 111.1i"* :-! 1.1ui* " 11.11 .111.1 11.1\111, ! jilt *.'11/11\ .11 till*I. *.\- it t"1,111u""r \*.!I 1,111, ,ICviii. 111,111 1.1'-IiL* vim"\ I\110 cull *!lid, \, Iu .111d ..:.," .pill in 111, ^*..:!.!!". 111.1i~* jin. ,Li. 11 111. . '11/11\till ItJri. .. I \, uj 'Flit r. . *ni ith, 1,111, ,11. ^ ^I 111. ^1,111\, IIJ\ , 1.1. .\.,!.,, I " neti it. ,. 11.1". \I'm I 't'hikiling jilt. hUi .11. ,. 111, "\ :111.1bil, I> ui ,1.11,1,111. ,\ \. 11.1 IIJ r*\!!litd 111 ,, I ticli I. "hill, * ,, I 111, .Lit, .11 111.1.11} It^,:I I. ,I 11~. '11/11/3 F1+'!I I'm. ICU .I .. 1:11*, 111. \ .11 it, 111L' \IL I. ",\\ Slit, F1 IIJ\ 11, ,! I"11, " I. ^ 1.1"\ .I 1'11L' L \!, 11.1\, 1.11. .\ .111. ,"* I'llKli I, "I"L, .I Lintiii. ,jilt Lu1,1.1, \ .lit 111.1.11 r. ,it 111 tit. Iru I. .1.1nl*r. ' 11\.\ \\'1111 it\L I\. 14. *lit. 11 I 11,111,111 .Inu ICn- .It. 111\ '11/1, ,t. 1.11^^ h\ 11,111i jilt \In. 111. . L. ,!111* 111. ,11/1. .11/11 ., I *it. Iriiii. Litiii-. .111.1 *1,111 111\-1,111*it. T!it tilt I- ,1.1ki, 1/1/1111, * I. . *11r. I. .mini* run!lit"111.1,11. hit, . L'. I\I'LL " 111.1* Tlic .. tit, .;I ~ith 11 ,. I inc h. ,. lidin. 11,111i, I\ all. I .., 1111. ,, 11n. Tilt^tri\. k\ ,, I' jilt 111*1.11 L11th!- tilt Ir, .1111"111 11.1~ 1.1. ,11.111 ;I, \. 111^^ 1.1 t1, .. 1.1, ,\ 1.1, ~ 111c =ill\ ". 1111 J =re. 11*r Dr. ,Lli"* I I I*1,111\ . 111.1, it at 1111h ,11,111. L'I, ,.,:"Lciiir. 11.1,11:11*Ir vinJi. * '11/11m. 111* .Iu", n1. .. 111J 111, ti. 11nd, I N ,.\1,111\L'. Tilt *itLi, iLli, .111n, .I"ridin* it\ jilt 1111. lit**.* IQ, 13 '11/1/1, \*in I, , 11.1\ .11\,, " lit t. A1,111,111 *11,111 *, 11.1. I. * .I I\, iruiiiin. \, Jr in I " 111, Nulli\ - 11 11. I. " ..,.,,! ILtill I. I. , .111 it, .it, *r\. J IL ,!I .I\ it*1113 \ cl Pit. '11/1^^' lull .. I '11/1*IJ"diii. .IC. jutiiii. it, ,!hit I. . \\Jl. , jilt un 111* 11Ninin. - .111.1 ~it, .111n, .:.'!11, t till, 111, .111.1 '11/1 I\., 1.1. I, . 1.11 \., 111' I. .I Mangol BOSanquet Tli* 11, n*111* it I' h, ,. in11n. ,, it, - \, in. I 111t .it1,111. I. ** ,, I' 11.1\In= cull ~ ~. '-,.,*" "* k, it".' ' I""' ?* . I. :- ' .. * * ., ... . - - .-... * ., I*. -':..-'I. "..'. _ . - . ....-.-. ~ * f ,,.\, . ...,... - ,... - . .... . .,**..... I .*. t*;**, ' . - ,.,. .. _ .., ,-, ., .,--- - .-.- - A". - -. . - ' "- -:;;;'/"*^" - **' , - ;;,.;;-.-.~. - .. ^- . ***t ".*\-;{ '11/1. :' *{;\, I, .;*.*..' ' 41.11:,:.:,,-.',,-* *- . . . - * .. j \\;. .' 11. ,. :.-~,\. ,-'~ ' ,:1, .\.,,.* *I;.:***\.*.:. '-::;4~I\.*;.~. I^. t ^\',.. . .\. *.:.- --;.;*'/\;,::...- * , . **' ' '''"**;^!';^;;:.: , '' "*,\'*,'--;{-.\:::..-\:-:.' -,,,* .., . . . *,'*,-~..: I I, I-. I : * , , : .. . -, ,I^ * * '-- . . - ... .,; ;,...,. I, ,* .J, *:..' ^ ' . . --- * ,. I ' ' "'.. ','.~\. .,*. - --^, -. * ,- it . ,, New arrivals at jinbii - the other earnpus Wilbur and Red "at home" ISP. $1udenis un Frid"y 301h DC- culling o1' " pig cakc. '01/11/1ci" '11/1 lob*r. The new inIv"Is \\CTe pan or 11ink icing and CUI, unul decor"11n"s 11rujeci< will it Ih* lint *ICp\ I* \", d 111e \Lid*r a, ricul!urnl rind a "11.11d* o11" an proaCli 10 IC, rilliig \Vhilc trimiruc!1,110,111c 1.13 pen pinti, led at tilt *chuol' \ niliCr cJni- was 111,511\ taintU our hv *Iude"!*. 1.11rllil* JCLelopiiici, I ,I Ihc prop 5,111e, ui*Ide help trolli. ,Iu"icerl. I- eri\ 11U\ \ un U" 111J:", uniin ,1.11;it. 111.5 Tilts year Fludeni< 11nvC ken Iher* and Imhil \jail tv". lie, ,**"I\ 10 alitJd\ reeli*~Ubli*IN. all"\Ling 11N at11vc in 111e conblriicliuii Or a I'mduce 111e milchiiig IOUclie* Till, *I\it o1' prosrJiii fur 1.5. P. girl. UN. ,"kmuiiii> in Nilc:p"IC min inui"her or buildiiig pro^Cis: jilt latesl tiling jilt cr, clion or a cun- \\as in111.1cd un ingO \vli*r* 111c girls nLmuniig urui** iteL\ Jul AC"Iual 11:1nc, ling of Irui* 11ad d, *innerl Jiid bum a "cli, *k tici* pigserv ."11, "'jin*, ""., allu\\ $1ukiiL To c*ichmie lis crimplciioii 111e Nil Tit, u. .11 Ih* proyCci 11nrl b**11 " I, S P studenis travellc. I in 11nbil itI' *LLCe\*. Inc in ill:11 I, cali, 11 *,\ tillI\ ,I all net* N b, it"\elv In\ u!\eJ in din*inni". itILine\."110 *nine in 11N lite nilicial rele;I* o1' Ihe pig\ ,, 111, nr. Ir\ SIud, n!s ithi\ \e;:r LiiiJcnu, ;. alit inlib ul UNir 1.1, "r Cclebr, lion* "is, 111,111ded jilt vim and Sue Lanham in\LOTr*Siting it In al, CulluiiiiiOrc c*1/1/'11, Ihi*I\IN, incli\11\ Two pigs. R, d and \Vilbur were we1.01ned 10 1111bil by }c"r *IC\cii 1111bil \I'll IIOP, Ihai 111, \* I^ BUYING SELLING or RENTING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ^. ^ Greg Dunstan Real Estate Cnr Maundrell Tce and Basneti SI Chermside We 51. a 4032 atomals Gre Dunstan PRIii IPAL CHERMSIDE WEST OFFICE Greg Dunstan Phone 10713501355 Mobile 0187272i8 NH 10713590874 Far 1071 359232B Comaci our friendly staff Pellegrini Old ^ 428 ^ Upper Edwaid Street Bamne. Queensland 4000 ACN 0,0339250 WE CAN HEER You with our . BENi, e range of Relisi, u, . Mugilonal and Crimpiie, BOOKS , Quality sekc"in of Chri, liari GIFTS 10, ,11 tier"ions . CANDLES of flume, ,us itch ,", colours Serving You Since 1890 OGOMMUNION and CONRRMATION REQUISITES Phone 1071 ^22916 Fax 1071 8327095 o REGALus .CHURCH FURNISHINGS Page 3 GRAMMAR GAZETrE. Term 4,992
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