Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1992

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Grammar displays musieal and aeademie prowess willI 111, sounds or choirs. or- ruii 111e AUSirali"n CCDii, my un atom chest ms. conccrlhands und smaller pmier prosr"111 Jn, 1110/1/10r 111e r* ens"Inblcs. the school dav injusic suiis Tile Eng!i. 11 Di*"lay. ICai"red o1 extra*ag. ,nan began. A rugsi or injusic, *"51incd up from Innid-In orn- all impr. ,51\e "riny n151Nd, ni \VCIk Ihn: rin"I\.. d Ironk*. plans nild runi\ ing to inid-"nern"011 Kym Smith 111eni. Senior Econ, :"IC. Lindeni* al" provided a clinn. e for everyone 10 ;::;* *J\* ~. * ? Funkarama Fellcity Yates

fit* 1110, kiln"Jic *\'*111 vincii 1.0k place on Stirrol DJy \\a*. uiiru. "ri"b1\. 111c s*cond Fooll, usc fl, nt, ,anit, fin* anI;ume NA'hire uni\ tilt Aunt uih< 11N. and "", erl by die Slit:11 R, pittiiLiu\* C"I"I cil. wits hiki thriftkri, nut IumL\ rin I 111ucli-n*C*:d \\"itr COOKi Ior 111. 11*\.. hidi"I A Hilli"\:L Culliiiiui, c"- Uut\ C, line \\I"I liel" fullt S:", I kl, I. "I :ukl FClki!\ \tire. . alle SPC c"IIJ S^:0.1" *1.41 I. J\,.;uJ* nthie\- ill. til'* *'"' Anat\1111. ", I\ ,IIJ innidml and 1111\ "Rink, " c*un* ,ui in full Ibrc* 111.1 *mill*d incir *!un ."I 111e leiiiii* twill* tit in, lulln"* on*". 1100/01an K\!it Millo, u*. Ne\\ Kid\ on rl:* BINl. .und tilt 11Lc 110\\*\*r. tileit w. . " \*I\ 11/11, .. nulli**. in 10r. 11.11 ~",. 41.1\ Jug Jul, in, T\\, I lit\I litiiik qu. *11\"indi, 1< trollii*, 11* Nitl, "Urni*111.1i* minJr*11*,! F1!nL '11/1/1J R, -\ anIJ Eijiil\ Fitit, 11 inI* tit\*r\ ing \11nner. 11 tit BC!indri \v"",;I anJ ECllie Siteiiig, \\!10. " "it *litl of tile chi\. were \\av all*;xi in INh tore\ ;"xi lullHn**

Groups 111,111dcrl in lite program SPC*inI nienli, 11 \11,111d b* 111J, * o1 11KluJe" 111e Iuninr and S*ni, r Con. Mr<. him her * \, e;ITcl, \ *n tin*< \1.11ich ccn DJnds. Siting Eiiseinhlc. Groin^ roof. u\er Ih, $1udi, inI. 111e day. un nia, Sinners. \'*ar 810 Cli, ir. CJiii*kiln ., rd, r 1.1 dellioii<11n!* IhuL\ and now Singers. L"Capelin rind \ aniuu\ Litniii- 1101 10 rimk*I , Lidcn Tli, I. .tu* n1' 111, nc", I'm it Lli\- her 111u*Ji Th, 11/11d it\ *I. 11\, toriiJiii*d IJn- a!cd bv \1,110r> to 111e *cliuol Tills Yenr re"mr*\included an coin- glinge .11\pin\. .111J ill* \ri Slim\ 111 bine, Sci""c, \ c\111hii. including Ihc libni, . \\hilt tilt *", 11.1 1.1*I ,\ J* h. 111d*-., 11 Ch*mist, ! c\Ingriiiieiii, . .I JCL. litJ to 51"c*11.111d Dr. 11n. I. \I. JiJ 111d 1.5. P. J*niliii. Ir. 111.1n* \, r\ inforiii. 111. * I. "*11\h 11rc**niJ Tli*\, C":linkli, 11'I. , ,\111.1jj, ,,. 11.11. , I\111 * SN*L'11 alld DrJiii. I ,I' MudCii! it, rk r*lire*,", ."I 1111".,_ PCIl, ,nilJii, ,. 11n Ih, 51;is, LJ\\11 The Gclinn"nil Bl, wl. houLed 11n- I"ni ti',**-\*cii*11 It I "tautiiiic Itre<51Ne displays by 111e Humaniiic\ adjicvcme"I. in jilt *tli"I Ihi, Lidr SLibjec!s. 1101ahly Ihe Hist, ry Den"11^ tnni Ihe y*Jr

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School day fun and food

Girls' Grammar dual debating victory

Cliiicliin" a second I'm in the our school's ami'mati, e case so \, orldr' to deerribe File's POSiii, e being TCPl"ccd by jilt joiner ease L tall: unbiased LLC 1110"glit is Iv"s ri, ."ed. " The inutunl goodwill for GreatDebaieS"rieso"SchoolDny. "Irccli, "I, . Negaiing Ihe tripic Ihc inni, encc as 111" """nome of AUS- curt"., in econon, } in Irc" fall Einin" Robinsoii. Girls' Gran, - I*hicli tile Grantmnr scltoolS are tile Girls from Granimar look ten- Brisbane Graniin"r team. Andre11 Imjin". Andre11 Rae. first sirenker knot, 11 \\as "lainl"in"d as Romeri Ire stone and deftated tlicir rivals Rne. Bell Elf hnni and Rober1 10r tile neg"lite ICUm. argued Inat Inar debating capt"ill reniphasised eon\incin"Iy. Since 111e Brisbane O' SUIlivan. provid"d a " ell F11c had aclii"Led slitcess for litr- Ih" nerd to create n, arkets abroad O'Suilivan conim"nitd anCF wards. Granimnr Open Day the S"ni"r A nial"hurl anal skilrul OPP"sinnn. Eelr anal Lis companies hut 1101 run' as MCIi as r"filling tile idea inni '\" n, "^ nave 1051 the d"bale hut leant Inns anti, ie, cd unprcccdeiiled Titis is un CSSenlinl elenienl in a AUSlrnlin. He alsn initiated an inI- junks are lint inIPOriniii in 5.11ing I, e sti" linte Eine" \ spreeinl\, ele"11/@ was extended consecutive tici"tics. provin" 111ai truly. CTe"I richale. in front or an Dorianiieani point. 111"I F11e repr"- products FinalI, Roberi O'Suilh"n con- 10 111" adjudicaiors, all e\-Gram- 1101 only do "Ien not do it incliti. tense crowd rin"I preparations s"rited all illduslry which is based but also Inert 5110"Id be n, ore Elles I, ere n, "d". including SUIne urgent on an image withoul a product. an cluded for Brisbane Granint"r by Inar debating stars. Jarqueliii" discussions with ill the Brisbane image whirliis sometimes hantiful. r"inforcing tnni it I, "s Elle's an. kinwbray. du\ or the school and in Australia will inc realL. MCPliersun siCP Drumnce and not lier intelligence formter debating captainjoined last "with L. MCPherson in y""r Grammar team rifler tin"rgency forward? Leith. whose id"ntity winicli sold pictures "f her ill indri- I ear's Head Girl. Emily Grailger leani you call'I lose. " Tins confi- changcs Tile CSSenc" of Ih" urnrmali\ e Inn> hn\ e lie"" almusl In ismkeii o11 liesi"n scener, . sending hug" prof- and former Brisbane Grantmar dent opening by Ingrid Had"raft tnni Elle the snowlields for innl of h"r ran- its 10thc Li. S. and tausii, " conflict studeni. K"11 Barns foreshadowed a second win fur argument was D"spite Ken's protest that incy Girls' Grainniar and a firm, firm Macpliers""'s thusiness acumcn. mons counlerparl. purlmyed F11e i" Australia \\'ith these it, " "it"ellen, tenins '\, cre all briberl by Girls' Gram- on the serie. . The "Kenjiig and patriotisn, and leadersliip were as someone Australia rice, is and a inc result .,"s ,\petted 10 he close. rinar". the unhaisedcrowd oL"r- highly enter jaililng etchange was needed on a larger scale to lielp \, it 11m or a trill-poppy allack Ncxi. Ben Eliliaiit. a year elevei, Howe. er. rcgardless or opinions ,, lielmingly support"d the dccision held on inc stage on Scliool Day, Australia aleve1"11 a world iden All participanti, s are to be the topic: thrillh"re 5110uld be minre lily. In arguing agrii"51 this the $1"dent re"rune, iai the lastmi"ute. or the topic it was debating e\per Files in Australia. Far froin quih- Brisbane Gramni"r leant used the asked two key questions: does F11e's lise \, hitli won inc Great Debate cuntmeiid"I on UVnaniic performi blin" over spelli"grules. bothle"ms theme: "111e looks industry is an intelligent" 11a\e anything to do for Girls' Graniii, ar and secured an e. g. especially our first-class win 11i"gleani"1105e cuplivaling dem- pitsenled libely arguments infus"d ridv"rlisi"g industry \, ith null, ing ., jin 11"r succcss? 15 5110 really r"p- tile Trails-Kanlinga A, " Clip Senior A deh"ICr. MCIind" urnsir"lion was one of 111e 11igli- reseniati, e or Australia? Soil, eliu. to sell. " will, aimple humour As an e\ample or soni, k"y Innrnus iru"g"s enierg"d: at 11ie\- Taylor remarked that "justice Mas Iigl, is or 5,11001 Day 1992 Congratulations 10 linerid Hadgr"n. L"ith AltPliersoi, and Imjints of contention. ingrid coin"d illg a ,, orld lakeo* rer throngh F11" done" tvliile sont" \, till a vested EITii"" Robinson for repr"sentiiig 111e phru*c "enlering line re. "lie calcn, ICrs rind tin" economic J CUI. \. e in ICres, said. ""11/10ugli we are 10- Johanna Sing



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Leith MC Pherson speaks out in the Great Debate

Page 2 GRAMMAR GAZETrE, Term 41992

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