December 1921 School Magazine






. Dec., 1921.

Among many interesting incidents in our torm life, one was the vielt to the Museuam, where we eagerly examined some antique phyalolosical specimens, and were specially intereted il the beautiful little models. At the end of the year many of us will be saying "Good-bye" to the old school, and it will be with sincere regret that we leave the fine old B.O.G.. IIL A. When we returned after midwinter, we found that two of our number had left. Perhaps they sought more intellectual com- panions. During this halt we have had two moves, but at last we have a permanent home. But we have not grown used to it yet, for we have a great habit of sitting down when we intend to be atanding, as our feet suddenly give way under us, owing to the slippery na- tore of the floor. We did not distinsulsh ourselves brilliantly in our sports, although we had very nany entries. 8ome forms have all the talent! Most of our members go to swimaing, and fortunately we have Isabel to represent us. During this term we had a picnic to the Dams. In the morning we feared rain, and some of us armed ourselves with coats. How- ever, this wa not necessary. We were la charge of two mistasei, who were hind enounh to accompany us. Everybody had a most enjoyable tme Evervone feels quite prepared to enjoy her holiday, notwithetandlan the fact that next year when we return, our Junlor will be fac- lat us. HI. B. This six months III. B. has been awarded a new clase room, which is very eomtortable and airy and whieh we like very meeh. The thirty of us lust flt la naely. In sport we have been rather lucky. We woa the Sports Cup by a orw polats, IV. A. belag only a little way behiad us. In temal we test mI. C.. t VI., oe eomes, bet us

easily. In basket ball we came tie with IV. C. for second place nlathe echool, VI. beat- inl both. We generally have nice flowers in our room, but as a rule the wind blows them over, and they have to be put on the floor. We are all working hard for the exams., and all wish they were over. I. C. III. C. consists of twenty-two happy girls, whose ages vary. Our abode is the cool, spacious studio, and often when one hab a spare moment, it is quite interaetinl to study the .numerous casts which adorn the walls. The class room has, at most times, bo, decked oat with flower vases, filled with brightly- coloured blossoms. During the last term we had a couple oifsuceeslsful debates, ln which some very fine speeches were given. We are all fond o( tennis, and Edna and nald are both good players. During Michaelmas we had an enjoyable picnic at the Dame,' with Miss Pioldin. who kindly accepted our invitation. The form will be sorry to bid farewell to many of its older scholars, who are leaving at Christmas sand we all wish them success In their future undertakings. The clas room of Lower IH. A is about the bet class room in the school. We set a eice view of everything along the terrace. It is a very cool room in the summer and warm ina the winter. In the cold moratnla of win- ter the sun shines right lato the room. The elass room contalas 32 pupils, most of whom gained scholtrships this year. The girls in the form are all nie girls, as I am sure they are in all the other forms. Our form mis- trees'e name is M4Y Locklngton. very form nlathe shool has a form mistrees. We like all the mistreea here, epeelally two or thre, bat I doaut wether some of them ike as (wheh as quite natural). We have picked (oser irls fer oar teaals tees, and I hope that some day they will be able to work thei- ower III. A.

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