December 1921 School Magazine

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ItiBANE Otthalt

Dec., 1s1.

Boarders' Notes.

The house is about to undergo a new experience in sending forth a record number of representatives to public examinations, one to the Senior and eleven to the Junior, arranged in the armour of knowledge ("Id. speramus"). At midwinter we welcomed only six "newies" and as usual went through the pro- cedure of the "Chummies' Concert." They were represented in the Inter-school Sports by Grace. On the 17th September our school sports' day, we are glad to say we did our "bit." We are proud to say that five of the "crew" are in the tennis finals for Miss Wilkinson's Challenge Cup, one being in Sixth and the other four belonging to IV. B.'s form. Two also from III. C. were In the basket ball ufals. Impromptu concerts and a Jas band make Saturday nights pass pleaaantly. One Saturday afternoon we decided to ap- NOTICE TO SUB8CRIBBR.-The B.GO.. Maganine (issued half-yearly) Is sent poet free to Old Girls for 2/1 per annum. The Editor would be very glad it Old OGris would forward any items of nterest suitable for insertion In these columns. The Old Girls' Association has made grati- fying progress this year. We can boast of a bank balance, which Is more than we have been able to do for long enough. It's not a big balance, but progress is progress, how- ever slow. The first meeting of this year took the form of the annual February meetlng at Plnney's. This s always a purely buselness *athering, and newcomers are requested not to imagine that all are of the same type. It is a pity that the firt meeting of the year must needs be held In a public restaurart, where we can have little privacy, but untIl we have suficient funds to enable us to poe-

pear at tea in original costumes, and we found it difficult to suppress our mirth when the Kookaburra was feeding herself. We were also visited by Sambo and Sally from "Goannl Farm." Our latest "stunt" is having Sunday night's tea in the grounds. We separate into par- ties, each preparing its own repast, but sad it is when it is found that the committee of appropriation of supplies has misjudged the consuming ability of its own group, for all attempts to raid the other festive boards prove fruitless. The Christmas holidays are approaching. and those who are returning are feeling rather down-hearted at the thought that many of their old pals will not be here to welcome them. To those who will not be returnalng next year we wish all the success and happiness possible in their future life. sees a room of our own, we must put up with such inconveniences. Please remember that new members mean an increased bank balance, and that may mean the realsation, so. 4 day. of our long- cherished dream of a club room. During the year we had a most successful American Tenais Tournament on the school courts. Another is to take place Saturday. 27th November, and we hope the success will be repeated. All Senior and Junior Girls who leave school this year are cordally lnvlted to join the association. The annual subesrlptlon is 5/ a year, and the treasurer. Miss N. Campbell, Quin Street. Toowoag, will be pleased to receive names and addresses of nlatending members, who will then receive motie of next year's meetings. At the University our girls are malutalning the usual standerd.

Old Girls' Association.

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