December 1921 School Magazine
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Dec., 1921.
Our form has been the scene of one unwil- ling separation since midwinter, but the parted friends seem to have survived the ordeal to judge by their smiling counten- ances. . We most reluctantly said "Au revoir" to the Sports Cup this year, and saw it trium- phantly borne away by III. B. captain, but we are very proud to be able to say that we lost it by only a few points. This was largely due to the work of Theo, our captain, and Molly, who was only with us a short time. Our form also had Theo as representative in the Interschool Sports. The Gymnastic competition was held on our last school day and, sad to relate, we won only third place. However, we congratulate IV. C. on securing first place and also IV. B. for coming second. During the Michaelmas vacation we had our form picnic at the Dams. One Tree Hill, but some of the girls whose homes were at a long distance from town, were unable to come. Nevertheless the party had a most enjoyable day. We also spent a very pleasant afternoon last term at West's Olympale, where many interesting war pictures were shown. We are all very grateful to our form mis- tress for taking us to the Museum for a phy- siology demonstration, and we also owe our thanks to the curator. Mr. Longman. for his kindness in placing the models at our disposal. Many of us are looking forward to return- ing to school next year to grace the Fifth form room with our presence, but to those who are leaving and entering other spheres of life we wish the greatest success and hap- piness. IV. B. Alas! It is with a sad heart and a queer tightening in the throat that we write these form notes, for Christmas is near and thee are the last school dayp for almost all of us. This time )ast year we thought, with a tired sigh, 'one more year of school work"; now we think, with a sigh of regret, of all the happy days we have spent here. Nearly all our companions are leaving to start life in a
new sphere, and we realise that, after all, we shall look back on our school life with long- ing for the joys that can never return. After midwinter we were forced to vacate our class room and inhabit the art room, to give our class room to III. B. It was some- what inconvenient, but it made us value our class room more when we returned to it. While we were in the art room the Inspector visited the school, and we thought that we had an advantage over the other forms, for, as we were continually moving, we thought he would 'be unable to find us sometimes. However, he never seemed to want us when we were absent. Although we were unsuccessful in basket ball, our tennis team-Norma, Aileen, Ethel and Aileen Campbell-are to play the finals with VI. for the Form Tennis Cup. In IV. B. also are Rita and Amy. who are in the IV.'s swimming team. We had, however, only one girl, Gwen Spurgin, in the Interschool Sports. All IV. B., except two girls, are sitting for the Junior Examination, and although we have all worked very hard (since midwinter) we all feel rather uneasy about it. We are all grateful to Miss Robinson for taking us to the Museum to see the models, the inspec- tion of which cleared many hasy ideas of different parts of the body. Now, wishing all the candidates success and everyone a pleasant holiday, we shall say "vale atque vale." IV. ('. Now that the long-dreaded exams. are drawing closer, we of IV. C. are working with feverilh and untiring energy, so as to pass as brilliantly as possible. We are twenty valiant Jasons in search of that Golden Fleece-- a pass in the Junior. Oh! won't It be a glorious day when we can look back with a sigh of relief, and say: "I passed the Junior in 1921?" We are proud to say that wre came second In the inter-form basket ball matches. After a hard fight we were defeated by sixth, and we heartily congratulate them on their vic- tory.
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