December 1921 School Magazine


Dec., 1921.


were divided into four and a number of the Arst Lower III. C. girls went into UII. D. amona those the girls who had distingulshed themselves in the school sports and inter- school sports. We have a tennis time every Wednesday, and some of the girls are very enthusiastic and play well for the short time they have been here. Our term drew Fifth form to play against for the Shield, and the result was that we were beaten. We are practising for the gym. contest, which is to take place in a few weeks' time, and we are hoping for good resulta. Next week we have the exams,. and after exams. come holidays. Lower l. i. Our form consists of twenty-one girls. There are a few promising ones amonlst us. We have formed a tennis team, but as yet, alas, have not a basket ball team. There are a few who take a great interest in sports, but these have not had much time to display their talents. Some are lookh.. forward to the exams., but most to the holidays. 'lRmog. Our form is one of the smallest forms in the school, consisting of ten girls. Edith Bardaley is our captain, and we are all good friends and get on well together. Just lately we have moved into a new class room. the VI. form room, and we find it very pleasant. At the beginning of the termn we played a tennis match against Lower III. B., but we were beaten easily. We hope to do 'better next time. We have gym. with 4Lower III. D., and some of our form are picked for the team which is golin to compete against the other Lower thirds. The Christmas exams. are drawing near, and the most glorious thing about them is- the holidays that come after.

Tlves up to be able to play in the matches agalnst other schools. We have not played hbaket ball yet, lsat we shnall most likedy have a team next season. As Upper HI. A. has always been a model form, I am sure we all hope that Lower II. A. will keep. up its repu- tation next year. Lewes in. B. As Lower II'I. B. oocaples the class room next to the mistresses' common room, we have to be unusually good, althouth the mistresses do not seem to think that we are well be- haved. The school has grown so large that there Is no room for us in the assembly hall, so we have to go upstairs on the balcony for morning prayers, while we do not go into afternoon saembly at all but sit very quietly la our elass room. There are 12 girls in Lower III. B., and althouah our team played very hard in the tennis matches between the forms, after win- niag two gnmes we were beaten by Sixth. veor7 Wednesday we have dramatic work to the assembly hall with Mrs. Hartland, our term mistres. We enjoy these lessons very much, and have some budding actresses among as. We are at present a very sporting form, for we have Joyce Guthrie, Bessie Matill, Pauline Hooper, and Joan M'Farlane, who were in the laterehool sports. But two of them have come from Lower HIl. A. At present we are all working hard for the coming eamrs. but we would all very much prefer to skip them and come to the holidays, which are only three weeks off. We all ex- poet to enjoy them very much and sincerely hope that all the other girls will.

We 4begaa the half year with a very large elss. but .later the three Lower III. clases




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