1985 School Magazine


ATHLETICS 1984 The 1984 Ath letics team, led by Prue Wi ll sford (Track) and Dianne Gibson (Fie ld), performed creditably to be placed third behi nd Brisbane State High and Somerv ill e House. The Senior element of the team was most impressive w ith one first, two seconds and one third in the relays and several ind ividua l first placings. Kylie Yule was the Athlete scoring the highest number of lnterschool Points, followed closely by Ann Stevens.

Athletics 1984 - Salliann Johnson ATHLETICS 1985

The BIG competiti on day for th e Athletics team is yet to come, and eve ryone is training well. One of our coaches, Miss Dempsey, has written a memo at the bottom of a recent athl et ics hand out "Keep training hard! ! - It is now that counts!" That is what Athletics is all about. Throughout the season, each girl can aim to improve her personal leve l of achievement only by persisting with hard work. In this respect, athl eti cs is a very personal sport. While we are concentrating on improving our personal best, we are also encouraged by other team members. This team sp irit develops throughout the season and is rea lly accentuated at our QE II Camp being held in the holidays. These two fa ctors, team sp irit and personal committment, combine to produce a winning team; a team that, on the day, can perform to its best ab ility w ith members satisfied by the team's pe rfo rmance as every event is of importance. The team's individual performances at the lnterhouse Athlet ics Carniva l displayed confidence and sk ill , due to our ear ly start to the season and our specia li zed coaches. The Seni or track coach, Miss Dempsey, knows how to ext ract our best. Miss Roden has worked w ith us since she finished school at Grammar and coaches the junior track group. Dan O'Sul li van has most expert ly trained the high jumpers, Kym Moss has coached the hurdlers wit h excellent results and Mr Ezra has coached the discus and shot throwers for the second year and we thank them all.

The ground work has been laid and the stage is set for a top performance, on Wednesday, 23rd October.

(1) Nicola Hoey (2) Leanne Copp (4) Ann Stevens (3)

Tania Dobrovolsky

Susie Cooper and jessica Buntine


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