1985 School Magazine

Athletics 1985


Susan Cooper, jessica Buntine.

HEAD COACH: joanne Dempsey.

The Queens·land All Schools cross Country Championships held at Nudgee was the Grand Finale of the season for the majority of the team. Friendly meets with B.G .S., plus on occasion other Boys' Schools, helped the girls gain a more competit ive attitude, even though we ran in the lowest boy's age group. Enthusiasm, however, was high and the meets were greatly enjoyed. . Thanks must go to our ded icated coach, Miss Dempsey, who rYoaJ e trainings more enjoyable in the first few bleak hours of th e mo rning. Good luck to all future teams!

A sport of endurance, technique and tactics, Cross Country demandsa great deal of ded ication. This quality was far·from lacking in this year's team. Starting ea rly in the year with many cold, wet morning starts tested the w ill-power of all runners. Each girl soon appreciated her persistence wh en th e benefits of physical fitness began to show. The Inter-Hou se Cross Country, staged over a hilly 2km course adj acent to the School , was the first activity of the year. England House sco red th e largest point sco re to win the trophy. Salliann Johnson (Year 11) completed the course in the fastest time for her second consecutive year. Competition this year unfortunately was scarce and although a number of our girls fo und th e time to enter fun runs, the remai nder had ve ry littl e experi ence in competitive running. Three .B.G.G.S. competitors ea rn ed a place in the 1985 Brisbane North Regional Team: Salliann Johnson (15 years), Pamela McDonagh (14 years) and· Nicola Hoey (16 years). These girls then competed in the Queensland Cross Country Championships, which were held at Limes tone Park, 12th Jul y. Each of the girls completed th e course in promising times with the following pl aces being gained : Pamela McDonagh 19th Salliann Jonnson 34th Nicola Hoey 12th 89

Nico la Hoey.

Cross Country CAPTAIN: Nicola Hoey.

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