1916 School Magazine

t)c'cemler. 11H;.

Form are generally satisfactory. Both the Midds. School Singles and Doubles were won by airls in our form, but we were defeated for the Inter-Form Tennis ('up. We tied with Va Form for the Basket Ball Shield, and have agreed to share the honou. of possessing the shield. In our recent gymnastic competition with IVb we were victorious. Next week Fourths and Fifths sit for the dreaded junior examination, and we wish them all the best of luck. But whether the girls of IVa are successful and return, or fail and leave school, we are sure they will always look hack on these last two years with pleasant recollections. E are sorry to say that IVb has had a v(ry blighted career this year, and we all hope our successors will prove more 1L. Percival miade a good basket ball captain, and T. Moss worked up our tennis. Both worked hard and well with the zealous support of their teams. Ariel McGhle is our captain, and keeps our ('lassHH of 1 in order. We were all sorry to lose a popular vice- captain in Marjorie Chambers. who with the help of our friend "Rob" nearly added the tennis doubles to IVb's scanty honours. We topped the list of Red ('ross money during Exam. week. Our class room is our home, and is beauti- fully airy, and sunny (too much. sometimes), and is always-at least sometimes--hbeautlfied with choice flowers. We enjoy the view obtained from the win- dows. To the south we see the roof of the new school, to the east Is the road with the busy bees on it. and also there is the Jacar- andsh, which casts its shadow on our windows. The Junior is coming off in three weeks ! ('ourag:e, Juniors. keep up heart ! successful. IVb. W

it happens to be one of the B's However. It is only occasionally that we "run wild." the greater number of us having settled down to hard work. Since the removal of the music-rooms to a neighbouring turret in the main building, the Industrious portion of Vb. has been seriously troubled with melodious strains supposed to issue from certr n nightingales (?) who seemn to frequent that spot at all hours of the day. Could any kind person enlighten us as to their identities ? Many of the more patriotic spirits have, of late, regarded the study of German as not being in harmony with the rules of a true patriot. Probably this accounts for the ma- jority of them figuring below the 50 line in the recent German results. This year basket ball was resumed with their usual vigour by. members of Vb. Al- though we were not ',uccessful in obtaining the shield we do not think we boast when we say that our form team was an exceptionally well- placed our--six of the players being in the same places as they hold in the A and B teams ,i' the school. Our tennis team this year Is composed of last year's four. In a very short time-ah! Loo, shoet--the ma- Jority of us bid farewell to "dear old school," carrying with us fond memories of enjoyable times spent together during our brief three years' stay. So we tend a hearty "au revoir" ;tand best wishes to those whom we regret to i('ave behind. of the girls of IVa issued a "Forma (Jazette." which survived for three weeks, and we pride ourselves that it rivalled anlly school paper in the originality of its advertisements and serial story. However. it did not receive the support It merited, and owing to the oppressive studies Inflicted upon us it was necessary to discontinue our efforts. Another original idea introduced by the girls was a tennis tournament among the girls of the Form. The winners were obliged to donate Id. awnd the losers 3d. to the IRed ('ross Box. Hy this means we realised about 7s.. and were able to make a1 special donation at tlihe iid of Ihe t ird terlm. A. fortlnight ago we sat for our ('hristanus exalinllatlioias. and the results compared with those of the Fifth IVa. S()OM



are a happy family. thirty-three In number, none of us very bad. but noine of Us so Rood that we could not he

better. We take up sports heartily, hut we are so bashful that we cannot report any of our successes. However, we may as well men- Iloll that before tlhe Mliselnmas Hlolidays we distinguished ourselvfs ly winnlina the ryl. iast lcs compet it ion.


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