1916 School Magazine
l''e-iler, 191i .
Form Notes.
S IXTH Form is rather small this year, there being only 10 girls in all, six in Via and four in Vlb. Via has had a very strenuous year's work. and is looking forward to the time when the Senior will be a thing of the past. and all their books (especially the Maths.) will be safely stowed away for a short period. VIb. happy in their brief respite from exams.. are making hay while the sun sliines. We' are proud of being the first Via to wear the long-talked-of prefects' hat-bands,. and we sincerely hope that our zeal has not diminished In the same proportion as the bands have faded. One of the privileges (?) of Vlth Form is to manage the Library. Every Friday during the dinner-hour we take our stand at the cup- hoards, doling out hooks to small children, who loudly assert that they have read every book we show thenm. We have done very well in sports so far Ihis year. We won the Tennis ('up easily, since three members of tlie school team belon; io our Form. We made a very fair attempt at Basket Ball, considering the fact that we had only ten girls to choose a team .of seven from, and our team was usually chosen five minutes before the match began. In our first match against Vb we were successful, to the great surprise of everybody, including ourselves. However, we were sadly worsted in the struggle against IVa. and later against Va. One of our girls, ('lissa Wilson. was success- ful in winning a Basket Ball Blue, and we take this opportunity of congratulating her for the steady work she hae done at this sport ever since it was introduced into the school. The swimming race for the Burrell ('up has yet to take place. As we have a fairly good team we are looking forward to winning the ('up. The war has made a great difference to us all, for there is scarcely one of us who has not felt it in the loss of relatives and friends. But we try to do our little bit by knitting socks and mittens, for we know well that we can never repay the boys who are fighting so bravely for us.
A S a Form we realise the "Value of Sport it; School Life," and memnbers of our Form are found in all the three teams. i. Hlart is tile captain and E. Wilson a prominent member of the basket hall team. The form also boasts of H. Walker, of the inter-school tennis fame. and E. Wilson and 1). Joseph re- present us In swimming. In the inter-form basket hall competition, we came tie with IVa. for first place. The last inter-form basket ball match we played was against VI.. who kindly condescended to play us-of course the result was a foregone conclusion. Turning to studies, F. Fison won the Round Table Order prize. In the recent Prevention of 'ruelty Socetieties' essay competition. Almost the whole form has entered for tle Junior, and to other poor unfortunates in the same pre- dicament. we offer this advice-"I'se your c'ommonlO sense." .\ very pleasant year has been marred !y two sad oc'curences. With much regret wet lia'e' noticed that ione of the infants has left her baby days behinld, and two of the members (of one fornm were almost killed, during thei council's blasting operations, by a huge boulder from the road. which vaulted in tarough theI door, "like rebounding hall." (('un grano sails!) We offer our best wishes to all who are leaving school behind this term. and would remind prospective housekeepers that "essence of truth," may be bought at all grocers' shops for taie nmodest sum of 9d. per bottle. seen flying about the hall. Our school exams. are over--nmuch to our comfort, but also, the most dreaded of a..., results await us. We still forward our c'ontributions to tihet lied ('ross, and most of us find elversion from our stuties in a little knitti.; now and then. We also senit six Xmas parcels from the Fornm. On the conmpletion of the new building we were given one of its fine class-roomns, and Ih' honorary title of "caretakers of that newly- addled portion of the s(iluMl." Our form Is still classed by many as ,.elg among the rowdy niembers of the school, probably because V, SD)()I \'l,." 1s all otntce an litter on lhookingt" ion hlie little "scraps ol paper." so many of which, of late,. tarc at Ithe Igtures I
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