1916 School Magazine



to say good-bye to Miss Dodds. one of our old Mistresses, who left us last term to be mar- ried. On her last day at school we decorated the class-room with orange blossom and pre- sented her with bunches of flowers. Five of our members entered for music exams. in June, and we are glad to say that they were all successful. Much to the disgurt of ilia we defeated them at basket ball this year. Our free runner worked very hard for us, especially in our match against Va. At te nr.is we were not so successful; one of the members of our team was smitten with a fit rof shyness for the first time in her dashing career, when she got on to the court. Some of our poor "unfortuniates" are fre- qucntly seen puzzling over long multiplication sums, of which they are generally required to do the proof also ! Let us hope that by next year they will have outgrown the need of such aids to concentration. REMOVE. EMOVE Form consists of eleven girls, Olive Birchley being the captain, and we are proud of the fact that our tennid captain is second emergency for the school team. On Friday evening. November 10th, we held a successful concert in aid of the Soldiers' ('omforts Fund. which realised £18 18s., the chief item on the programme being a play called "The Royal Fugitive," in whichl the whole Form took part. We are all looking forward to our holiday .. which will begin in about three weeks' time. W E are the Preparatory Form, and al- though the eldest girl is eleven yeai7 old we are generally called -"The Babies." The Remove Form gave a concert or' Friday night in aid of the Soldiers' Fund. and we helped them by selling sweets. pop-corn, and neanuts. One or two months ago we played a basket ball match with Remove. They, as we ex- pected, won the game, but we hope to do better next time. We are working very hard for the coming examinatons. and all hope to gain high marks. ---....

We are all contemplating hard work for the next two weeks, the exams. being in view. We have worked hard throughout the year, and there promises to be keen competition for the top place and prizes. The wild flower competition is creating keen rivalry just at present. Is is an interesting pursuit, and all of us will feel that our collection is reward enough, even though we all cannot win the offered prize. Some of our hard-working girls have hb n absent lately. We have missed their happy smiles, but when they come back, we notice that their faces are somewhat altered, possibly a result of a visit from that epidemic measles. We have all been urged to try and develop our poetic talents for the Magazine, but ver few have come forward. When our exams. are over, we shall be in high spirits, because ",o Junior Examination hangs In front of us, afar off in the gloom, and secondly, because after work comes play, ; nd seven weeks' holiday is sure to bring us hack to school next year ready for work and more at home than when we arrived last year, because ihen we were new We shall soon welcome new friends to the circle. How- ever, at present we look forward only to the holidays. E played off our Form tennnis matches last quarter, and were the winners in three of them. We are proud of hav- ing two of our Form girls in the B team of the school. When we played our two rival Forms at basket ball. we succeeded in gainining the top score. Here, too, we are well repre- sented in the school teams, our captain belong- ing to the A team., one girl to the B team. and four others to the (' team. At the conclusion of the last term the three Third Forms had a gymnaatic competition. After a stiff contest Ilia carried off the palm. heating us by one point only. We congratu- late them on their splendid work, and lc also. Three or four of our Mistresses hon- oured the function with their presence. T. Ham, our musician, kindly offered her services, and they were accepted with thanks. IIIb. W



are thirty-two all told, although our reputation of the past still clings to us, we think we have improved a

We were very sorry

little since last year.



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