Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000
111,111,111ii^;tit!tin^yini:^I^16/1^::inn^:I^^$:;::^::::::::::...:::.::-: '* ** """ ' ' " """"" "" """" "'~' """" " 125TH COMMEMORATIVE GROVE
Laboratory was opened in lionour of his wife. a Tornier student and a tonner Tnistee
SUITday. 21NLty dawned bright and clear for coine sixliundredinembeTs of the Girls Gnunnar Faintly, both pastand present. as they set forth 10 tile MenTorial Outdoor Education Centre at infoil Tile occasion I\, as the planting of one hectare of AtISIraliaii cabinetliiiil, ers \\Iticli\\infoniia Collmici"oninc Gro\'c to celebrate not o1us' tile Year 2000 and o11r 125* animersan. . bill also I\\cull-clie years urine Falliers' Groiip openiin!: Milliiiiihc School I, trTretor L\TICIL afornter Cliairniaiior the Falliers' Group \\tin jiniiaied 11tis wonderful idai shies Inat "OUT Memorial Education Ccnircluis a VCn special placeiii the hearts orboih PICSeiii and pasiineiiibers crime Scliool coinmiiiiil\ and 11as in\o1\'ed countless fillhcrs in I\orking bees since ils oneuliigi!I 1987" Tile sitc cliosen for tile plantation is to line west of tile accommodatioil blocks ill a little used grassed area. 1111as been set out for planting o11 a grid \Tith tree species andlocaiions keyedinio a master plan. Coinprising offasi and slow' growing Allsiniliaii nail\'e cobinei till, bers. it is projiosed Inai trees
Article byJ"dith Hancock Photooraphs by AjiceEichber"er& Jinlie-Anna Smith
TlicHead Giniii197S. Sue GOTdon. after leaving scliool pursued a career in Outdoor Edrication. 11 was a gran PIcas!n'e 10 be able to appoint SIIe and net linchand Tini tom;nil 10 directilic Centre Uuougli iis initial singes of de\clopiiienl. we in\e inncli 10 nullk thenI for. Sue. Tiniand their faintly' of Hannnli. Ben^rinn and Sunniiiiha lia\c Iruide the Centre tileirlioiiic and line \ulnable recoilrccitlins become for our \o11ng \\Dineii for their social enjoiional and piivsicnl de\'clopineiii U is 21 \cors since Ihe incejiiioiior!lie Fallicrs' Groiip nild as part of our cclebnitions. welliaiik Petsr Coaldral;e, Barn Clieales. Can Ishel. Tre*Dr L\11cli. Ne\ Walls and 11/11Walcrs for tileir nilUtiUg efforts in OrganUSlng the planiting orUic Collunemomti\. e Grove Special thanks arc diie to Waync and Kay Morris of kiniy \killer Tiinbers \vlio Iru\e sponsored our Irees 111rough the orgaitizatioii or Sanianiha Coitioii trolli tile NODSi and DisiticiLaiid Carc
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Agency'. nie Australian Cabinet Tinibcrs planted by us all 1,111 be tile
EveJTDI, e 11/10 ruleJ, ded 11nd o11 eiayoinb!e ,Iny
lieniage for 111e future
Tile fast gro\\ing species are planled 10 capiure tile site by roniniig a panial canopy therebv leduCiiig weed-glowUi. reducing niainlciiaiice and encouraging 111e SIo\\er species to ionii tall SImighi trunks as 1110y seek Ihc sunshine above. The last growing species are expeCled to inniurc ill I\Tel\'c 10 fifteen \'ears nine \\-illi tile 510\Tet species un sonie twenty-fi\, eyears nine The Meinorial Ontocor Ethicalion Centre was Qincially opened o11 Sunday' 9 Augisl 1987byDrA S Calmiunii. CBE. DSO. ED. DEng BE. Min. FAmlIhc Clialriiimiofihe Board of Tnislees
Shortly after the oneiti"g or tile Centre. tile Fathers' Group set lip Tile nitbil Support GIDiip11hiclilins remained a \1:13'1111poriaiii facet of tile life of line Falliers' Group Tribiite 111usi be paid to null\' people \v!10 played niajor roles at 111e Centre. A second doniiiion block is nailted Tlic Peter Wilso" MeijiorialFund\vhicli\\as opened in 1979 shortly alter 111e accideiii and by tile P & F Association. Tlie GIIorinous sripj}on from the parents alld mends of the School\\as recogiused when thc Inain doniuiory block was named innieirlioiioiir FlinchngforInc de\elopineiiiptim:In Iy can10 froni doriatious to tile BOGS
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hill & Sire Lollh"111 11'111, ille, r CAI/at, !, 11,111i"/I. Delay"11/1/1 rind full, '11/11rt nerve innde 1/1e Celll, 'e file"' 1101/1e
Tile Centre \Tag CSiablished as a perillaneiil Buildiiiginlionour Drille particular 111eniorial to Joiniand Janellc Sunniorclmid contribution of one of these 111en. and ino snidents HeIen Gallan and Jinian recogruses all the lathers involved Shames \\It0 1051 their Ii\'es ill a tragic bus thronglioui 111e years accidentalClirlslmas Creek o1/21 April 1979. 11is also a tribute to the courage and Tinouohout tile years there 11a\. e been selflessness \vincit was snowii by all 11/05e other donors to the Centre incliiding Dr CinenieBryant andin 1994 theML Bryani wlio sun, i\'ed
F1',,, c"a/ Jar!11/1 flailcock p!o, 115 tt free at the Selloo!ir 1251/1 Corn, "e"lord!^\, e Grove
in this year oroiir 125" bin!Iday. we now have a place or great beauty and tranquilli^' and a'eryonc \tlio visiis ale Centre always collies a\\my, reeling Tenc\\ed. Tile Centre is anvin, , tribune to the incl tiiaioiit orgyeaiad\ersity call come so Inncli Uiat is positive and Dunoing
planted by individuals win beidentified on 1110 plan for filmre reference. nioiittoring or replacement wireie necessary
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GinAfilUR G, 4ZETTEA{41'2000 - Per, ,e 6
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