Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000


Gene SIS and Evolution

Riehard Gill, OAM


He has been Chorus Master at the Australian Opera. Dean of the West


The idea of wrtting a new School Song was Tlie first version 11ad tillco verses \vith lines mooted about tile end of first collies Ier. last of six and five stresses alieniaiely. What's year. 1999. Altlioughlwas going to \\Tileit more they were quite densely wrtllen. so as in conabomtion with Mrs Mumhy. the end to cmnmintheralotof materinI. it Ginvery of semester dellruids on herniadeitdifficult sensibly suggested that a school song for us to coincide except for brief exchanges, should be easy to pick up and remember. so solderidedtimil'dimve agoin thenobonys. perliaps shorter lines would be a good idea. and perhaps two verses instead of titree Our briefincluded a number of elements that IvfrsHancockconsidered appropriate. tilese Back to the drawing board! Fortunately, by included reference to the pasi, present and tins slage we were just starling the rind future, an awareness of tradition. reference seniesler holiday, when I had tinie to tiniik to the two coloorsblue, Tenorting Offord and and doodle again Cambridge, use of Dor motto - prefbmbly in the chorus - and, if possible. an allusion to Big Tenjink! uniat to leave o11L andliow to the inngery in tile irispiraUoiml \\indows do it? created by leiuoferAiidrews. The\vliolewas 10 be modem but funeless the School. Tlie Inniii problein here was to Verse One. tile founder's vision was uslated find the right lone. so 111e words should be 1101 in terms of equality of OPPommity. bui elevated but not pretentious. and calcli a as a slatelineniof\Flintilie SGIt0015iands for. feeling of tradition without sounding essentially tintloniungis alite-longprocess. Victorian. Another consideration \\as 10 and cnablcs us to accoilMilodate cliaiige. and avoid coinplex seijieiice siniclures. and. as have real input into o11r own lives. The far as possible open-ended lines inni are colours blue. alas. illsl wonldn'tm liarder to sing properly. I consciously an'oided repe. Tnng kev words. andl alsolook V file\erses wereinore duncull. Referencelo expression 10 the policy' or 11uTl{Inng the the pasl. present and 1111/1re offercd all Indi\Idiial. and gi\. inglier time to develop interestinn problein. Today's prese"INilltoo This. hilumbalaiicedilie School's fostering soon be tomorrow's past. while our funire of di\'ersiiy: a limiti-racial. non will bccome the preseitt for subsequent denomination al comintinity. encouraging generations. The soluiion \\. as 10 focus on excellence across tile board. to enable 111e rollnder's \, ision. and on the School's acadcittic. SPOTling. cultural. artistic. and ethos. linagery froin leimifer Andre\v's creative in Ieresls 10 thrive. Tlie conccpl or windo\\. \LBS a little liarder to incorporate. sharing what wellavc gained logicalIv filled becalicoil\ms atranslatioiifroin oneinediiutL ill here. Then it was a limiter or nettiiitr the visual. to another. verbal. Tltis illvol\ed order right and ino\, ing throngli tile \erse isolating 111e central colicepi or 111e \vindo\v. from di\, ersity. 10 sluriiig10 nomirc. Because and giving it thenianc 51"thatrice: that is. thc caring inches antlie resi\\ork. it ITasilie incorporating a visiial inlage into the biglipoint o111tis \, erse expression of enjos I was developing. To acliieveihis. 1115edincima"e of butterflies 11 Iris laten nuinerous re-\*files and niucll emerging frontilie Gill}'sans slate to represent riddling willI words. synon}ms. parallel the Scliool's policy of der'eloping the talents concepts and rhyihin Haring it set to music oreacliindividiml snidenl. Tlie tito colours \\ as noi only \, ery exciting. but also of blue linergad \\, 1111 tile idea or blue being illuiieiiselysatislyiiig. 1110pcii\\miller I with 111e approval of Granunar Girls, pasi. pre"111 associated with first place and fulluc care to steer clear of negaii\ e coiniolalions WillI quiie a bii of inggliiig. the present \ersioiieiiierged Where to start? Verse T\10. The window. \vhicli I 11ad dropped froin Mark n reappcared. o11h this unieii\T'Sihcbirdiiimge. in o1tiiebiittermcs ,\Iucli 11a\'c fortoo Inari}' syllabus to mill to a line willI only. four heals). and it gaVC This time, ill trying to incorcomle tradition and vision, Igoiihe balance all wrong. and the Song Markn, was too hacl, vard-looking With a few SINOesiions from uns Hancock The first part to be \*Titlen was the Cmonis. 10 work on I 11ad another go which I 1110ught silould reflect tile spirit of

The search for a composer to entrust the Australian Conservatorium of Music, task of witing the School Song was one Musical Director of the NSW Conservatorium Singers and frequently that required much consideration conducts professional orchestras in Richard is known Mr Richard Gill. OAM. was the perfect Australia choice of composer given his exlensive internationally for his work with young background in all facets of musical life musicians and has conducted The and being a keen collector of school Australian. Sydney and Western songs. Richard's work as an opera. Australian Youth Orchestras orchestral and ballet conductor is highly regarded throughout Australia and Richard was contacted to compose the overseas and he is in constant demand music for the school song that would as a ledurer and teacher in conducling, capture the youthful spirit of the students enabling it to be used by them on a variety composing and vocal coaching

of occasions

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On the advice of his own daughter. the initial drafts wiiich were somewhat traditional were discarded and the bright new concept emerged With a song full of vitality and myIhmicdrive MrGillcalled Mrs Hancock on speaker phone and played whatwas to become Nil Sine Labore. His visit to the School to teach the new song to the entire assembly will long be remembered by all the students, especially Ih e Symphony Orchestra members Mr Gill's desire to write something lasting. his engaging personality. his passion for * teaching and his amazing ability to instantly connect with student musicians made him the perfect choice for the task


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All/ Sriie Labore JIT. ,CISi Lulltt H"of 9,411 and '01/1pos, , and vital to the success of Nil Sine Labore R, allnrd GII1 11,111J FIJI, cipnl J, '11/1/1 HullcocA








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Nil Sine L"bore

'Rendvp!easellr AIMS, c " R, dinrd Gill andPnii! nonevpeubr, 11 A. 11 SIiie L, ,60, 'e Tile c/, o11 16,101, .! give 1/1e ,,, allgi" nipeiyb, ,,, in, ce d, ,r, ,, g Selloo/,-i'se!,, b4,

Nil sine labore. Sei J, our goals and 311'1ve Din'e to lei 1'01, r ,/r, urns inke 11,111" und sodr hispiled 61 1/10se 11'110 shone, / Ihe way, lit keep 1/1eJi IIOPes d/IVC And 1101d 1/1eii pro!Id frothno, I. , to Inc jolt












Maintain o11r founder's \'ision bold A life enriched b\' learning Embracing change. \\c build and lTold A future ntorc disccrning Dra\^ strength front o111 di\ ergii\ : We 11a\ e so nilicli to gi\ e Eaclifledglingialciii\\c call scc Mattire. take thrillt and live Nil sine 1,160, v

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GII. ,MAHR GAZErrEAL, 11"2000 - F"ge 7

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