Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000
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about how tile seasons are reversed in the Southern Helmspliere led one boy to ask- "So do you have Chiisimas in July?' Tm my second week in Canada. I attended a Frencli syeaking class at a school to be told by a student- "Your English is really good - you barely nave an acceiit". But I tried to educate them. teaching tilem words like "dodgy" "sinnlet'. and "winel". I also gave thenl alasie of Vegeniiie- whicliwas invariably spat out \\iUiiniifiled SITearing. Our evenence in Caned a was truly nituztiig. For this I InusI nunik 111e Direcior of Forum, Clare Barter. tile Canadian Go\'enuiieiiL the Sclioolmid of course Ms Hermes soy who also attended 111e conference. and re\taled centuiiniusical talents o11 skillii"111. MOSlof all thonglil appreciate 111elrieiids Uiatlinadefroin across the world. and in Canada. Tile lessons I\e learnt at Fortini\\ill stay \\. nilus all our lives - the Ino51iiiiporiaiii one pornaps. that 111e cause is 1110rc 1111porlanl than the individual alld noi to gel caughl lip mime ego of coliiics Tilelcssons and spint DIForuiin\in continue- as Bunpides said, "Never that whirliis SIMll die. " The Miniitesio will be presented to The Honourable PolerBaitiie. hitA. Preimer or QueenslandaitiieBGGS 125th Anhirersaly CelebmtionLOTE Conterence 10 be lidd at the School on 27 July
Just after emuns fuiishedlast tenL cotiin Cots and Ms. June Hennessey set off for the Forrih Session of Forum For Young conchans 2000. When \\. e arrived on the Thrustay eventng it was snO\ving. despite it being almost slimmer in Canada. From there on in we were thrown into a week of friendship, hard work. latentglits and amaruig e!, penences Foruin is a progmin for Canadian students tint runs every year. and tits year for the first fune there was animtemational element. Eleven students and teacliers from across tile world came to Canada to present the Yoiiili MMIifeslo for tile Twenty-First Centiiry which some 350 sindeiils 11nd been involved in \\Tiling The richial presentation of 111c manuresio was a veryliiu, ,bling and extraordinary cxpericncc. 11 took place in the Senate. in the presence ortlic Sneakers of both HDiises of Parliament and tile Deputy Phine hintsler Tlie rcspoiise fronilhe Crunchan students \\, as truly irispiting. and weimo\v they will continue the workbegun in Paris.
FORUM FOR YOUNG CANADIANS ^,"^ ^^^, ^, ^e ,7"^-^^ ^
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students are fully biniigual. and s\viich in and out of Frencli and English without even noticing
elections. debates o1t youth issues. and a siinulatioiiofafederalpro\inclal
Alter the presentation. tile international students hallt countries like France. Kenya. conterence. Tilese sessions took place in Buluaria. tile Bahamas and Russia enjoyed boiliEnglisliand Fretidi. with the experience of working onfonun tasks. simultaneousiraiislations. 11\\as extreniely We encountered qiiite a lack of knowledge about AUSiralia in our Ira\. GIS. Disciissions nilpressiVC tile way minm' Canadian Tinoughouiilie week we 11ad mock
7161ti07ic{I 1'611th Scie7ice For1,117i
in alliiileractivc en\Iroruiic"INliicli combined illdej, endciiilcnriniig. ionin\\ork and coinpaitionsliip. tits ino wonder inari activities I panicipaied ill at inc Nanoiial You 111 Science Foniiii ha\e 11nd a profoiiiid effect upon me. The NaiioinlYouih Science Fomni on'Sri preseiiiediiie\tillI the OPPoriuitiiy 10 leaniaboiiiiiiyselraiid Others ill a slipportivc cm'irOiUllent. as \\ell as exposing 111e to Ile\\ ideas and concepts related to science. run\'ersity and career choices
beller 10 indi\ iduals. boili teenagers and ridulls. and 10 be a siroiig and slippurli\c Ioniiiineiiiber. in addiiioii linte forged 111a!it siroiig friendslups to cmlleiige and slippori nie during tile lie\I PIinsc o111tv Dinners. andli\ing MillinivN\'SF collienipomries. inn\cleanit 10 relaie
Sopliie Ferris
ille Austinlian Geological SIInc\ Organisation. unerc I wasjtisi as inIPrcssed by tile superior design and Iecli"o10gical capabilities Drille building as I\\as Ninjilic work being carrierIOUi inside Visits to tile Australiani Centre for Reinolc Sensin". TidbinbiUa hachiig sinnon. the 101m Curtin Scliool of Medical Research and the Australian Federal Police Force Forensic ScienceLaboraiories allprovided me \, ith insights into corrcnt Testarcli
relenlific cumini!tilts' 11ns 1,111i} o1/11g people like 111e was aideniin 111e inICractions or these coieniisis \\jin
InGinbeis o11he student bodv: incir unidersianding that National Vonili Science dadopnicni
Foruni shideiiis are potential filmrc leaders tit science Itiglrligliled by. 11/01r \Tilling"ess 10 share Many peoplelia\c tolliirstrumenialinlhe SIMDOUi ruinting and success of the National Vaini Science FDmni boili at the As well as allowing us to learn and doVCIop selection phase and the Formn. Rotor}.'s
workinlbsterlng tileNationalYouUi Science Fonmt (partialanyniyineal ROUT}, Cliib of \Vindsor), is \. inI to its clearly the role of continued success and operation. My fluiulv and Brisb:uie Girls Gnuruiurr School scie"lisls In have provided 111e with a great deal of society. today. support both before inId during the Minilsitalks and National Youth Scicncc For uni. The sitar semiiimrs fromI Ihe student skiff on session A. ill partialjar foisty, niy floor snarliiember. lime all dcinoiisiraied
in a scientific sense. the Fomnipro\ided me willI the nionis to mumrein armore personal sense. Industo' talks snO\\ed
To gain selection for the FDnmi I was required to undead:e two illierviews. firsUy \vini nly local Rotar}. Club. Windsor. and then at a district level. Both interviews nlenjods and the practical uses for and aspiratious. and the latter in relation 10 present research and my scientific abilities and niy Inonvanoiifor dc\, GIDpmcnis applying. I was askcd nullierous scientific Scieniific topics such as Australia's and Gullcal questions. as \Lell as \Tnnt I believed I collld contribute to the Funiin. equipment as well as proved to be searching encounters, the fomier in ternis of lily personal interests Session A Qinie mySF begaii on I Janiiary strideni toriiiiis 2000. when 14.1 snideiiisltomallover filese acii\Incs AUSiralia. New Zealaiid. Callada and Soulli provided lite Mittii!Ie Africa urn\ cd at tile Uru\ersih' o101/1bcrrn chalice to \'Dice 111\ Dull concerns and residences We spentilieiie\INo weeks Ideals for inc future us UViiig. Mochiiig andl*until:!logcilier. visi!ing scientific mall^11ioiis. anti Melias allowiiigiiie10 panicipaii"g in selltinnrs. groiip roninis and consider the beliefs tind up intolis of social acii\ines oiliers en\Tronnienialpoliq. \^erc debated in
demonstmied how' we could become 111e coieniisis of tonicrro\, Practising negotiation skills. PIiblic ticbiinkiiig 111\Ihs riboiii '11/1\ CTSih courses and SPCnkiiig
Allskills acqiiircddurlngilieNaiional Yoritlisciencc Funiiiiarclifi= skills. o11.5 111"I 11.10\\ I \\'ill drn\\' lipoii nullieroiis 11/11es. \intilsi aiihc Fomiii. \Ie \\CTC encoiiraged to fill our puckets willI its runny stones as possible. 111e SIones \ ourself alld o111cis. I kilo\\ jinniir"11 Uiaii lime experienced alitlle:inlint the National leadership andicain work. lie\er failing 10 encoiimge andiii\'o1\e allstudents Milli Iheir endless Grilling i'siii. Evervoiie \vlio 11ns contributed 10 1110 NYSF desen, es innitl;s. especialh' Mr Rod ion: tile Direcior Drille Forum. 11is 111rougliliis lirelcss organisilioii and dedicnlioii10 111e \ o111/1 or Icon\' tiltii 111e Fomiii ex!515 ill iis Ctirreiil toriii. and coini"11.5 to pro\idC a 1111iqiie and 1111forget!able e\PCriciicc
Sri/,/,, e I, IT', Jib, ,lit/IIJJ' 11/11, ,, I Ih, Ah"o11n/ 1,111/I .VCIc, I'd FDii, ,;I 1111',, h, "bit
subjects 11ns noIt opened 10 Inc a broader inline of options and possibiliiics. boilifor lit\ hillirc career andiniii\ personal lire
Eacli crime student grotips ill tile FCnim towed a \'rifleh' of scientific Illsli1\11ioiis
E\lensi\e. Lieiailed and varied. tile prograiii
o\erilie firsiMeek in Canberra. As I was a allo\\cd111e10 view coie"ithcincllitics and
leant about 111eir lises The inns:
meltiber orPauling. o11e urnicinc
Cheiitislry. groups. lily group's \isits 11ad a in Iercsiiiig aspect o1/11e scieiiiitic prograiii CG"IraltoiityNYSF experiencelio\IC\CT
tiereihc neople 11/10 lived alld learnt Kiln rcpresciiiiiig 1.10\\ICdge and learning about
was tile OPPortiuuty to ink to. and ask questioiis or proiiiiiieiii sciciiiisis who shared 11n" litterCSis. I was asiouiided bv 111. '11/1/1giiess orihese scieiiiisis 10
clieinical SIa"!. incliiding nips to the clieiiuslfj. Inborniones alllie Austinliaii
lite o\'criliosci\\'o Meeks. Inn\'clie\'CT before been pari01a groiip CISi!Ideiiis
Defence Forec ACUdeiii} and inc
willI SIIcli siinilar jincresls \'c1511cli di\CTSe Yoiit11 Sciciicc FORinicotild be sillboliscd
Allsir;11iaiiN;inclial UiuVCrsiiv Clieinisin
in 1111s \\, IT. I would nat c laken a caskei
backgrounds and personalities Tinoiigli social acti\mes. rule dance. biislidaiicc
Depaiiinciit. vilere we perlbinied some firsi tills\\ or 111c probing quesiioiis that \IC yearnitiversity expcTiineiits and vie\led inc asked rind Ihe enthusi"sill 111al Ihe}
load awl\ will11ncl
silo\\ed for tileir work. Tlie filliq. thalilie siloppi"g). the Science and Rotary
ladlities. Other sites of inICresiiiicluded
GionM4R GAZETTEAL4y2000 -Puge 5
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