Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000
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Queensl!?rid' 80/100L;' ' Const^^tiff^na/ Conyen tibn
Jarcqudine Mantle & Katheri"e Mercer
Year 11 students Kateiyn Pater (R) and Kate Lilley (L) represented the School at the Queensland Schools' Constitutional Convention held on Friday 3 March at the Parliamentary Annexe, Parliament House. The theme for 2000 was Commonwealth Referenda: Should The System Be Changed?. Below is the speech Katelyn presented to the Convention
11nn! does file 125"'. 111,111, e, Fnri, 111eni, to the sillde, ,I @110d, my?
learnt 1101 10 take for grained tile OPPorhiruties offered to us today
The \vliole school collmiunilv' 11as bccome in\o1\'ed in the 001ebraiions: 11 seems Ihat 110 one call escape the energetic aimosplierc RIBGGSihisyear
For Ihe busy Grainniar Girlii\Lollld be easy. to look on 2000 asJuslaiioiher
year. On tile surface the 125"'
celebrations appear to simply. mean moreltiusic relicarsals. dans at Cm nan. Froiiiihc formal inbutes to our collool inston. . 10 the In ore infoniial collool and a scliool caleiidai bursiiiig at the celebrations. encli shideni 11as 11nd tile seanis. Ho\\a ei. 111roiigli being OPPoritinih' 10 enjoy' tile e\cileiUe"I and iit\o1\'editillic rimii\ CGIebraion dyiiaiitic school spiniiliaiis a nanmark or a'enis. it ling bccoiiic clear innt o\'er the pasi 125 \carsihc Scli001 11as 11ad a GirlsGtrui"jar vasl Instor}I \\11icli is imporiaiit to
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As filmrc studenis relcbmie 11/01e milestones of this Illustrious school. titer I^ill be remembering lis. tile students of 10da}: for our imporia"I coniribulioii towards Grillunar hislory and tradition - someiliiiig \\e should be very proud of and lie\ er forgei
even Grainmar girl - past. present and future. Tliis is a Year orcelebraiioii. conimeinomlioii and reneclion. as wall as a year o11cariiing and of acknowledging jinosc who nave collle before us. B} taking 11ns 100r to celebrate Ihe School's illsiorv. we liar'c
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flingro\'e. ref. 1,111/e elm, ,ges errJi o, 711. be PI'oposcd bj, file
Distillg, fuller/ g!, esi. , rilld 1,110ii $11, ofe, 113. Oil Ihe eve byVie
cellieiia, y of Alls!landi, Fede, niloii. 11 is painci, /qily nonic Jini one of ihe AeJ, jusi, es foci, ,g o111' society Is the ofecnveness of oily sysie, ,I in relniio, I to consiiii, !1011n1 14e, enda. However fliere is ille option of Citizens 1111hn!ed Refeienda - ille Does ill!s "let, n flint even dyer 99 yea, s we still cull I get 11 ITgh! or is if ayu!erri in whirl, citizens can '91/6"111 u merely a ratectro, I of the changing perilio, I lullh signal11res q131jppo, 't for a cello, " ploposnl. y' needs of rodnj, S IMOde, ?I society? Colli"10/11"earni Goveni"lei, !. 1/1ere 1,111 sri// be PDM^cal party cornic! und proposals 1,111 be 1111/1/@d
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G, .a"In, ai. GazerIe Ed, 10's for rear 2000 IL-R) Joeq"e!111e Wit. Incq"e!111e Amiil!e, Kan'ei""e Alerce, : Anna Amore
AMs!, allans are in dollbi Inat all proposals 1,111 be serJoi, s. file 11Nmbe, ' of $1910!,, JES I'eq, ,lyed cal, be raised. in rills .for, ,I qf r For rim"y decades If lids been MMde, stood fhn/ to e, ,COMr, Ige a heali/Iy democracy. ANStrn!in Inns! liare a cyste, ,I tulle, ebv cihzens cull parr, 'crynte ill I"porm"I decisrO, I Mink, ,Ig processes. Ci, ,Telli!y. file sysie, ,I of ^e/eruiidn e"ploye, / in Airsnn/In is in 11rge, ,! ,leed of leibn" 7/1e poll!ICa! CUI, "dig"s precechJig 1<1ere, ,ofu tyren it's re 1,111e. IMOJieJ' rind e!fort. For 1/1e n, o31 pan. 1/11s 13 of Ile to file excess, VC collip/ex!11' qf the i's"e$ Covered/ nild 1/1e 111c, easing PDM'ei' Of pm'0, politics SUSANBLEAla. ER Painter and Sculptor Opheli" Null\h. in illv or, rolls Be all", vs, ,, slew, allbertl Limited rediti"" 3/6 inspired by Williamt Slatespeare's 110,111ei. fromline scene \\lien Hannlet mingines Dpiielia at preyer Oplielia I\as originally stillpled ill clay. A silicone 1110uld and tileii plaster liarcn1 1110uld \\. as taken The figire \\as subsequenth cast in \va\ and filmier refined \Lulling usc of neated 1001s Pendes Art Foiiiidry rentbnnc) cast the jigire ill bronze using the 10si lint pinc, s$ The pailiin runtslied appearaiicci was cronicd 111roiigli inc ripplicaiioiioro\Idisiiig clieiiticals 10 Inc bronze If 15 Indeed a hard askjb, ' may, plopostr/ to <1,111evc ticcepid, ice b. I, filmy/!,. 111g lire ^^'oposd/ wesilo".* or at lensi 5096 of \'Die, *^11 n 11n^, To' bend, 1,011ncn/ prepniniioii biti 1,103i q161"Ies. PCIlidp* 111,101e plopos(Jig impol'I"1114: c/I'llges 10 fhe ^kid '11/11nrj' brpm'!I'd, I slippo, I file Relbr, lidi, ni proCCss show/,/ by!!Ig '60/11 d ,, 101'c e!tcf!'I'e. pittClicn/ nild '11/7ei!! figi, re, uj36 o111 of 44 pm'flewnioJ:\ sj'$1er, I qf goveii, ,, leii{ it/eieJi, ofd bring Inccied Jini. to, Allsiidlid!,, Editorial Committee SIqff C""s"if",, fs: 1,111 Arithtliff Ithhi, I All" mini Amitj/ I, ,, 711,111"' 11,111/, I:, 11h. ,1'111. . lint, , '"Wre'Ji. , ,, , 1,111, , 11, ,It C"-Eofil"rs: 111,111/, JiniK, LA A1'1,111i, ,,, A, 111, fini DC1 t, I Iris E, !^^or SII"JIS E, Jimr: 011h, /,., was lite girl 10 lite Sellool or Ihc Year 1,190951ndciiis ORVrmUR G. IZLi'IfA/4}', 0011 - F"gc I
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