Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000





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Old Girls ' As s o eiai. tioin

;;;,;^^;ill)117;;}I-^^)^~(^.^^I'^;--I^;I I fit. ,!GS 01'1 I I I Pierre de Coubertiii\ms the spiritual I founder of thenloderii 01yinpic I ino\, einent. The A\\ards IUTned to I recogitise and celebmie his contribution I and the 01yiiipicinoreinentin general andihe 01yinpicMovemeni. hanaiiin 1993 in New SoulliWales and were introduced into Queensland by the Applionits who filml tile criieria are Writslcr for iilviled to submit a I Dandjin, ,till The school representative inch ."dam sth I M. LAini99s. ... has the opportunity to j"dg, alerts ih, sporting endeavours: to emunce self- I esieeiii of snident recipients; to develop I sportsinaiiship and citizenship; and to I increase public awareness or collool sport I Kristine Cooke

Christme Furvis -President

G. 4L4 DINNER C!71'H. 4LL - , Say, e, 11b, , SYDNEYDiNNER 1177HBGS 08.1 We have becn inviled by the Brisbane Grammar Sylvia Pegg 15 our rcprescniaiivc on Ihe 125" Year Commiti. e. \*hic!lis organizing this event SclioolOld Boys' Association to be parlora Dinna Lvncli tFri. lids orGirls Grammar) and Joint dinner '11/1e American Cliib. Macqtiane Street. Sydney. on Friday, I I Aunusl at 7 CODm lier leant conlinue to be kepl busv finalISIng sealing armngcmenls - excitement 15 brewing for 730pn, The cost is $45.00

E, \L-11Ll?EGISTER OFF-1ST STUDENTS Go Ihe Sellool's nomepnge ^! - Enler site . click on Slippo, I Oro, "s. enier 111e Old Girls Associat10n FagC alld regisler your demils tin Ih* Old Girls' Emitil Re. isler Scroll do\\n Ihe board. '01/1bini"n will, Ihc ODA Conlncl Brooke b\. piionc 387,7777 or email b, Dolt nil^^,, ouninr, , TAI'A1', dg" co, ,I. all or Incqui rimb, Ie 0417,33 899 7HUR, 041'EIEA7, VGDM, \'As - Cm we ha\'e a collple or\nungerj, agismdellls attend, rig our meeliiigs. thus silo\Ling intereelin being Involved Tiley will belhe nucleus of 7111rd 71/11rsd"I. 4111" '10/11/1 diinl" at Two in Ajicc Sireei. at 630pni Brookc At kinson ('921 aitd Incquillin'!'911 havelaken Ihis venture on Thank vou to those \vlLo responded early and secured I o11r bookings - 5110\Ling Ihe Iniercsi 11ni Old Girls nave un 111e Sellool

The tilem, for Ihis funciion is OA"IPIe Pal"cty, fino, I we will be reineseiiled b\ Dojolliy Hawking (roley '75) as o1, r Guest Spunker Dojoihy. a physiotherapist. was Ihe first \10nian to be on allAu*trailan Ohmpic Medical Tenin (Seniilj The boys will be I'Dresenlcd by Neil Marlin 1'72) a qwimmer at Munich

I Brich:111e Girls I Granularlus I been involved

twinitngapplicaUoiL I whicli is SIIbntiited to I the Queensland I

For fullhcr Information conlad D, Rain in Bam Associnles Ply Ltd Debt & Eqllily Funding Ph (02) 996,1044 or Doriald Goug!, C/ Blacklslc Comintiiiicalioii I, h. (02) 92515766

meet Olympic sporting heroes

01yinpic Council. Tile I school representaii\e is linen invited to a ceremoity to receive a certificate signed by tile President of the Allsiralinn Olympic Coriumttee and has the I OPPoiniitity, to meet Olympic sporting I heroes. I

I froititjjai\ear Malty or GramiTiar's elite alluletcs liar\, e COM1ribuled to this event sharing their perceptions of being all nulleie and the I Olympic ideals. Tlie firsl \\inner was A I Grade 1100key player. s\tinu"er and I aimeie. Saran Woodgaie. I Laier Girls Graminara\Triadeesliavebeeii I Alumd"aFam, e, (!996): Enu, unWaliers

Doriald will be the collection rininlibrlaLle 1,001Jngs and subscription paymcnl*

In vimlions will be mailed 10 Sydney' riddresscs M}, husband. David rind I will he attending Ihiq pane and see Irany cryour classmates h"\ e airead\1151ed their dejails runeiion

This year Grailmur's applicants were I Gcordan Shamion. lading Bumell. Ainu I

I (1997): Jane Meines (1998): and Susamli Moore. and Stephaitie Boughen. We I I Flarer (1999). inarik thenlibr the contributio!l and wisli I 111emluckinthe final selection.

4RIS, 001. SCHOOL OFFA'DJ1' - 12 13

8.47UR0.41'LU, \, CH - SCHOOL DJ. \JNG ROOA1- 19.4, ,9151", 11.30"",/br A'o011 A. Ihc Gala Dinner 11.5 been so over


The primose o1/11e a\\'ards is to recognize those snidents who I demonstrate antibules null are cousisient I \Lint tlie fundmnenialaiins o1/11e 01yinpic I 1110\, erueni nitoughilieir participation in

We nave some c\pre"slung o11"letesl to lielp by organiz, rig sub-seciions o11hc SI, UV

Their submissious will be part of 111e Olympic display mine foyer Drille MCCrae Grassie Sports Centre 10 CGIchrale the 2000 Sydney 01ynlpics

hubscribcd. and some people \VETe unable to Inake the Sriiurday evening. we decided that 11 how ever we need inure if yon are a polenlial would be enjoyable to lake 111e OPPoriui, 11y o1'a organizer and, 'or c\nibiior ulnainling. sculpture printing. sliver \. JOTk. pottery. crafts. eic pleage Iunc!110 celebralelhe Sc!1001's 125 Tears Thc contact nic. Thi* exh, billon 15 rinl restricted to CUSI \\, 11 be S2200 per head The Assoc:allon ackno\\ledges 111.1 all of our funclioiis an re \..'ell pas1 *111denis alienJerl by I\on-financial pasi-students, and \Le ripprcciaie lite slippori. Tliis ruins our



11,011c you are enjo}. Ing vonr Friends Calendar 15 I alit Nc\I monlh 11nppens to be the VC"rs of inv moilier's tints as a boarder urine Sclinnl For innre Info, Inalion tin BCGS Old Girls Assuci"11.11 '01/1ac! Ihc Prc*, dent. Christne PIir\'15 on F1ionc '37/5,62 Fn\ 3,715522 En, "11 nuni\,"'",\\erup cum nil

BANlD)ANA 101^Y 1999

objeciive* or pronioiii, g followship amongs! 11.51 51.1d*nls and In"litlainiiig allinlereslin ille \Leif"re urine Schnul Pierise toriii ni, "1111eie*icyuii, " ICg Curieiil Innlhersj alld come nlung IA 1111nin1 11icc, o1 fusion Is 111a! Ihere \\er, 11v, urns nulli 1965 wit0 11a, tillu, 111crs ill lite School In 19,5I

14-- *;-- .,**














I Nam"


Years at BOGS

Names DIGroup 11n to and part or 10





I ChequdMoncy Order enclosed for S

Vegetarian Nn required

Kite Adams



T8, ^'0 Us at our Cue^j;^look Register on our new!j;4^Signed Website

SchoolDay 1999 rinrked a new approacliio Year 11BeaiUand, \vithassistanceltom 10 Woolcocl;. spent many busy Iuncli hotrrs fundraising for Beanland House. Tlie selling bandanas in the weeks leading up traditional Benii!und Boil/e Sinn was tile usual success: 110\\ever. yoii need only to to School Day. Theirlurdwork paid off have "lanced over tile sea of bandana-clad considerably. willI Beanlaiid House mising snideiits. teacliers and parents, to corfimi a grand total of $2040 for CanTeeii. Ajarge amount of work and dedication \\as tile PIieiiomenal success of Beanland's Bull, /film DnJ.

*.*;."' ' ,\

in\esied ill tile pro^Ci. \\till even, clie in\Dived coinributing to 111e exceptional success or bandarm sales. Tlie omcial Bandana Day. Friday 29 0clober. gin'e111e scliool coinmunity 111e OPPormnity 10 modeltlieir rig\\Iy acquired hallion iteins Tile Tannasiic suppor: of 111e ciiiire Scliool meniii tinai bare Ileads \, cre tel\ and fur bel\Leeii. and Bandana Dan 1999 was declared an omcia1511cccss

Yoii'11 find us at WWW. bggs. qld. e, of". ",,

Bandana Day. is an minaii\e of CanTeen all interimiioiwl peer slipport goiip for :on rig people willt cancer CanTeen \\as tollndedin Sydney' during 1985. and currenily openles in e\GII' Stale and Termory D/Aiisiralia. Bandana Day is ajined airaisi"g halli coiniiiiiitii} awareness. and niliclineeded hindiiig for inc chantv-based organisation

or email us

s. Id. e, of, ,. " 14

"dint, ,

GIWL^R GAZETTEM4y2000 -Pnge 13

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