Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000

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Old Girl",, of/ormer te, ,CIEe, /run, Cm, "of" - re, ,, e, "bers.


The following article was received from Montreal(Quebec) Canadain nlid-March

The author. Connne Brown. attended the Form U1 1948 Remiton \\, Itichwaslieldon 21threlL 1998

COTimie had the pleastire orbeing part of a major school aruitversary. Not only had Connne attended the schoolfrom 1948 10 1951. butslie alsoiau"lit atBGGS froni1959 - 1960. She enjoys keeping intoucli\Lidifonner class mates and appreciates lier membership DIFFie, ,ds of Girls Gran, ,"or and receiving copies of Graili"jar Gaze!re. She thought that it would be nice to reflect for us on the 75th anniversary which was lieldin 1950. Her reflections and photos are sore to bring back many pleasant niemories for those of Connne's eru

Corni, Ie Broiw, *;I~~

Cor, ,,,, e in Fomi 171 1951

191Fes represent, ,Igi/Ie dor'ore, ,! CIMraclers I', I enc/! ploy, . Ib lire back denc/I of these. near 1/1e base. IFe gli, ed a cork into 1,111cl, a Jing ", era!kiln!I, ,gneedle TPOSI, ,sened. Tile chordc!ers COM1d 1/1/13 be moved by 11nsee, , handsjio"! behindl/Ie CMrio, ,,. Mig!, liddd

If I, 0"Id unruly be nordjbr a present-day SIMde, ,t to realise 1,011, d!ffere"I lye at Grn, ",,, or I'dSItyb, years ago. 71/05e tvere MMc/, $11, "!erri, ,Ies. 16r file coll, lily nadir, st e"Ie, gedj; owl tell years qf Depression 10/10t, ed bv $1\' year$ o11"fernnt, 011dl

The School's Seventy-fifth Anniversary Celebrations 1950

Connne Brown - Student 1948-1951; Teacher 1959 -1960

I'd!ked lip fowl file Sd, o01 DJi ruck/, all, port in 11'hat 11'eye 1110st{v 111""o111pi, , skits 11/01 ille F1, bileO"DJ, collia!, led tile tens of


the var'lollsplqvs tnnt cowld be perlor, ,led

Terrace to 1,110t 15 '10/1. ille Ad, ,, 11,151ratio, I Tile Drn, ,Innc Cl, ,b Mus ille, I owl' 11,111r"I


stride, its tve, e preparedIbr file J, ,, 1101 and o11d Boarding Ho, ,se o11 Grego, y Terrace

Seijio, . PMb tic Exa",,"orions in vanoi, s $11bjecJ, . 11"at I, eek!y pin's!cn/ ed, ,canon lie I, eye to eelebroie file all"ITe, ,ary o1/11e 111 1950 All^s Afary DJg!a, ,diins in c!, arue linee 0,161, !' $110rl plays to I'll 1101/5es - classes. 111c!,, ch, ,g $purl, alld also c/, oral 10,111di, ,g one weekdnv tyre, 1100/1 Tile of file gro, ". lib 11nd vnr, o11s acnv, "es. Sonie1/1111g lite fell people - IIJ, ,e dyer 11/11e. an, ging. ittrill, 11ni, ,etljb, ',,, relL/bini as IFell vilesls 1101/1d be 1/1e Tri, $1ees. o11r 1110/11ers 111c/,, ding lire petrol',,, mrce of a pinv 1,111c/, abO"I reli FedO, ""OnceS in tiff It cull in, Iy ds 1111er-school eve, ,is till of o"I' cho, 'a! asiiellnsn, ,vjbn"er $111de, ,is able to alle, ,at one' or pe, /,"ps sei'era1. 4011r 111e, ,Ibers be Soldt/Jarii'e 11'e, ,J home 1100rse b"I Imppy 1171ni a grenf t, ,,, e I, e 11nd prune, ,!I, ,g o1, r

singi, ,g rib, 1111es wei'e of, spinved o11 lib 11nd hdd n .SchoolDnJ, ,, I 1948. FluFo, wi IN'ore o1' at lensisketched o, ,! Late, I, e goi DCc"3101/3 $11C/, as .SpeeC/, IVig/lis 11'as soili, Millig q, ,Ile special Specialei. e!1131iere telt. ,. tile. biff by. Jar 1/1e ,, 10s! 111",,, or"big d, ,, 111g 111vfo, ,r I'd1'5 nS a I coll, 101 cm, ,11 to It111e, ,Iher ei. e, ,, 1/1/'10 Inai snide!11 at G, 'trill, Jim' look place in 1/1e 11u, 1011 1110/4/1e, ", o011. Hoii. ei, ei: '11/11e, ifl Tile C/,, b * '01/1, ,b, ,i, o11 to 1/1e eeleb, o1,011 Sp, 111g o11950 to Inn, /, Ihe SalJ00/375'" Uim HD11, ,,"101.1!, (Ke, ,,, edi, ) ass, ,, vsi, ,e 11'as file PI'oof, ,clioi, of seve, 'nl sho, 'I 0111' He'd111,311'eSS. ,\lisS file, 'e lids all mis/, o11. in 11h, c/,. Iai, , c"T, ,111. 11nd, 1,011u/ PInis. bnsed o11 I'llT in/, s. file '11/1/1. ei'sri, 'V Knih/eel, L, //ev11nd fold, ,s ni. 13se, 11b/I. 11hnl r, Ile"$1 one dyneriiu!. I'll. ns exliJbi!ed. Tnni $101y filler o111/11c/I liefe tillds!ill 11,111d be. un o110dni, 3 sri, ,kills a, v 11,051.11,111hm 1111/1. lids disc I bendi. ,. Ihe .I. ear o1,111^ foiled lien knoll. ,, to ei, !'1,041! lie did 1101 Meal the foili, ,/^i, g 4'111e Sc1, o01 111 1875 in, of hoti: pike/eis. ei, leitd 111 ,I cookiiig collip, !,"o11. CUSI, ,,, Ie. s tilldp, , fo, ",, in file. Jus, ,11bb, Hull in 1884.111e sillde, lis till, ! 1/1er, ' Ie"c/,, 13

fifirm: b"I file set e, 14, -null '11/1/1versn, I, doll', I to ,,, Ore Sello, is b, ,siness 11. h, 11 I"e Sadfy^ 110 F1iO!Ogrq"file leeord 1,111,111s of heardihni il, e Sc1, o013 75"' till, 111. e, 1901vii, as Ihe I\forte! Tilent, 'e o1' of lis cosi o11 1/1e to belbJ", trill, cel, binled


* * *., '*; , \






161' c\allip/e. 11'her', 1/1, pinyni",, coll/t/s, ,.. e Air c/eru vs! 111,1110, "es of file ce/cbJn/, o11 "S n Singe. ' 1,151end o1, , ploth, ciioiisii'e, e o11 centre din, 111d, ISO-cn//edAfodel Tiled"'e ,, rel"11/11c/I $111a//er scale 11'11/, 0"in led/ Ingiyb, "1,011Ce 91, e, ! bi, so", e 111e, ,, b":, off/Ie 3rdge lib 11. ere ei. e, , I"1.1s, b/, to file Oral"tinc C/,, b. 111c/11th"n 111vse!I: 0111-of rindJeJice. 11/11dei, bellJ, Id till old 11,111doi" cms. , org",,, red nciii, if, es 11'eye. ns I liare c, ,, 1,111 DJ slid, hke lie penb, ?Iled in I, hat at^ errdi' ,Ile, ,honed I, eri, IIJ eq, ,e, ,i. b"! I I'ds file, I kiloiw, OS file ,jin, ,, B, ,,/dr, ,g. in do ite/! Ideal! c/Jibs in 1950 rindper/MPS one con, er of a class, Do"1111st across/0",


1951 - $011ie @1these SIMde, 111, ei. e in file 1950 A/Dde! 7/1enn. e cns!

* .*




&/1001* 75"AJI, ,Iverso, v If!0 1101 be heve in 11uJ, e 111vo/ved had " cn", e!'a 1,111J anus/,

also in 1949. Cirrus pel. ,rids 11. ere a nine file Sc, e, ,ce L"borntory


$1,011eri/lull I'M, a! o11 Fr, of"vs to eJinb!e us 10 me '11/1 ille den, o0/11b, ribo, ,I all 11,111: ,\nss E, ,g!alld I'dd PIese, lied r's 11.1i/, a 01' ei'eii 1/1e 1,111e to inke F1c/,, res Tile 81'11, $11 PMbhcni, o11 e"fined Tile A/Dde! I'llporloiii filling. /by 111e is sill! Ing I, ,e"1001 Sonie of' 1111, I relJds ",, d I were q",!e Tilen"t. 11 coils, sledofco, ., thorn dpi, $11-o111s 1,011'eveJ ungi, e. of 1/1e eve, 11 alld of ille line, vs"d, 11 1/1e filedlye 11'a one', dressed 11'111tlJ for", ed ille proSCe, ,,,,"I UJ c/,. file cull, nJ rider, e " e, ,gel, dered lip trill'eekeiids o114 o11 nohduys, inking 11,111gs u, ,d properties. Tilei'e 11'e, e also

1950 - 50/11e 41/1, se $111, /elfi lieJ. e in file Aloofe/ Tilen"'e cnsi

55th Anniversary Reunion of the Girls of I945 Inaiiy girls conliilued o1/10 Senior. so mireiiyears ago NIIen tile first reunion \\as lield. 11 \\as decided to lake tile dale froniwlien we coltuiTenced school. One mindred and eiglii iilviiaiions were still out. seventy-eiglit replies received wiih forty-five accepmnces. we were lucky to truce rollrladies \'11/11*nom \\c hadlost contact. Two people came from Melbourne. one trollT Sydney, and others from the Norili Coastand Gympie 011hose \viio could noiattend. some were Intelling overseas and interstate. others Ind granidparCnl ColluntimentS and untoniuiaiely in natttiaffecied a few. All sent their best I\islies

Jean Kitchen

weeks followiilgilte tellinoiiexpressing 111aiiks for a wonderful afternoon

On Saintday. 4 Marcli forty women arrived aruie gales DIBrisba"e Girls Graniniiar School Wareliin0 111eni walk do\\11 the Dalli. it was liard to believe it \ms 55j. errrs since we coimnenced at Girls Cronuiiar Everyone looked so young and 111ey are a var} active group or\\omen in 1945. tile lasts, ear of World warn. not

hillus. tile year of 111e 125"' kiwiversary. we all \visliilic School well and continued success into tile fillnne

Principal lifts IuditliHancock\\clcomed us back to the school. Reverend A1aii Dale orgaiused line sentor shidenis 10 colld"ci a tour of the school. I\hicli everyone found inletesting. The scliool is so differGill from the way, iiwas ill 1945. One o10ur IOUr glides I\, as inc grimddaughier or Dripluie Tm\lisoii. 11 *\rig at the lovel\. internooii tealhatihe coll\'13/1ioiirealh' sinned and did111 slop for the ilexi one and tilialT hours Tlie afternoon \\as enjo\'ed by till prese"I and \\e 11n\, e been asked 10 organize an oilier reuitioniiiilie Year 2005 file Oreniusing Conuititiee coilsisiiiig of Man Ellioit. Cmirc Mainsioiie. Sinrle\ Morrison. Gemldi"e Kerne andiiiyseU thanI; 111e collool for 111eir support. A 111,111ber of letters were recei\ed ill the


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R/, ne C}ess. I'll 151^"'11/01, ! 10/11 Ale/bo, "", e

01'g, ,Illsi, Ig Coll, ,;linee: Gel did, Ile Ken/e filee D 'Frill, 111. I'm, Allc/, elf IRUb, lisi. CIO, !., Akin, smile ISPe, ,ce). .Un, 'I, Enjoi! trill, ,VCh!!. Sill, ./ej. \/o1,100J, minic, s! Gionfi1/4R GAZETTEiVL4}'2000 -I'dge 14

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