Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000

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Robyn Stafford - President

The object of the Mothers' Group is 10 Students, Ms Madse MCConaghy lend support 10 Ing School. and our cumned the pastoral care systemaiBGGS group Irus beeit busy encouraging and recent changes in staff sumctiires Our ultimal Deronshire Moniing Tea \, as Schoolin whatever way we can. We 11a\. e lield o11 12 Aprilat theno111e Drille Morgan a large and Grilliiisiastic group o1/110thers minily With a beatitiful semiig and good w'in0 11a\e been plainting and 1105/1ng weallier the 1110rinng was bottlei!joyable scliool functions. as \It11 as Inching mills and promable. providinn an OPPoriuitity to fellowship amongsi all parents and offeting our services to support the

Carolyiilv{ason - President

Tile Parents and Friends' Associaiioii It's goes on I Mrs Hallcock recentl\ escorted played all imporlaiii role ill slippoiiiiie 111e meInhers of tile Associaiioii o11 a brief 10/11 Scliool and its snide"is for nearh' 50 \ears. of some of Ihcse coniribiiiions in \\Tiling ing 11isior\ of the School. 111e Principal. IudiililL"lionk. insideiititiedtlmi The P & F is no\\ ill Ihe process or Uie Association 11as well and tnn\ 111ei one delermining Milatinajor contribution \\illbe of its objecti\es. nanie1\. 10 mire funds for made to tile Scliool to Inark the 123h amenities and facilities required for the aimi\crsary. This will be considered as part Scliool lit incl. over ing last 20 years, 111e ofidentifi, ing the stolenic directions forthe Association 11as donated around $2 nullionl P & F in the 21" Ceilfury. and tile Nay' Ihe shops need to operate. \\Tthin the broader These funds are raised 111anuly Uusugliprofits context of the changi"" demands of made by the silops openled by the P & F - schooling and the developineni of the the Tucks!lop. 111e CIOlhiiig Shop and the School under tile Master Plan. This Booksllops (ne\\ alld second nand). Tlie discussion ITillbe anime June nieeting orihe projects tint have been funded intougli the P & F. o11 Monday 5lime. at 6.30pm. and P & F arc signitTcaiitin tileircotiinbiiiioiiio panicipation by all interested parents and haultheleantng en\itruniienL and 111ele\el friends is very In11cli encouraged of contort orthai eru. ironnient for sitidents and 51^. Projects nave included fluidiiig Parents and friends are aimavs weicoiiie at for Ihe de\clopmeni o11ticiliiies at 111elinbi1 111e Association's Ino1/11rly Inertings. Tliese 0111doorEdiication Centre. tile uslablisluiieni 111eeiin"s are \, ery collvivial nines. and o11cclinolog}' as aioolfor learning backiii 5011rces of infontiaiion riboui the arcii\, mes 1979 and continuing tinoiigliio the Iaiesiiii of 111e SnOps. and 111e \LOTk of the "roups educational software for 10dav. air inni collie under 111e unibrclla of tile conchlioitiiig for aru"SIroniilielibmr} 10 111e Associ;mon. Mrs Hancockis a \'er\' siron" tucksliop. co\'crcd I\ays. o111door sealiiig slipporier o1/11c P & F. and aliends 111eeiinns and am Gilllies areas. 111e lie\\' lockers. to pro\Ide a Principal's Reporl. For' more classrooin and sporting eqiiipineii!. Innsicnl infonnaiion. please coniacline as Presideni instruiiients. filmiiurc and fillings for ille o11,300 2451 Allditoriuiii. fillings for 111e Musetiin: inc lisi





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and cliutneys. creating beautiful cmft items for sale and representing the parent body on a number of coinntitiees within 111e Scliool

market our craft and CUIiimry creations

Tlie Mothers' Group is delluhted to padiCipaie ill and support the \-"nons activities plainied by, tile School to

The WeIconie to Mothers and tile celebrate iis 125" armiversary. We are also Welcome 10 NG\^ Pareiils Cockiail Pain al ereiled by tile plans for the redevelopment tile negiiutiiig Drille colloolyear provide o11he Scliooland are pleased to be able to all important orientation 10 111e school provide proctical slipporl. cointibu!ing to collunuitity. for parents, andilte Moilicrs' line cost crime cabinet winclidisplays tile Group 15 pleased 10 be able to hogl illese Scliool's cemntics collcction Tlus ' pro\'ides a slumiing erumiice to tile nav occasions librarvlticiliiics School Ps}cliologisi. Airs Margoi L, 11cli ga\'e a 1110/1glii-pro\okiiig and illsigliiftil Tile Moilicrs' Group pro\ides a pmciic"I presentalioiiaiiliellcnds or HDiise and SMPporii\e OPPorllinit\ for Breaklnsi 111eeting ill Marcli. A. large in\ o1\ CUIenl in o11r drillglilers' ethicalion 11/11/11rer of pareiiis aliendcd and civic\cd and \\c look Ibnlard 10 coini"lied 111e CPI, Giltiiuty to 111eet 111eir dungliicr's collabomiioii\\11/11he Scliool colliiiiunih Head orHoiise o\'er bitalJnsi Dalliof o\erilic coinin" \'eai

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Fathers ' Gifou


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IecliiiologJ' is alitciiiig 111e learntiig en\'1101une"thinic discipliiies of Englisli and Music Fatherinnugliter relationships were tile focus of our In coling on 4 Aptil. allvluch our special 91esl was MTS Margoi Lyricli. the School Psychologist. Again 111ere \, as ICry 51,011g attendance. the relevance of 111e topic obviously' reso"antig with the lathers of adolescent daughters Working bees. also very well supported, were held at the jinbilcaiiipus o1/25 March and 6 May. These resLilted in the Construction of new pants. SIeps. and a block wall. as well as 111e rencin" of tile area wincli is to become 111e con"liemoralive grove of cabinet timbers These cocosions adow fathers to make a contribution to the development of tile school's runeitities alits niml calnpus. and to social Ise \*Ttii other tothers The fortntglittyBGGSNei, .sregilarly cornus advertisemenis for Fathers' Group acti\flies. and we exiend a warm welcome 10 allDads1,110 nuny \vislitojoin us on ally of these occasions. The en\. iroimieniis al\\a^s relaxed. andilie occasions pro\ide allopporniiiity. to becoineiiiorcin\. o1\edin 111e education of o11r danghiers

Peter Coaldi. ake - President

Fluff, /,,, I o1/11, P&I' C, ,10/1/1 Jinsoi, 11', 1/1 K, ,I' killib, A DJivcio!' - Celliit Ib, Lullg, ,rige & L, rel'dele$. o11d Pri"c"n/ Indri/I Hit!, CDC/, n, Id file j, /"q", 10 file P & F off!side 11. fini is A', 1011, I us "ribi, del lulld '

file Fathers' Group 11as ind a busy first few' montlis in 2000. combiitiiP our monllity gatherings \\lullnibil\To, 1,110 bees as \, ell as preparations for the ceremonial tree-planting on 21thy A special effort 11as been niade this year to advertise the groups activities and to ITelcoineboth ne\\ BGGS inliners us wellas those 1,110 pre\, jously nave noi been acti\, ely ill\, o1ved. A key to this has been 10 keep to all absolute lulltiniuinthe time spent on fomwl meeting inuals. and to nunxintise the OPPoriuitity formvited guest speakers to address tile grotip foullding on the pattern developed over recent years) Oar meeting on Tuesday 71vlarclL attended by niore Inari seventy millers. fortised o111helire of Ieclmologyin the BGGS classroomandfeatured a presentation on the way in \vhicli oar girls are being introduced to and are using Ieclmolog}, in their studies. The session was ledby threeiiiembers of slit- MrNeil Davissen. unsl:ay Kimlier. and MrNtui MeIville. Reflecting tileir speciallies. the session focused on line \\, a\. in wincli






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,let 81eele. President @1the ,\Ills, c Sippor! Gro, "; GIIrisl lift" Clothing 8/10p. ' Roby, , O Hull liebsier C &colldHo, ,dBooks Con Aler/e O 'Ro, ,ite Neti. Books C dDmi'11 Brad, . Inlinedinie P"$1 Pres, drillAfot/ G P

Gl{,-!AM4R GAZETTEAt4y?000 - P"oe 12

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