June 1959 School Magazine
'B:dsbane Gi~~ls' Grammar School Magc:zine
july, 1959
july, 195!t_
Brisbane Girls ' Grammar School Magazine
behind piles of produce. The carts contained everything from mountains of fresh fruit and vegetables to piles of little wooden cages containing pigeons. The::e could be bought for a few pence each and were great favourites with the children, who urged their parents to buy thern---,-even though they would in- variably escape almost immediately. At intervals a long the roadside, hot-faced natives bent over open fires, cooking meat and cobs of corn, to sell to passers-by. These foods were scorned by the Europeans, who consider them unhealthy, but were eagerly sought after by hungry natives. Among the shoppers themselves, there was a great contrast between the gay, fashionable European clothes and the rather dowdy native dress-the married native women being clothed entirely in black from head to foot and balancing pitchers on their heads with unbelievable skill. In the hub-bub of talk could be heard at least five languages, among these being Italian , Greek and various Arab dialects. Mingling with the shoppers and noticing all this, I won- dered at the great difference between this Cairo market and various p laces in the \Af estern world which I had visited; and 1 did not find it hard to understand why nations so often carne into conflict, when ways of life and outlooks were so vastly different. -MARION GRIFFJ1HS, !VB.
IRISH DAN In the days when roc:ds were boggy a·nd rough, f'ar worse than they .are to-day, When men just had to be hard and tough, And often crime did pay, There lived a !iqhtin', boastin' rogue, As tough a·s cony man; He spoke with ex rolling Irish brogue, So they called him Irish Dan. REFRAIN Oh, for he was a !ightin' rogue, my lads, As tough as any man; And he spoke with an Ir ish brogue, my lads, So they called him Irish Dan. He had beady •eyes which twinkled and shone, Red hair in parts turned qrey; His leathery face was wrinkled and brown, And they often heard him say: "G'mon, m'friends, I'll pa'y for the beer, Begorro, but I've got a thirst." And beiore the men had time to cheer He had downed his drink the first. REFRAIN Oh, for he was a fightin' roque, my lads, etc. If any man refused to drink, It was just too bad for him! For soon upon the floor he'd sink, With ma'ny a broken limb. A stronger came to town one year, But Dan did hE> ignore, He refused the drink with a scornful sneer- So, Dan had to light cnce mere. REFRAIN Oh, for he was a fightin' rogue, my lads, etc . The struggle losted through the night And past the break of day. The townsmen still talk about the fight And how both men passed away. Then died that fightin', boastin' rogue (As well as th•e unknown man) . No more wos heard h's Irish brogue For they buried Irish Dan. REFRAIN Oh, but he was a fightin' rogue, my lads, As tough as any man, And he spoke with an Ir ish brogue, my lads, So they called him Irish Dan.
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