June 1959 School Magazine

Brisbane Gh1ls 1 Grammar School Magazir..e

July, 1959

C. KLINGNER ·CO. Licensed Plumbers, Gas- fitters, Metal Workers, Oxy and Electric Welders, Hot Water .Engineers


SPORTS ASSOCIATION President : Mrs. McDonald Vice-President : Mrs . Melzer Secretary : E. Robinson Treasurer : J. Cribb

.Committee: Miss Michod, M. Lowe, M. Freeman, V. Jordan, M. Penman, R. Smith, J. Whiteley, A. Stables, M. Vallance, J. Vellnagel, A. Vidgen, R. Waddington, C. Young, M. Huxham, G. Walden, J. Kilgour, D. Muirhead, J. Simpson, M. McCallum, M. Miller, R. Boyd, C. Grice, J. Corish, J. Martin, L. Trotter, B. Cox, R. Geach, M. Paterson, P. Rutledge, P. Baxter, F'. Wright BEANLAND MEMORIAL LIBRARY COMMITTEE President : Mrs . McDonald Vice-Presidents : Miss Macmillan, Mrs. Jackson, Miss Thomas, Miss Paterson Committee: Miss Elliott, Miss McNamara, M. Lowe, P. Crowe, A. Edgar, J. Greenhalgh, H. Hayes, M. Turner, M. Vallance, R. Blair, S. de Vidas , A. Edwards, L. Fitzsimmons, M. Leagh-Murray, J. Nielsen, B. AnselL J. Beale, M. Ernst, P. Kelly, P. Millar, S. Paine, C. Tarling, J. Alden, W. Lather, J. Matthies , M. Parker, G. Watson MAGAZINE COMMITTEE M. Vallance, C. Young (Editors), E. Wilkinson, R. Smith (Sub-Editors), B. Kay, ]. Kelly, A. Lee , D. Ramsay, P. Johnston, D. Mitchell, E. Marks, K. Nurcombe, H. Bagley, J. Helton, H. William~on, B. D'arcy, V. Carr, A. Buchanan, R. Emerson PREFECTS M. Lowe (Head Girl), M. Freeman, V. Jordan, M. Penman, R. Smith, A. Stables, M. Vallance, ]. Vellnagel, A. Vidgen, R. Waddington, J. Whiteley, C. Young Libra-rian : Mrs . Roe Secretary : S. Pechey Treasurer : M. Penman

Wholesale and Retail Hardwa1·e Merchants 152 QUEEN ST.. BRISBANE

925 Ann Street, Valiey Telephone 5 2335- 5 2336

Phones 2 17 54 (3 lines)

Suppliers of-Builders' Hardware, Carpel!ters' Tools, Plumbers' Requis- ites, Baths, Sinks~ Basins~ Stoves~ Etc., Fish Nets, Rope, Corks, Ship Chandlers, Paints and Oils, Stain- less Knives, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Fishinq Tackle, Household Hardware, Gardening Tools~ Yates~ Veqetable and Flower Seeds, Mec- cano.

After Hours: C. Klingner 6 3591 C. R. Klingner 6 3591 Foreman: A. Kearney 78 2016

"Established over a quarter of a Century"

FINNEYS' A DAVID JONES' STORE' SCHOOL CLOTHES OF QUALITY strongly made to withstand hard usage at Finneys' noted keen prices . c.} bute 'J t6' A David Jones' Store BRISBANE that are correctly cut to give a smart appearance, a n d


VI A.- R. Waddington VI B.-M. Lowe

IV A.-H. Allan IV B.-K. Jenkins IV C.-S. Smith IV D.-S. Baker IV E.-L. Holmes IV F.-H. Spence

IV G.-D. Waters Ill A.-L. Addison Ill B.- E. Conn Ill C.-H. Bowman Ill D.-W. Robinson Ill E.-S. Stendrup

By Appointment SILVERSMITHS to H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Hardy Broth1ers LIMITED 118 Queen Street Brisbane .<::><:Y Jewellers Watchmakers

VI C.-A. Vidgen V A.-R. Mcinnis V B.-R. Holt V C.- S. Astill


G. Walden (Captain), J. Kilgour (Vice-Captc:•in), J. Turner, M. Howcroft

BASKETBALL TEAM A. Vidgen (Captain), J. Prideaux, M. McCallum, J. Simpson, D. Muirhead, L. Speight, K. Wilson SWIMMING TEAM, 1959 M. Huxham (Captain), K. Wilson (Vice-Captain), R. Johnson, J. Kilgour, E. Wilkinson, ]. Forster, D. Johnson, J. Corish, L. Greasley, R. Turton, C. Hardy, ]. Witte, C. Weymouth, N. HartJa·nd, R. Wheeler, D. Hinckley, J. Cavacevich,

R. Geach, M. Kleimeyer LIFESAVING TEAM, 1959 M. Freeman (Captain), M. Huxham, K. Wilson, J. Forster 38

S z'lversmz'ths Phone 2 8452


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