June 1921 School Magazine
the olci housekeeper got into one of her fits of temper and lef,t the house. It lvas reported that he required someone e1se, and that
scrupulous man, he let some of his triends into the plan, disguised himse,lf as a woman, and made his way to the house in clarkness. Havilg pro.cured the money, he walked to the surnmit of the cliff and prepared to ascencl the rough path in the storm. About half way up on tlre face of the precipice, a few yarils from where the path wouncl clo,wn among the rocks, was a snajl opening hidden frorn the casual observer by the dense bushes rvhich grew round it. This was really the mouth of a long, narrow cave which servecl ,as an underground passage to an unfrequented part of the coa,st below. Very f ew people knerv of its existence, and because of this he had chosen it as a "ll'ay of escape. As soon as he leached the berch he was pickecl up in a iori' boat by his mates, who made ofT as quick- ly as pos'sible. When he had hearci the chil- clren's s,tory Mr. Graham had quickty in- toimecl the poilice who soon followerl in a motor launch, overtook the boat, ancl re- covered the money. O1d 1\{r. Robinson received it gratef u1ly, and fcr th.e flrst time in his li,fe took an interest in. clrildren. "Woulrl you," he asked them, in his slorv way, rvhen they rnet next day, ,.like to conre rvith me to Gr.een Island to-morrow? We will take foocl ancl camp thele for the night. I rvouid vely much like to see the remains of ar old tvreck rvhich has recenily been rva,sherl uI l hrrc." "We'd love tc," they said in chorus, .,ilranh j'oil so much, Mr. Rolbinson." "Well," saicl Stella, as she and Elsie walkstl ol'f arrn iu alm, "if all our aclventnres end .rs happily as this rve ought to have very enjoy- able holidays." Dulcie Dunlop, III B. Slain by sorpent's bite, I fear. Otrc, by nrankind named a lrec, S'mall, but winged (Alasl poor mel) Stabbed me in the finger, herel,, l-rhen the gocldess answerecl: ,,Dear, If the bee-sling, as you fincl, Cluse such pain, are you so bliud, -'- , ttoi 1o sse tr'1rot pain you i.;rirrg 'I.o thcse whom with golct darts you sting.,, J.S., X'orm V.
brought about the robrbery.,' "Ro,bbery?" echoed Jack.
"Yes." said his father. ,,Lasr. rrighl the olcl man wes sitting reacling $,hen a knocli at the cloor rvas heard. On opening it he encounterecl a \\'oman who said she hacl ap- piied for the position of housekeeper. Knorv- ing that his old dome.s,tic was sure to retum in a few days, he politely told her he re,quirecl no one, ancl I'aited for her to depart. Imagiire his surprise ithen the woman suddenly a.- quired the grip of a man, pointed a revolver at his head, and demanded to to be told where he kep,t his money. Having no other altern.i- tive he told her, and the strange woman hav- ing ga'gged and lockecl him in the room, tound the rnoney and left the house. The ol4 ntran was," said Mr. Graham, .,founil in this state this morning, and these were the facts he told us." "Are you sure," he said, gazing steadily at Jack, "that the white f,gure lva,s not me,relv imagination ? " "Quite," said Jack, colouring slighrty. "The others saw it too." "Ahl" saicl Mr. Graham, and left them. A feiv tlays lalcr everyonc knctv ihat thc thief had been caught. It appeared that a man, a sailor, on a small coasting vessel rvhich hatl arrived at the seasicle p1&ce than urornirrg, had heard quite by acciclent of olrl l{r. Robinson's reluctance to banking his lrrolrey. The informer htlcl also said jokingly that it rvas to be hopecl his nerv housekeepei rvoulcl not fincl it whlle ticlying up. An iclea occurrecl ,to him, anci being an uil-
___>F*_*_ Another Poem About Cupid.
(Translation from Theocr.itus.)
Cupid, Love-god clebonair, Wand'ring 'midst the roses fair, Careless, touched a sieeping bee, Ancl wes stung; upon r.hich he, tltt'ring in his pail shriII cries, Stretchilg wicle his arms. with eyes It'illecl with scalding tears, then ran Straight to Venus, ancl began: "I am dying, mother clear,
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