June 1921 School Magazine
drowned? You know," she adde.d, "she-rher little boy was lost, and she thought he had f'allen clotwn the ciiff. In her anxiety she at- tempted that pa'th. But," saitl Stella, lower- ing her voice, "her foot caught on a roch, a.nil she fell far down into the waves below. Oh! I can't bear to think of it." At that moment a vivid flash of lightning lit up the scene of 'that by-gone tragedy; a hervy clap of thunder-and large clrop's of rain began to Iall. The child,ren crept into the shelter of two large 'boulders which formed a small cave against the clifl, and watched that awe-inspiring scene of the sea angered by the wind ancl storm. And then, rvithout rvarning, the unexpected heppenecl. "Look!'l said Steila, suddenly, "Oh, look!" Out of the dark scrub which fringed the summit of the cliff emorged the fl6ure o'f a woman. Down the rough clift she came, her r.vhite dress clinging to her, drenched with rain. Down, down, now grasping the rocks for support, now swaying against the fury of the night. Ancl then.-the wind shriekecl in the trees, moaned round the rocky bouiders, a flash of lightning illuminatecl the lvhole scene-ancl she had disa'ppeared. The children clung together in terror. H'ad the tragedy been enacted once more bef ore their eyes ? Had the poor wotllau visitecl the scene of her violent death yet, again ? Scarce,ly daring to speak they waited for the claylight to come, crampecl and chilletl, When a't ]ast the sun did come over the sea they crept from their shelter, and rvith white faces and tirecl limlbs began 'to make their I'ay homervards. It was still early m'orning rvhen they clrew near the cottage, and rvere met by a search-party who had been looking for them all night. When they were errjoying their breekfast and telling thbir taie to n'Irs. Gfaham their falther a,rrived. "Ahl" he said quietly, rvhen he had heard the story, "I have goocl reason to believe thal something or someone ditl clescend the clilt path Ja,st night, though whether the botto$r was reached in safety or not I do no,t know, Your disappear,ance was not the only event rvhich excited the people. round here last nisht. Do you know old Mr. Robinson who lives in that place on the hitl?" The children noclcled. "Weil," ..he contiuued, "yestorday
"I hope we can get along with one"' he saicl, anxiously, and began to paddie as be;'t he coulcl towards the shore. The current was very strong, and clespite his efforts the boat seemecl to be tlrifting towards a diflerenl part of the coast. At last after a great deal ot exertion on the part of both boys they reached the shore in safety, and made their way on fo the bcach in darkness. 'lDo you know where we are," Elsie a'ske(l anxiously. "I don't," replied Jack. "I think-" t'I do," interrupted S'tellia. "We're on the sicle of Shark Point, and it's a good Lwo miles rouncl. tlre ro|ks before we get home"' "We'11 have to go that way and leave lhe boat here," said Jack. "It would be too risky to altempt to rorv round with one oar; it's so iough and rocky. I hope you're not too tirecl, Bob," he said, addressing his small brolher kindly. "Not very," said Bob, bravely; and prc- senLIy the five were makin,g their way round the rock.bound shore which girded the point. -It lvas now very dark, as the moon hacl not ) ('t. risen, and the place seemecl ]onelier than ever. On.one side were the breakers beating liercely against the rocks; on the other the ruggecl clift ancl dark trees above it. Sud- denly Jack, who was walking in f ront, stoppetl. "We can't get round," he said' "the ticle's right up to the cliff further on." "We're quite safe here, though," he added reassuringly. "Whatever are we to do," said Stelia aI- most in tears. "Weit here," Roy told her; "it won't be ior very long; the tiile wilt begin to go out soon." "I wish we'd. never gone fishing," said trlsie, seating herself. on a rock in ilespera- tion. "We've hacl nothing but bad luck. Isn't there anolher way? lL's so lonely here and so -c reepy.'r Looking arouncl she saw far up on the cliff a,bove her a place where someone had at- temptetl to cuL sLePs. "Coullcln't we PossiblY.- "Don't tre silIy," interruplecl J'ack; "it rl'ould be sheer riradness to attempt it at night." "Ohl" saial Stella,r"Oh!"-and she gazed 'nervously around her' "Isn't lhis the place," she faltered, "where-where that woman was
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