July 1967 School Magazine

luly, 7967

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

July, 1967

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine


It only seerns the otber day, Since Pri,mary school I gaue away, Caueht in a bustle and o whirl, I soon becane a Grammar girl. Settling in I raade friends new, No longer uere my subiects feu, But d.id. I worry? Not a jot! That warning word. I heeded not. Flick, flick, tbat lirst year seeftxed to lly, At euery sport I bad. a try, A lile ol fun, and borly free, You start to liue at Secondary. Soon I ioined the Bie Tbird forru, Tbat I should study did not dawn, So engrossed in interests wide, I wore tbat royal blue witb prid.e. Tick, tick, that next year soon had flown, My shoes and skirt I'd quite outgrowfl, But I had still another year To put rny nose down-neuer fear! But all at once the picture's clear,

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It's nornination time tbat's here, It uon't help matters if I pout, Alas, my time is running out!

- Gwcnlo Erodto4 --**_\ \ L','LAZ!)* X

BRADFORD, Form lVD, Woolcock House





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