July 1967 School Magazine

Brlsbate Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Jsly, 1967

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazlne

Julv, l96f


TFIEIR TIMELESS LAND In the days before whites it was tirneless, Inhabited only by blacks Wbo loaed lile lor tbe simpleness ol it- And would hunt 'long tbe wallaby tracks. Tbey cared not lor tomorrow, But liued each new tiay throug/t; Tbeir hearts contented within them, \X/hile their loue for the lanrl grew. They traaelled far on walkabout, Seeing their country in full Whiie the animals grew in their nunbers As there u)ere no triggers to pull. And 'neath the bou.ghs ol the blue gums, Where the billabong silently stands, Many generations ol natiaes Haae camped witb tbeir tribal bands. The lile in Australia WAS timeles.r, tVben inbabited only by blacks Vho roamed o'er the uast plains and bushlands Vith the sun beating doun on tbeir backs. The minds ol these people were happy, Undisturbed by tbe ways ol the uhites \X/ho inuatied tbeir once tirneless borneland Causing undue batred and lishts.

Your skin is dark - burnished By an age ol restless winds, A tempered sun and the trickle Ol slow uatels tbat carries and. binds The beaatilul trutb ol your brown race.

Eyes-black and wild-reflect Tbe undying loue and. pride In rnystic sszTsys-l)sarts uowed to guard The sacred lore. Faitb is your guiie As you search the aast wastes for a wisp ol a dream. Although u)e are dissirnilar, I adore yoa brown brotber. Ve eacb haue a loue that binds us as ofle- The loue ol tbis land-our Mother Country-tbis, our land, Aastralia.



ROSLYN McNAUGHT, lVC, Lilley House

FANCY THAT ! Have you ever thought that by the time you all arc 70 years old have spent- 23/t years sleeping 8* years (approx.) eating 35 years (approx.) speakine 6 years (approx.) reading


10 years (approx.) beine educated 4-1/12 montbs (approx.) in church!


lVD, Gibson House


ALLEN. VB. Griffith.



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