July 1961 School Magazine
Srisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcrgcrzine
Iuly, 196l
qrotulotions go to St. Mcrgoret's, who won the former CInd St. Hildo's, who norrowly defeoted us in the lotter. We were deliqhteC of winning the Brockwcry Cup CIgoin ofter mony yeCIrs" Inter-School Bosketboll ond Tennis mctches ore now being contested CInd troining for Inter-School Athletics hos begun. Althcuqh the next six months promise to be even fuller, we CIre lookinq forword to them enthusiosticolly, spurred on by the pleosure CInd success of the first hoif of the yeCIr. TADY MAY ABEL SMITH'S ADDRESS AT SPEECH NIGHT, 1960 ]vlr. Clhcrmofl, Mrs. McDoncld, icrCies , eefitlemen CInd girls, it is CI very greCIt plecrsure to me to be CIt o Brisbone .1t^l r 'l ^{ Girls Grommcr School function once CIq'oin, ond I must scly I wos quite surprised to be osked to oddress the school cr second time on o Speech Niqht, CIs I never reolly consider myself hiqhly quolified enoush to do so-onywoy beinq here, I wiil do my best! Mory's mother hod just presented the fomily with twins. "If you teli your teocher, I om sure that she will give you CI holidoy," odvised her fother. Mory returned home rodiont- "No school for me tomorro\M," she onnounced proudly. "You told ycur teocher obcut the twins?" osked her fother. "I told her obout one.. I om soving the other until next week," soid \4ory. I know thot this beinq the end of ierm, oil your thouqhts will now turn to ycur hclidcys ond the coming ChristmCIs festivities, so I won't give you o long discourse, CIs I knovrr thot this is the worst crime to commit from o school-girl's point ,of view! But I should like firstly to consrCItulcte oll those of you who hove successfully possed your Junior ond Senior Exominq- tions ond especiclly thcse who hove qoined Scholorships, for these very exceilent results. I know it meCIns o lot of hord work during the post yeCIr ond you ore much to be commended on these successes. The Brisbone Girls' Grommor School hos crlwoys, during the 85 yeCIrs of its existence, turned out o number of very excellent scholors, who hove mode their nCIme in the world, ond the school is duly proud of thern. Now you ore following in their footsteps = ': '1: ';l lf 1-- i :- F 0i o ,+- -g 3,- 'UJ ::)_. tr- Fi 'H a) of] A- b o6 ).8 (U gt' UH OE trh. trl FX -l CO(u sr'5 ,-6 t- (-) FIH oa tas rEir. FIF zq zz Hm Fi t-r o t{ 2U\ Fl >' C) F.{ u) C) -I 13
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