July 1961 School Magazine
Brisbqne Girls' Grcrmmqr School Mcgazine
Iuly, 1961
Srisbqne Girls' Grcrmmqr School Mcgozine
Iuly, 196I
CURRENT EVENTS The first six months of this yeCIr hcve brouqht severCIl cironses to the school CInd hove been filleC with mCIny activities. We \^relcome to the school Miss Corr, Miss Corfield, Mrs. CorselCine, Miss Denmeod, Miss Eckermofl, Mrs. Fiorence, Miss Forster, Mrs. Kniqht, CInd Mrs. Jones, CIll of whom joined us of the beginnins of the yeor. We would like to extend o speciCIl welcome to Miss Liiley, o former heod mistress of the schcol, who hos come bock to teoch French CInd Enqlish. Cur thonks CInd best wishes go to Miss Brown, Miss Burnett, Mrs. Melzer, Miss Michod, Miss Munro CInd Mrs. Todd, whom we forewelled CIt the end of lost yeor. \Me will soon be moving into our new chcrnging rooms- cI move which will be wormly welcomed by the Fourth CInd ThirC Forms, especiclly, who ore rother crompeC in their present chonging rooms. V/e ore crlso eogerly owoiting the opening of our new modern Tuckshop. We CIre very groteful to the Porents ond Friends Committee who hetd tuckshop under o smoll conopy since the beginning of the yeCIr. The n.* loundry is in the some buildinq, ond this hos been functioning for severol months. \Me worked horC to moke o success of our concert which wos held of the Albert Hcll on 7th ond Bth June, ond wos ortisti- colly cnd finonciolly o success. Eorly in the yeor, the Fifth ond Third Forms ottended cr ccncert held by the A.B.C. in conjunction with the Queenslond Symphcny Crchestrcr. A11 who ottenCed enjoyed on excellent cfternoon's music. Loter in first tetm, the Fourth Forms were fortunote enough to see CI film version cf "Juiius Ccesor", the plcy they ore studyinq for Junior. The Sixth Form ond some of the Fifth cttended Twelfth Niqht Theotre's production of "Mcrcbeth", the ploy for Senior this yecr. This wos enjoyed bV oll who ottended. Cn ihe 22'nd Morch, the interform Lifesovins Ccmpetiiion wos held, Fourth Form beinq the winning form. This yeCIr for the first time, we were oble to hcld it of our own pool, which wos frequently used onC CIpprecioted by the qirls during the summer months. The Vcrlley Boths were the scene of the lnterform Swimmins Competition on the 27th Morch. The ofter- noon wos enjoyed bV ol1, especiolly VA, who were the victors of the doy. In Inter-School Competitions, we hove been most successful, ooinins second ploce in both the Swimmins Cqrnivol on l8th Morch, ond the Life Sovins Competition on 5th April. Cur Con.
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