July 1961 School Magazine

A /Aesscge to Parents-

Brisbqno Girls' Grcrrnmcrr School Mcrgczine

fuly, l96t

AII pCIrents ore grectly concerneC r'vith the security ond future hoppiness cf their douqhters. Nothinq offers grecrter security thon o sound Secretoriol Troining. However, before undertokinq such cr trcrining, CI sound generol eCucction, CIt leost to Acodemic Junior Stondord, is essentiol. Never before were so mcny qirls in the 15-17 yeCIr old group seeking employment, without success. This is due, in mcst coses, to their foilure to reach the necessory stondcrrds. Employers to-doy ore demondinq greoter efficiency. No longer will on inodequote educqtion qnd CI smottering of commercicrl subjects suffice. STOTT'S Secretorial Course is plcrnned to enoble ycung women of qood educotion to quolify for the most desir- cble positions in the business ond professionol fields. Enrolments ore limited qnd preference given to clppliconts vrith the necessCIry bqsic educotion. * gtoTT's BuslltEss COt t EGE 290 ADELAIDE BRISBAN STREET E

6lt, A//ooazllte t/ 6lr, fiuirlonn Q,rlr' Qro*rnar Srlrool EDITORIAT Knowlecge is the key to the wonderful world we live in. Lock thrcuqh cr micrcscope of its hidden beouty-gaze of the universe onC behold the multi- iudinous stors. The wonder ond qlory of the world ore ours. Let us not be lost in petty strife crnd con- fiict but hosten to ocquire knowledge, to better under- stond ond so ottoin more sotisfoction from God's universe. Science ond progress should constitute ct common bond between nctions, ond not result, os so often, in bitter rivolry. Unless we hove knowledge, ond throuqh ii toleronce, this bonC connot exist ond our humon roce will not be grect unless it is united in one froternity. Mon is succeedinq in his conquest of spoce ond soon our horizons will no longer be bounded by the norrow confines of eorth. If our minds have not been elevoted ond enriched by educotion, our out- iook will still be but o restricted one ond we will deny ourselves much hoppiness which would otherwise be ours. No moteriol weclth con compensote for CIn inoctive broin, while even the diresi poverty moy be oilevicted, hos the sufferer his own fertile mind into which he moy escCIpe-CI trecsure-house indeed. Let us keep it undefiled, thct it moy be CI plecsonter retreci. In these yecrs of pecce ond opportuni.ty, let us not neglect our respcnsibility to the world of to- morrow, ond throuqh the knowiedge we now goin, mCIy we "disiil the precious drop of oii thot is our ultimote essence" ond so rnoke the heritoge we poss on o little richer by our hcxvinq lived. -E.R.

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