July 1961 School Magazine

Srisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgozine

Blisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr Schoo1 Mqgqzine

Iuly. l96l

oll of us qs individuols to moke the best of whot we hove got, ond leorned during our school li{e. For whot we leorn of schooi is not just to crom our broins full oJ Jocts ond figures, but to troin ond fit ourselves to toke up o useful profession ond ploce in the community when we ieove schooi, ond to leorn to live omongst our fellow men ond to moke us better ond more thoughtful people. In these doys of growins mobility ond fost trovel, when people from oll poris of the world con get oround ond meet eoch other, it is even more imporioni thon ever before to be cleor minded-know whot must be done, ond well dcne, ond do it, crnd give cr ieod to the fost developlng bockword roces. Here in Austrollcr you crli, ds the comlng generotion hove cr ierrific port to ploy in the development o{ thls enormous country. It is only so for portlolly touched, bul with ojl the modern scientific methods ond equipment cvoiloble, thinqs should go foster now ond there will be endjess jobs ond woys in which you con o11 ploy your ports ond moke this greot continent on even greoter one in the yeors to come. Now, I do not recommend oll work ond no p1oy, life is to be enjoyed in oll its different woys, so ploy os mony gomes os possible ond especiolly leorn to swim, for I heqr thot you now hove your new swimming pool, which is such cx wonderlul qsset, especiolly here in Queenslond where one hqs so much sunshine qnd hot weother in which to enjoy it. Now it is o{ greot importonce to ]eorn to swim well-to be obie to life sove, os still so mony lives ore lost eoch yeor in this Stote, owins to people noi being obie to swim, ond now is your chqnce of becoming reo11y proficient ond moybe one of you might even one doy become on Olympic swimmerl Now there is one other point I would like to stiess, ond thot is in these doys of so much scientific leorning, do not neglect the-more homely pursuits of cooking, housekeeping, loundry ond how to boionce o budqet for o fomiiy ond home. Mony o{ you, i hope, will no doubt loter get morried, so it is ol the utmost importonce thot you should be fully quoli- fied olso in this respect. For the strensih of o notion lies not in the numbers o{ its people, but in hovinq good Christiqn homes, run by qood Christion mothers qwdre of their responsi- bilities to their fomilies ond country. To those of you who hove ortistic tendencies, do not neglect them, os we need ol1 ihe music ond ort of every kind, for pleosure ond reloxotion. Then there is onother jine of country which does not seem to be mode full use of here in Austrolio, so I should 1ike to t4




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