July 1961 School Magazine

Srisbcn€ Girls' Grqmmcr School Mcgozine

July, l96t

Brisbono Girls' Grqmmcr School Mqgazine

July, l96l

THE NOSE Petols pink ond perfect first unfold the leose of life! A new thing born to blush crwore of groceful form. The sun, the moon, the universe divine Beor witness, As {ull blooming beo,uty Stortles noked eorth. While eorthly things regord prcsperity secured, perhops o Heovenly teor roins pity on o corpse. The bud, the bloom dnd then dl lost decoy! Eoch withered leo,f unnoiiced gently drops. SERENITY So violent wos the howling wind, So rough the mighty seo, So cutting wos the blinding sond So gnorled the ,,breod fruit,, tree. And yet, to me, upon the cliIf, Where oll wos wild ond free. There come, so very stronge it seemed, A deep serenily.

"The silly, little fool," she thouqht, desperotely, "if the storm comes on, the boot will be doshed on the rocks. I wonder if I could reoch him." With Jonie, thouqht wcIS oction. As she begon to run down the norrow clif{ poth, wiih her eyes still on the boot, Andrew lost on oor. His foce poled os he reolized the {oo1- hordiness of this venture. It hod been o dore, to row out ond oround the point, but now, wlth one oor gone, cInd night fost opprooching, feor held him. He grosped {or the oor, os o clop of thunder sounded overhedd; cr dull roor which strenqthened. The oor flooted slowly out of his reoch. Andrew wos in despoir. Jonie solrr the flootinq oor, ond ron foster. The sky seemed onqry, ond the wind rose ond rose, whirlinq oround her onkles ond teoring ot the stunted irees. The terrible thouqht thot Andrew could not swim kept pounding in her broin, ond she wondered, in ponic, if she could reoch the boot, for olthouqh ii wos not such o greot distonce Jrom shore, the seos were high. Jonie ron olong the beoch, shoutins for help, with only the qulls to heor, {or the shore wos deserted. Another clcp ol thunder olmost deofened her, os she sow the boot once more. She would iry to swim, she thouqht, kickinq off her sondols ond runnins into the icy woter. But how would she reoch the shore with Andrew? He wos only seven, cnci tiny, but the seo wos block ond onsry, reflectinq the troubled sky. On ond on; would she never reoch the boqt? The wqter seemed to be doshing upon her ond closing down, when she roised her heod to heor Andrew screoming in terror. She hod. redched the boot. Streoming with woter, Jonie climbed over the side ond sot o moment, gosping for breoth. Andrew, sobbinq wlldly, flunq himself upon her ond clung to her, while Jonie thouqht. Quickly, she told him whot to do. They still hod one oor, ond if they cluns to it they misht reoch the shore. The boct wos leoking ropidly ond olreody there wcrs of lecrst on inch of woter in the bottom. They slid overboqrd into the secr ond felt the current tugginq ond swirling. Too lote, Jonie remembered thot the current would not cqrry them to shore, but they were helpless. Jonie thought the buffetinq would never ceqse, for her orms were like leod ond she {elt she could not move. The current ciroqqed them towcrds ct rocky heodlond crnd Jonie grob- bing Andrew, shouied to him io drop the oor. A crooked Jlosh of liqhtinq rent ihe sky in two solden holves; the clouds seemed to open, ond the roin come in o wild torrent. Andrew. ond lonie monoged .+c reqch the heodlond, 4l

Donnq Cholk, IV.D

Morsoret Smith, jV.A

THE WIND AND JANIE The wind blew. It blew with such o force, o howlinq, grosping {orce, thot Iqnie could scarcely keep her bolonce, where she stood on the edse of the cliff. -The l,cnq ;.;;!i;; with the wind, until it wos flotttened on the qround, o;d tlr.;;; below wos q rushinq turmoil of foom ond terror. The wind blew in susts, swirlins the skirts ond hoir of the little qrey-clod creoture. Jonie sot down on the qross onJ closped her honds oround her knees. Her feet *... d;rt], ;;; tired; so were her sondols; so wos Jonie, for thot motter. Eut the wind wqs not. It wqs stronse, thouqht Jonie, how th" **J never tired. There wos o peculior depth in her eyes "s ;h; gozed out to seo. There would be o storm thot ."L"i"s, ""J her jother wqs out fishinq. He wos o {ishermon by t "j;,;;l her mother would be worried. Jonie decided to qo h;" t" help, ond she stood up. As she did so, she glonced ogoin ot the seo ond her goze fostened on o tiny rowins boot bobblns below. fn.i. *"" 9 boy in it, ond Jonie sove o sqsp of horior, qs she ,uJU.a, by his shock of J]ominq, red hoir thot it wos her brother dJ;;;: 40

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