July 1961 School Magazine
Srisbqne Girls'Glqmmqr School Mogczine
Iuly, 196l
Srisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgczine
luly, 1961
THE ILIAD OF THE THIND FORM. The wroth of o mistress is my theme, ihot {otol wroth which, in lulJilment of the will of Zeus, brousht the Third Formers so much suffering ond sent the gollont souls of so mony nobie moids to Detention Room let us begin, Goddess of Sorrs, with the ongry lesson which took ploce in their form room. Which oJ ihe Gods wos it thcrt mode them quorrel? , It wos Athene, doughter oJ Zeus, Goddess of Wisdom ond Leorning who storted the feud when she punished the Thirds for their inottention to thls some miirer., h.. prlestess, by infliciinq on them o deodly exominotion ond deslroyins them. The mistress hod come to the {orm room to oppeol to ihe girls ond she brousht with her mony books of instruction. Sh" spoke ihus: "Glrls, you ore ot secondory school now, you hope soon to sit for Junior ond poss it in so{ety. Moy iha scds thot live on olympus gront your wish-on this "otrdition thot you show your reverence Jor the goddess of leorning by listeninq to my words ond doinq your homework". But ihis wos not ot oll to the mob,s ]lkinq ond they onger_ ed the prietess by tolkinq ond loughins durinq her le.son. --- When she found _herself olone, she proyed {ervently to Athene, douqhter of olmiqhty Zeus. _ "Hecn me, goddess of the floshinq eyes, potroness of the Arts, if ever I soid words thot delishted you, if ever I touqht wisdom, sront me this wish. Let the Thirds poy for tni, i"r"ii;. Pollos Athene heord her proyer ond come down in fury from the heiqhts o{ Olympus &nd she counselled t ", pri.l"r. to give qn exominotion to these rqsh ond unwory Third-Formers ond thus bring obout their downfoll. _ ,On the oppointed doy, ihe mistress mode her woy to the form room ond qnnounced the Joiol news to the urrsuspect- ing girls' Athene took her stond beside her priestress, beorinq the oegis of her dreod sire ond, ot these -o.dr, stre iiteJ lne cxegis ond ponic ond terror spreod throuqh the ossembieJ Thirds. . And then they cried to Athene qnd cursed themselves thot they hod not ottended to the wise words of the pti"st.ss orJ they continued to lqment their folly in the Deteniion noo- r" the cioys ofter the results were qnnounced. Such wos the downfoll of the Thirds, rosh disrespectors of leornin9,. Jon Lowe, IILE 42
"SUNSET" Sunset doth come with golden light, Comes lo welcome-in the night. Firey oronge, rodiont red, A1l soy gccd-night to o sleepy h,.od. Slumber, sleep, ond dreoms come deep, Sunseis through the windcws seep, Evening dusk ond shcdows come, While the droning bees do hum.
Kotrino Drew, ill.C
".G: /\
Rosslyn Cook, IIi.A
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