July 1961 School Magazine
Srisbqne Girls, Grqmmcr School McAczine
Srisbono Girls' Grmmqr School Mcgczine
July, 196l
,ond Jonie reqlised they would hove to climb. jossed ond cuttins os {ound cr ledse. The tide *". ii.l"n fJ-'t-ilLy cou}d for the forbiddinq ctiff foce .il1;#; ;#erly foothold. Nisht hod follen ond Andrew wos sobbins qnd Only the floshes of liqhtnjnq tit-up tfrJsl'o ond Andrew,s fqce -f."J h;J;1.;;1"* ilffJ tike this, i; i;d ltJ&,.,.., with the wqves roorins ond the endless- drivins i"i". -ht ]ost Anjr#'il; ond Ionie qrew cron Ded Jrom nofalns hi-l 'Sf.*fo ,il., b..:,jft numb, ond the wind'howieJ. l;;i;"o;;;d, ond when the first 3[I"f,LT:s onnounced the cominq-a"v, Jn" .";; il; ;; The storm hod colmed, ond from somewhere she heord her voice cryins for heip. H"; ;;d.; t'oa r..r, onswered, for it wos her fother who ieturned th;;;y;';nd brouqht the booi clqser. He climbed up to them *itn "i.tf..r fishermcm, qnd os he lifted ]qnie into th. ."J"iv oi'il.;;., the wind dropped to o coressing whisper ond tlre ."" .'*.'trom behind o crorrd. with a woverins, qreen tiqht, l"it" belore, but never The rocks were the poir strussied hiqher, until they so no furthei, upwords with no shiverins.
Rhyl Rice, IV.C
Sue Thomson, IV.A
"AN ALPTIABETIC ACCIDENT" Auditors olwoys opply orithmetic Borbers brondish borborous blodes Coopers cut curvqcecus cosks Doctors do domoge disostrously Engineers erect electricol elevotors Farmers frequently {urrow {ields Gongsters gog gorrulcus gourmets Historions hote hindering heresoy Insiructors import interesting informotion Journolists justi{y juvenile joking Kings keep keen kinsmen Libroriqns like lengthy literoture Ministers morr y mony men. Nurses noie needed necessities Oplicions obliterote obscure objects Pilots piy powerful 'plones Queens query quixotic quests Reporters relish revclutionory reseorch Soldiers shoot shrinkirg spies Tecrchers tolk titl tempers iire Umpires usuolly upset upstoris Vicors volue vcgron [s' volour Wholers won't work without whiskv X-ominers x-pect x-pert x-ercises
Yecmen yeorn yeorly yorns Zc:logisls zone zoc z^bios.
Poiriciq Holsteod, IV.A
Jennifer Beol, Denise Sioliey, VI eo
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