July 1961 School Magazine
Srisbcne Girls'Grcmmcr School Mcgozine
Erisbqne Girls'Grmmar School Mcgozine
July, lg6l
Autumn ,".o"YIy** HAS COME ! Gently hove her golden fingers touched the oronges, And h.-^r cool 1ingers turned the soJt green gross to brown. Sometimes the wind of the west sweps from the dry inlond, And then the skies ore blue, unmorred by sr_m.i,s "louj. Summer's heot ond goiety seem {or behind There reigns o freshness, o sense o{ something new, As her golden montle spreods over the lond. 1.P., VJ.D "FAIR IS FOUL, AND FOUL IS FAM- Block wos ihe niqht. The onclent ruins stood osainst the cloudless sky. The trees lowered oround a."p"*"s ii;" shodows on the cold sione wolls. The moon lent no tislrt-lo expose the evil of the niqht. - Suddenly, out of the inky blockness cqme o stob of liqht. It flickered oround mokins tire shodows ploy -."""f"nfv="" the woll. Five white fisures roomed behind tfiis hshtl;1r.iri", sileni1y, wotchfully. One figure dorted oui, piercinq screoms were heord, ond conlusion followed os the foims doited here ond there. G".;;, horrifyinq utteronces, choked exciomotions ond .o,ron"-ooin" filled the oir. A throttled sosp wos heord ". ,f f;.; ;;;; sufferer, snotched from his freedtm. A low voice in o sotisfied ione soid, ,,Got one_how mqny,s ]hi,:_ ,y.te steolthy movement os the shqdows *.;; ;;;'il;j. there s one," plerced the siiilness, ond qnothe, f"t. ** decided. - The white flqures hovered round q lorge, block box. It is the centre of their will. Cne by o"" tt" ,ri"il-. *.r"ilurrq.J into its depths, there to owoit thLir doom. ScrtisJocilln fi"#;; in the eye of every tood-hunting boorder. Morsoret Colledqe, VI.D.
Windy whispers gently wofting O'er the treetops touched with liqht, Corelessiy the sprite streom sollies, Cloudless cleor's the sky ond bright. From q dim ond unknown dorkness Seems to Ilcot {rom height to vo1e, Liqhtly liltinq elfin loughter, Borne by dreo'mJilled, fcriry soils. By the brook thot's bobbling, bubblinq, Horizon-strewn, mcjestic mountolns Etched ogoinst on ozure deep Lie, o mogic mist enchonting Lightly lingers o,s they sieep. And the sun in molten modness Miqhtily from yeors cwoy, Bothes this scene serene with qlodness To complete o perfect doy, Boiling on iis brimming woy, Myriods o{ unseen creotures Scomper, scurry, never stoy.
Mqrgcnet Doyle, V.A
J. Ronkin, V.A
Chorlotte Cummings, VLA
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