July 1961 School Magazine

Brisbcne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mqgazine

July, 196l

July, I96I

Erisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgazine

OUR SCHOOT IN FIJI My former school, in Fiji, is situoted on o hilly ploce three miles owoy from the moin town of Nodi. It is o foirly biq buildinq with one floor ond o bosemeni There cne seven closs roms which ore biq enough to occom_ modote fl{ty students. Aport from these clcrss rooms, there ore o librory, on home-science room, o science loborotory, o type-writing room, o theotre ond o stoff's room. The uni{orm for qirls ond boys ore white frocks qnd white shirts ond-shorts respectively. There is no speciol kind of shoes mentioned os o port of uniform. The girls usuolly weor blqck sonCols cnd boys weor blqck or brown shoes. At 8.30 o.m. the school besins. On Mondoys ond Fridoys the school ossembles in front of the schoor. Aftei trr" pr"v..,-"" lr4ondoy, the Notionol Anthem is sung qnd on friaoy,'tn. Notlonol song of Indio is sung. Then the principol mokus some cnnouncements ond gives qdvice, if necessory. . on oiher doys of the week the students go stroiqht into the closs room os soon os the bell qoes. The proyer is soid within the closs room. In the closs room, the qirls sit in ihe front ond the boys in the bock. Siudents ore not ollowed to chonqe .;"1. ;;iy doy. Eoch siudent is siven o desk ond o choir ond h_- o; =h; is expected to keep them neot qnd cleon. After the roll-coll, the normol closs work begins ot 9 o'clock. After three periods, eoch lostins for thirty-fiv;;";i.., there is o breok of fifteen minutes. Then the lessons go on for onother two periods before there is one-hour of lunch-recess. After eotinq thl lunches, ih; ;;;; either ploy footboll or ony other qomls. Some qo 1" ih; librory, some tolk while others sii in the closs-rooms doing some qtudy. The qirls either ploy boskelboll or so to the fbrory. Some study while others tolt. During the recess no one is ex_ pected to enter the clqss-rooms ond tolk there. During the ofternoon sessions there ore three periods of work. O{ these three periods only two ore book work or.rJ-tn. third one is either gdmes, sordeninq, debotinq, ,i"s;;*"J screening documentory films. At 3.25 p.m. the school breoks olf for the doy qnd the studenis go home. Aport from this routine work, our schoor tokes port in vorious other items. It celebrotes the festivqls of other ieliqon..-- Th; moin oim in doing this is to enoble the students to leqrn some_ thinq of other relisions os well.

Every yeor the school conducts mony competitlons in speech qivlng, solo singing, stomp collecting, photo toklng ond essoy writing. Sports ore olso held durinq the yecr. At the closing o{ the yeor, the school holds o Schcol Doy. Cn this doy ihe winners of vcrious competitions receive prizes. The prizes ore mostly donoted by the {ormer students of the school. Aport from these, the school orgonizes mony hobby clubs crs well. They ore dromotic club, science club, corresponding club, scouts ond guides club. The president of eoch club is one of the sto{f of the schcol. Ail students qre glven the riqht to choose ony club they wish but they ore not oilowed to be in none. The nome of our school ls Shini Vinchonond Hiqh Schoo'. It is nomed o{ter o Soint. Students of oll reliqions ore odmitted into the school. The motto ol our school is- Arise! Awoke! And Stop Not Ti]l The Gool Is Reoched. Sorojqni Goundqr, Vc.

Jone Herbert, IV.E

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