July 1961 School Magazine

Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Magdzing

Srisbqne Girls' Grqnmcr School Mcgczine

tuty, IgSt

July, 196l

Ariist's Life"' Woltz ond "The Voices of Sprinq,, ore other well_ known Strouss compositions. _ lut.pr_obobly his most fomous woltz is the beloved ,,Blue Donube". Its title come from the lost verse of o poem he hoJ jotted down in his notebook, which ended_,,on'a", ..htn.rr, blouen.Donau"-by the beoutiJui blue Donube. Th. ;;;;; llnsered with Strouss hountingly until they were ironsformed into the liquid, flowinq melody ltved the wbrld over. Thouqh known throuqhcut the world os ,,The Kinq of the WaIIz", lohonn Strouss II is olmost-equoily fomous for his brilljoni polkos, ond.on New yeor,s bof .rr.ry yeor his mem_ :Y ]:,"?-qemoroted by o broodcost ol his *oltze. ""d p;lk;; ptoyect by the Vienno philhormonic Orchestro. . So- closely hos Johonn Strouss been identified with the woltz, ihot his porticulor style of composition is known throuqh_ out the world os the Viennese woltz. The music .f Sl;;;;; wcrltzes echoed in the boliroms of Vienno throughout th; ;; teenth centurv, ond it hos been soid thot no {omirv i" hi"t"iy iil" contributed more to th. "soi.ty of notionsj, thon tirey. Th; ;;;l; of Johonn Strouss II lives on to chorm oll qenerotlons, ond os long qs "The Blue Donube' i" ,.".r"".t...a, ni, ";; ;ill b; immortol. _H.A., VI.A LA TMTNE Attention! C'est le foctuer de lo poste Jo m'eJcnne .? Oui, Une enveloppe pour moil Quel est ie contenu?

LAKE COOTHARABA We sot together, you ond I thot niqht And wotched the dork creep down into the wormth Of eorth's soft Jolds coressingly-with love. Sow the river shotter into stors With the rippling oui ol slow night tides Thot crept towords the mouth to meet the down Like quilty lovers to {ulfil o tryst. We wotched the doncing shodows, fire-flung Among the other shodows o{ the night, And sow the sporks leop lrom our Jire, ond Jlee Like erront imps beyond the bounds ol liqht . . . Ahl Time wos ours then, ond the World wos young- Tomorrow loy unknown beneoth the dork Embroce of night Togethor you ond L Wotched Down creep siowly from Coothorobo To chose our dreqms with dorkness to the west.

Lynette Homilton, VI.B

Une cqrte, une brochure, Une lettre de mon qmie? Enfin, je l'oi Ah nonl ma lettre est un ccmpiel

Mqrsoret Ernst, VI.A

M. Whittoker, VI.B


AUSTRALIAN NIGHT And now, the hush cI moonlight over oll As night enfolds the bushlond in her chorms. The gums roise up their ghcstly sliver orms, So pole cnd gleoming in their sjlver showl. And cruel hunters, hidden by the poll Of dorkness, mock night,s sleming co1m. This sound breoks thrcugh the criciet,s sibiient psoim,

Wind, shrieking, Howling, rooring, Iouder qnd louder, \Mind, twisting, Twirlirg, l'uffering ond tossing, Wind, loshinq, Breokinq, destroying, onil murdering, Thot is the ongry wind, o11 power{ul. Wind, sighing, Mooning, whispering, so{ter ond softer, Wind, eddyinq, Slowly ond iozily flowinq, Wind, Irolicsome, Liqht, plo,yful ond kind Thot is the hoppy wind, oll gentle.

The murderous dingo,s solitory coli. The dingc bores h:s sorrows ti the sk, In 1lis stronge sobbing, melcncholy moon. Only on cutcost con voice such o cry. Only o beost who must Jcrev.r room. Bewoiling ncw his fcrtune with o sigh, The dingo lives oport, ofeor,d, clcne.

H.T., V].C

Dionne Bornett, VI.A


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