December 1967 School Magazine

"Firisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 196l

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, L967

I,IBRARY NOTES quring L967., the Beanland Memo rial Library has continued its valuable yotk .in supplying the material "...rr iri -il-;h; enrichment of our knowlidel, in all fields. Due to th; uJJitio" of many neu/ books to the aheady extensive coliecti"r; tl. iib-;;; had succeeded in maintaining thg interesr i" dir.ri*i"u1ilt;;ai"; possessed bV the sjrls of the school. Accordingly, t[. f""*;il; rate has been gratifyingly high. On School Day we v/ere proud to have "A Continent in Danger" on conservation of witd life in Australia, ur- o.rr Jirpt"v in the Reference Library. Many rnemories *o"id huu. b";" ;- uiu..d by- all the OId Girls who rurn the colleition of pho*gtrpnl of the school and its students, since the very bdi""#. T#s *ut held in the Fiction Library. The Book Binding Club has, again, provided invaluable ser- vice, together with the volunteers wfro' help the Lib1arv sentatives in their smooth running of the Librury. To -alL tliese girls we extend our thanks. Finally, we are ryogt grateful to Mrs. Needham, the School Librarian, fot her uriuiiin; ;;id;;; ir-,r""Jn;;; ;h; year. \fe thank her sincerely, and know that the Libiarv *itl continue to function successfully with the co-operation of tlre studeni; ;i- tfr. school. - - JENNY CASH, England House DF'EATXNG CT,UB NOTES Althougl there have been few activities other than debates tbit .Ypar, I feel that most girls have to[." a noti..uUt. ilr**;-i; all debates, both House urd Inter-school-- Rebecca Kugelmas, Christine Matheson, Kristin Anderson and Rosernary Henzell' alL debated .r.Jit-uutv il-;il At;; ;;a Jaycees Cornpetitions in Second Term, and uliiro"gh thev -;;;.;; feated in the early rounds of the competitions, t"[.ir--stand atd, of i.bqt-tltg- -w-?s very high, since they *.r. d.f.ut.'d il; .1or. J.bui" hv All Hallows-, luho later won it-r. finais. At the begiping "i F. year several Senior girls took puri in some .orrririg j.Urt.t in order to choose the school team. At the end of Second Terrn, a nurnber of Senior girls had the lP.Porlunity to attend a Discussion Night at the Boyi' Grammar school, and this proved quite an enrerLining evenini.

DEBATING AND PUBLtrC SPEAKING GROUP T967 Standing _(Let! to Right) - K. Andersen, R. Henzell, J. Fell, B. Allen. Seated - R. Kugelmas, C. Matheson. The finals of the Senior House Debates will be held after Senior between Gibson and England, and the finals of the Junior Debates will also take place then. In conclusion, I would sincerely like to thank the members of staff and especially Miss Brook, who have given up their lunch hours to adjudicate House Debates, and finally I would like to thank Miss Neil for her most welcome support and interest throughout the year, without which things would not have run so smoothly. -JANET FELL, VIB (President) DRAMATIC CLUB NOTES This year we have not been able to put on lunch time plays because of so many other activities involving club members, but the President, Rachel Callaehan, would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking all those girls whose interest has not dwindled because of this inactivity. We have, however, been able to have



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