December 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Ghammar School Magazine

December, 1967

Brisbane Girls' G,rammar School Magazine

December, 1967

ATHI,ETICS N{CTES It seemed L967 'uras not meant to be a yeat bringing success to the Athletic's team. Because of much wet weather, many of our practices 'urere interrupted. We overcame our disacivantages, and on the Lst of August, the Athletics team was placed second in the fnter-school Athletics Carnival. Our congratulations go to the Brisbane State High School who for the second year in succession won the Aggregate Crrp and the Intermediate Cup, also to St. Margaret's who won the junior Crrp, State Fligh went close to scooping the pool again and we u/ere pleased to tie with them for the Senior Cr;p. Keenness and encouragernent from our Sports Misffesses brought dividends for our team. \7e congratulate Glenda Flard;', Robyn Aydon, Barb aru Jordan, and Ann *West for outstanding per- forrnances , Robyn and Ann broke the records for the L6 years, 7 5 yards, and the under L2 years, 60 yards respectively. Glenda 'won the Ttustees' Cup. Barbaru Jordan last year broke the Queens- land recorC for the Sub-Junior 880 yards. \X/e wish them all continuing success. Unfortun ately Valda Jnry pulled a muscle at the Inter-school Athletics while competing in the Circular Relay; yet she was able to obtain fourth place in her age race. The Inter-house Athletics, which preceded the Inter-school Carnival 'was an outstanding success due to the efficient organiza. rion bv Mrs. \(/inter and Miss Hatton. Spirit in the houses was high. England House 'won the Aggregate Crrp and it was pleasing to see Griffith House who only came fourth in the total points win the England Cup for the relays. The individual points prLze was shated by Valda Jrty, Megan Burfein, and Robyn Aydon. During second term we wefe very sad to say good-bye to Mr, and Mrs. \(/inter. They contributed a great deal to Athletics at Grammar and the team was thrilled to receive a telegram from them wishing us good luck for the Inter-school Carnival. The team would like to thank Mrs. \flinter, Miss Hatton and Mrs. Yule for the time and energy they spent in taining us. Our thanks go also to Mr. Harry Giles who was of valuable assistalrce. $7e hope that the high standard of the B.G.G.S. Athletics team will bA maintained and that Grarnmar will enjoy continuing success in Athletics .


Back Row (Lert to f#ffiyfil"3"ffit*tl#t?f,t ", Lewis, A. Bruce. F'ront Row J. Davidson, M; Thomas, Marilyn Miller, W. Dixon Absent - Marsaret Miller. (Capt.) GYMNASTICS NOTES This year the standard of gymnastics was higher than in recent years. This was due partly to the improvement of apparatus but mostly to the enthusiasm of the sports misffesses, Miss Hatton and Miss Heindorff who gave up much of their tirne to coach the team. To these misffesses we extend our sincere thanks, The Inter-school Gymnastics competition was held in our gymnasium on the 30th September and it proved to be both an enjoyable and successful duy, The Brisbane Gitls' Grammar School took first place in the 'A' grade with Clavfield College filling second place. The 'B' gracle was v/gn bV St. Maryaret's with the Grammar School team a close second. Con gratulations to all teams. The Inter-House Gymnastics was held on the 23rd September and provided a duy of enjoyment for both the girls competing and the spectators. \fith only 1.3 separating the first two Houses, Gibson pioved the ultimate winner over England and Griffith who came second 'and third. \flith budding young gymnasts now evident in the School, we look forward to a bright future in the gymnastics field. L.C. and W.D.



_ R.A.



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