December 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' G,rammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazlne

December, 1967

December, lgCI

Deborah Verner (Short Stop) is a strong battet but slow on her feet when fielding and running between bases. Margaret Andrew (Out Field ) - Margaret is a determined player although her general play and batting 'u/as fair. Mary Martin (Out Field )-- Mary is a reliable player with a consistent throw, She batted well throughout the season, Barbara BeIl ( Out Field ) - Barbarais batting is average and she is a little slow to run into a fly ball. Pauline Haruey (Out Field) - Pauline improved during the season, but her batting is sdll a little weak. Tane (Olt qi.l4) - Jane is a little slow on her especially when fielding. Jane must learn to have more fidence in her play. - H.A. and L.K. Linda Kleimeyer (Pitcher) - Linda's coaching and pitching have been a valuable asset to the team this year. Linda tends to let her concenuation slip during a match and this affects her pitching. She is a strong bat but is still inclined to hit fly balls. Helen Abrahams ( Out Field ) - Helen's fielding especially of ground balls is weak and her batting is {.ait. Her play uras handicapped by laclc of knowledge. Helen was a conscientious captain, always willing to learn. aITMNIING NorES The competitive season at Grammar this yeat began with a five-way meet in our School pool. Our grateful thanks go to those schools who provided such fine competition. Our appetites whetted, we looked forward to the next carnivals, An enjoyable Inter-house Competition on March 2Lst at the Valley Pool was held in a relaxed and huppy atmosphere with Lilley the dominating House. Lilley collected the Bumell Cup, Lt. Colonel Plant C.rp and the Lillev Cup . Barbam Palethorpe won the School Championship and Robyn Mclune, Vicki Harris, Megan Thomas and Barbam Harris shared the Individual Champ- ionship Trophy. Again this year the Dr. Lockhart Gibson Mem- orial Pfize was staged as ^rL individual effort in our pool and was won by Me gan Thomas. The long awaited Inter-school Carnival on LTth and 18th March , at the Valley Pool, proved satisfying and exacting. feet I ,"' con- -Deborah

Back Row ( o,*nffi}}",];T ;,jif:ton,-f. Harvey, B. Ber, Front RowLS:tV:h# S"$:,:x; k. [ttny;: tB??.,51: ;.;;.. SOFTtsALL NOTES After an exciting game on a drtzzling Saturday, our team defeated Somerville Ho,x. to win the e G:s.s.s.A. S"r*m p;: nant for the second time in three years . This was the result of many practices and the valuable coach- ing points that Mr, Vincent gave us. \fle would like to thank Mrs. X(/inter and Miss Hatron for their support and encouragernent while 'we urere 6aining. The fact that the team mainly consisted of fifth, tTiita and second formers shows hope of a prornising future . ' T eam Criticism Iudith Ward -(C-atchel) -Judith is a good, steady catcher and bats "vell. Her throw to second has been greitly improved. Susan Byth -( First Bqt._) - lr. is a suong reliable player who rarely allowed a ball to be overthrown on first base. lulie Dickinsoru (Third Base - Julie has a strong throw and is a quick thinket, but must learrr to be faster Jn Frer i..i.



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