December 1967 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grarrlrnar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, lgtrl
December, 1967
Although we came fifth, every girl in the team swam her best and the spirit was high. Our congratulations go to the Brisbane State High School for their fine performance. The School Swim- Fing was won bv Megan Thornas who brought honour to her school with a record-breaking win along with h second placing. 9,rt early morning efforts proved rewarding and we sin..r.fu thantr< Mrs. \Winter and Miss Hatton for their unfailing interest and enefgy. To round off a successful season, a barbecue was held in the School Gymnasium and proved enjoyable to all. Our thantrcs are also extended to those parents who helped in any way during those "stfenuous" eight weeks, \ile look forward to seeing the Grammar team of L96B in the top placings. B.H. TIFESAVING NOTES This yeat the school has been awarded the Soden Shield bv the Royal Ltfesaving Society of Queensland for the highest number of awards gained in a second ary girls school. This is indicative of the greater support and interest shown in lifesaving this yeat.- Spurred on bv the interest and encouragement given to us bv Mrs. nflinter and Miss Hatton, Distinctions were gained bv Helen Abraharns, Sue Squire , Barban Harris and Barban Pale- thorpe. I{ext yeffi we hope that more of these higher awards will be attained bv the Senior girls of the school. The Inter-house competition will be decided with the com- pletion of the II, III and V awards in third term. On April Lst, at St. Peter's, the McWhirter C,rp was held. A cornpletelv new systern vras inuoduced, thereby inlreasing the team number from eight to thirty, and allowing more girls to participate. This was run along the lines of the State Champion- ship, including Lifesaving Relays, Individual and Pairs Champion- ships, Rescue and Releases, and Resuscitation in ,'A' and JBt divisions. \7e heartily congratulate St. Margaret's and Clayfield College for their wins in these divisions respectively. Although we came fifth overall, Grarn mar showed herself to be competent in all aspects. The standard of lifesaving in the schools improves each yeat, making the competition an exacting one. Our improve- ment in this competition was due to the guidance and patience of Mrs. \(/inter and Miss Hatton, and we thank them most sincerely for their support. S7e wish the L96S team the best of luck. _ 8.H., B.B.p"
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