December 1967 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, lg6il
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1967
Throughout the year, we have enjoyed preparing and ex- periencing various dances with B.G.S., Churchie and B B.C. B.G.S. also entertained us with a varietv show including an excellent mime of the operetta "La Truviata" . The Sixth Torm spent a busy Friday night at the end of second term, spring-cleaning the sitting room in preparation for their pre-formal party. It pioved most successful and was the beginning of a wonderful nighf. \7e chank Mrs . Catt mosr heartily for hei help. After a week of dnizzling rain, our proposed boarder's picnic tu Mt. Glorious was cancelled and held in th. park, where .n..y- one relaxed and enjoyed themselves, Sporting activities com- menced with a splash in the Valley Pool oi the boarders valiantly defended their narne to come second against the duy girls. However we proved our wcrth in the athletics bv defeatirg o.rrr opponents and winning bV a large margin. Many irnprornptu inter-form matches took place on r,veekendr during -the i"ur and proved rnost entertaining. On the more cultural side, the boarders attended many plays including "Hamlet" , "Shelley", the very rnoving fona Pusio" pluv and the operetta "Olivet!" Many girls attended the Youth Con- cert series which agaln were educational as well as enjoyable. To step dou'n a little, 'ure entertained each other with our own concert in which everyone presented some item, ranging from musical entertainment to liehi cornedy. Despite ,irott notice our annual Miss Boarcling School 'uras very succeisful with Mrs . Catt ffowning lorraine Billsborough as Queen and Heather Page as Princess of the Junior School; after the judges had spent almost an hour on reaching their decision. After an exmemely successful boarder's stall and with don- ations from kind people, v/e have the arnount of $41 1 : These proceeds will go touzards a ne'w boarder's recreation room to be included in a proposed building project for nexr yeffi, Girls will :pe,able to sew and read as well as play table tennis; so this room ivill be a great asset to the boarding school . We trust that the neur staff - Miss Dandon, Miss Jull and, rlcently, Miss Patterson have settled in and enjoy boariing life. \7e bade a sad fareweli to N{iss Hill who left at ihe end of second term to go overseas. Finally, w€ would like to thank Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Catt and the staff for their understanding and guidance thlqughout the year. \fle wish the Juniors and Seniors the best of luck in their public examinationi and to everyone, we extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy I.{ew Year. _ c.a.R.s
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