December 1958 School Magazine
December , 1958
Brisbane Girls" Grammar School Maqazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Decembe r, 1958
MARRIAGES: Jan Hoffman, L. Facer Jacqueline Sparkes , Donald Munro Ruth Dart, Horst Lucke
Mrs. BETTY DAY (nee Bannister) and her husband who were making a motor scooter tour. The Days a re expected back in Brisba ne next year. Another Old Girl who is overseas, ROSEMARY MACLEAN, spent part of her time working in Canada and was las t heard of touring England by mo-ped. Also overseas is JEAN KELLY who was appointed to the staff of Queensland House, London. AVIS WOOD was elected the first President of the recently formed Weavers' Guild. We are pleased to know Avis is keep- ing well and able to take active part in this Guild. Three Old Girls at present on the teaching Staff at School are JILL BU'RNETT, ROLLENE COLLEDGE and SHIRLEY MELZER (nee Rooney). Jill returned from a trip abroad early this year and joined the staff during first term. MARY O'ROURK.E BROPHY, who was a mistress a t School until early this year, resigned to commence Pharmacy studies. We wish her every success . JOAN LOWRY, who gained the highest pass for a woman in the final Medical Examination last year, and EVA POPPER and MARGOT MciVER, who a lso fin- ished their medical exams last year, are to be congratula ted on their successes. JENNIFER ROGERS is practising physiotheraphy at Royal Adelaide Hospital while MERYL HUGHES has accepted a scholarship and is studying with the Borovansky Ba llet in Mel- bourne. Our congratulations are extended to the following Old Girls who have announced their engagements and marriages during the year:
Thelma Newnham, K. Petersen Beverley Rogers, Peter Oelrichs Ma"rceline Pickup, V. Luck
We regret we cannot publish full details of some of the notices and it would be appreciated if members would let us have particulars for future magazines. BIRTHS: Our congratulotions are also extended to the following Old Girls and their husbands on the birth of their children. Mr. and Mrs. M. Carlson (S. Cossins), daughter. Mr . and Mrs . C. P. Matt (H. White), son. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gehrmann (M. Marks), daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. McCowan (B. Ferguson), son. Mr. and Mrs. Wood (M. Bryan), daughter. Mr. ond Mrs. Ogilvie (Z . Gentner), son.
DEATHS: Our deepest sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of the fol- lowing Old Girls whose deaths were reported during the year : Miss L. Dirrimock Dr. Eleanor Greenhorn Miss E. Lyons
Miss Kathleen Lyons Miss Mildred Dalby
Dr. Eleanor Greenhorn, an original member of the Old Girls' Association, und o prominent Brisbane doctor, played a most important part in the life of our community. Miss Kathleen Lyons was Assistant Headmistress of the School and was on the staff for many years. She had been living in Sydney for some time prior to her death, with her sister, Miss Elvira Lyons, whose death is also reported.
ENGAGEMENTS : Roslyn Metcalfe, Neville Stillman Caroline Morrison, Peter Manifold Cla"ire DunhilL - - Lesleigh Campbell, -- Jacqueline Forbes, -- Maureen O'Connell , Peter Kanowski Beverley Mellor, J. A . H. Emery Noela Edmonds, Gordon R. Currey Wendy Carew,- Keith J. Melley
Dawn Duncan, - - . Judith Clappison, Robert Sherringtcn Diane Heineman, Peter Geaney Margaret Green, -- Enid Hagen, Peter Henderson Jill Malouf, Lance Phillips Ruth Sault, - - Elizabeth Cowa•n, -- June Reid,-- Mabyn Walton, Donald E. Adciiscn 68
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