December 1958 School Magazine

~risbanc· Girls' Grarnma1· School Maqazine

December, 1951!-

December, 1958.

Brisban£l Girl s' Grammal' School Magazine

The Meeting was very well attended and many new members were enrolled. It was decided that the O ld Girls' ..Association would join once again with the Old Boys' Associa- iion and hold a Combined Grammar Ball at which debutantes ·would be received. It was also decided that the opening of the School Library would take place towards the middlG of the -year. Miss Crooks brought before the notice of the meeting the urgent necessity for a Swimming Pool at School and said the ::Parents and Friends' As2ociation were anxious that one be buiit ns soon as possible. As the Old Girls' Association was com- ·mitted to the completion of the Library in 1958, a resolu~ion to ihe effect that any surplus funds remaining from that project -would be earmarked for a Swimming Pool was pa2sed, and i he Association promised to help with the Pool project as soon as the Library was free of debt. As usual the last function for 1957 was not held until after ] year's notes went to press so tha~ this functicn heads our lis~. It was the President's At Home held a t Coolden on Friday, 27th November, at which 46 membrs were present. Mrs. Ba in ·was presented with a bouquet as a small token of apprecia' ion of her services during 1957 and those who attended voted the evening a great success. Dance at Riverside: A sub-committee of Old Girls' ap- -pointed. at the Annua.l Meeting under the joint convenorship of Misses K. Wetherell and B. Cochrane arranged a dance at "Riverside on Friday, 28th March. Over 200 guests attended and proceeds were given to th School Improvement Fund towards --the cost of the Library. Opening of School Library: Elsewhere in the Magazine will oe found full deta ils of this function which was the culmination of six years of intensive effort from Old Girls, Present Girls, ::Parents a nd Friends and Staff of the School and it is sufficient to say here how sincerely grateful the Old Girls' Association is for a ll the support so readily _and generously given. Combined Ball: On Frida.y, 20th June, seventeen debutantes ·were presented to Sir Roslyn a nd Lady Philp at the City Hall 66 FUNCTIONS.

on the occasion of the Combined Grammar Ball. Once again this function demonstrated that a strong bond of co-operation and fellowship exists between the Old Boys' and ourselves and our thanks are extended to the Boys ' representatives who helped to make the Ball the usual social and financial success. The joint Presidents, Mr. Ward and Mrs. Bain, entertained official guests at a pre-Ball Party at the home of Mrs. Bain. The follow- ing Debutantes were presented: Berrice Cochrane, Adele Daniel, Joyce Blackburn, Wendy Hoffensetz, Margaret Hamilton, Dorothy Twemlow, Elizabeth Lee, A. Hughes, Glenys Paddon, Elaine Howe, Margaret Joyce Hamilton, Glenden Wilson, Mary Lambe, Nancy K;nudsen, Madeleine Hamon , Helen Boilea.u Vena White, Dia na Mackellar. Second. Riverside Dance: Follo,;_,ing the success of the first dance he ld at Riverside, the same Committee a rranged to hold a second dance at the same place on Saturday, 6th September. This was not so well attended, only 117 guests being present , but it was a most enjoyable evening. Christmas Suppet· Dance : The last gathering for the year is to be a Christmas Supper Dance at Fairview on Tuesday, 2nd December, a t 8 p.m. This is a new venture and we hope it will be favourably received. It will replace this yea r's President's At Home a s it is felt that fork dinners do not meet with the response we would like and we are trying to find an enter- tainment more acceptable to our members. MISS CROOKS returned from her trip to England in time to take up her duties at the commencement of first term. She brought back with her most wonderful photographs and has been very generous in showing them on b ehalf of the School's activities. JAN HOFFMAN, now' Mrs. Facer, was the guest of the Committee at coffee at the Carolena prior to her marriage. She is now living outside Winton. We hear that FAY MUIR who left for the Con tinent last year has accepted a post as English Mistre2s a t a boarding school in Switzerland and that while touring in Europe met 67 NOTES OF INTEREST.

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