December 1958 School Magazine

December, 1958

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Mag.azine

Brisbanz. Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1958

Old Girls wish to thank Miss Lilley, who has promised to pre- sent to us her photograph in the near future, and it is with great pleasure that we will hang it in the Reference Library . "So to-day we have 'the Library completed, even to the curtains supplied by the School Librory Furnishing Fund, and it is with great pleasure that, on behalf of the Old Girls' Asso- ciation and the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, I ask you, Mr. Axon, to open the School Library." Mr. Axon, when opening the Library, stressed the import- ance of such an important part of School Life as the avail- ability and use of a Library and hoped that it would help in encouraging all those who would have the opportunity to use it in future years to appreciate the art of reading both for learning and for pleasure . The Chairman, Mr. J_ E. England, presided, and extended the thanks of the Trustees to all those who had worked so unceasingly to make the Library possible.

is the realization in brick of one of these. In Februory, 1956, Miss Lilley intimated to the Committee of the O.G.A. that she wished the Kathleen M. Lilley Library to be known henceforth as the School Library. "About this time we transferred the bulk of our funds to the Trust , and later, in 1956, the Trustees informed us that the State Government of Queensland had generously grcmted the library a 40 per cent. subsidy. "In April, 1956, we were honoured by His Excellency, the then Governor of Queensland, the late Sir John Lavarack, vrho laid the foundation stone of the Library; and at this point I wish to tender Lady Lavarack's apology for being unable to attend this afternoon and mention that we received a letter of greetings and congratulations on the Library's opening from her. "Our money rmsmg efforts continued and in September last year the Trustees accepted a tender for the building and in November work was commenced. By December last year it appeared that sufficient funds were in hand to pay for both the building and the remainder of the furnishings. "On behalf of the Old Girls' Association I wish to thank everybody who has helped since the inception of the Library Fund in 1952, particularly the State Government for its subsidy; the Chairman and Board of Trustees for their management of the library and its funds; Miss Crooks, who has been a "tower of strength", especially during this last hectic six weeks; Miss Macmillan, both as Acting Headmistress and Second Mistress for her willing help; and the staff (both teaching and domestic) and the girls of the school who have unfailingly supported us at all Fairs, Old Girls' Days and School Days . "Our thanks go to kindred associations-the Pan:mts' and Friends' Association for their enormous contributions which I have a lready mentioned; the B.G.S . Old Boys' Association, who have co-operated cordially with us in functions; and Old Girls who have e ither donated money, time, books, worked as com- mittee members, especially Mrs. Gehrman, Miss Beech and Miss Cavaye, or have helped this project in innumerable ways . "Also a special thanks goes to those generous donors who have contributed money to the library fund, and those who have either to-day or in the past, contributed a book. The 64

B.G.G.S:O.G.A. OLD GIRLS' NOTES Annual Subscription 7/6 commencing lst January each year. Life Membership, £7/17/6.

At the Fifty-ninth Annual General Meeting of the Old Girls' Association held on Friday, 14th February, 1958, the following office-bearers were elected : President :

Mrs. T. G. BAIN Vice-Presidents : Mrs . J, BELL and Miss B. TRUEMAN Secretary: Miss B. CAVAYE Assistant Secretary : Miss B. LANSBURY. Phone 7 4574 Treasurer: Miss E. HEIDEMANN. Phone 57 2815

Past President : Miss J_ BE'ECH Committee : Miss L CROOKS (ex officio), Mrs. H. GEHRMANN, Misses J. COULTER, M. NEIL, C. EVANS and K. WETHERELL Parents and Friends' Representative : Mrs. A. F. TRUEMAN

Auditor: Mrs. S. JURY 65

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