December 1958 School Magazine

December. 1958

:Srisban~ Girls' Grammar School Mag.azine

Brisbane Girlz' Grammar School Mag-azine

December, 1958::

UNIVERSITY NOTES. Old Girls' who graduated from the University of Queensland in 1957-1 958 were : First Class Honours in School of Geography: Ruth Sault, B.A. Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in English Language and Literature: Judith Green. Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in School of Psychology : Paula Schurect (nee Korboot). 'Ninner of Medal for Outstanding Merit. Bachelor of Arts : Margaret Lee, He len Statham. Bachelor of Science: Rolene Colledge, Judith Payne. Medical Bachelor and Bachelor of Surgery : Eva Popper, Joan Lowry, Margot Mciver. Bachelor of Agricultural Science: Daphne Nunn. :Bachelor of Engineering : Gillian White. Diploma of Education: Jill Farrar, B.A., Maureen O'Connell, B.A., Anne Walton, B.A ., Beth Marriott, B.A. Diploma of Occupational Therapy: Judith Crellin, Helen Woolcock. Diplomo: of Physical Education : Denise Palmer, Shirley Rooney, Margot McLuckie, Mary Morris . Diploma of Physiotherapy : Helen Enchelemaier, Margaret Thomson, Wendy Carew. Judith Payne was awmded the Walter and Eliza Fellowship in Economic Biology. From University of Melbourne. :Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in French-Diana Boulton (winner of - the Molliwn Prize and French Exhibition). UNDERGRADUATES. Arts: Judith Clappison, Robin Andison, Lynette Denmead, Wendy Hamon, Fay Williams, Mmgaret Lettice, Penelope Rogers, Jan Pollard, Margaret Stubbs-Brown, Ann Wanchap, Coral Readdy, Gillian Anderson , Helen Carmichael, Nanette Buchanan, Dione Thatcher, Jill Pa-tten , Kira Valkoff, Lorraine Leuton, Wendy Cooper, June Fielding. Dentistry: •Tania Verescha·gin, Janet Wilshire. "Education : Diane Hume-Cook . .Science: Roslyn Metcalfe, Joyce Hawes, Katherine Korboot, Yvonne Harris, :E:velyn Clayton, Va-lerie Wood, Claire Bridges, Estelle Bowden, Jan Morrow, Ba·rbara Axten, Judith Coulter, Madeleine Hamon, Margaret Geach, Vicki Churven. J>hysiotherapy (Degree): Helen Miller, Kerith Hume-Cook, Jennifer Raymond, Jennifer Rogers. Physiotherapy (Diploma): Judi th Marks, Oriel Hughes, June Catchpoole, Lois Murphy. Agriculture : Christine Evans. J>hysical Education : Merrill Williams, Dawn Guyoma"r, Erica Deaville, Ada Ball, Deirdre Hylcmd, Delma Kroh. 70

Robin Andison is President of Women's College and. Margaret Stubbs-Brown is Secretary of the Women's Club. June- Fielding and Lorraine Fenton represen'ed the University in Badminton while Margaret Lee presided over the Club. Jan Pollard, an active member of the Dramatic Club, is Secretary of the Fencing Club, and gained a Half Blue for fencing. Oriel Hughes is President of the Physiotherapy Students' Association_ Margaret Lettice shared the .A.C.V. Melbourne Prize in. History and Penelope Rogers and Margaret Stubbs-Brown shared. the Charles Robertson Memorial Prize for History. OLD GIRLS' PRIZES. Old. Girls' Prizes awarded in 1957 were: Annie Mackay Bur:::ary: Coral Readdy. Highest Average in Fourth Form: Lorelle Ure. Practical Art, Upper School and Art VI: Nanette- Buchanan. Practical Art, Lower School: Cynthia Young. GENERAL. The Annual Meeting of the Old Girls' Association will be- held at School on Friday, 13 th February, 1959, at 8 p.m. All girls leaving school are cordially invited to attend and join the Association. In conclusion the Old Girls' Association wishes to thank: Miss Crooks, members of the Staff, Present Girls, Parents and Friends and the Trustees, for all their helpfulness and co- operation during 1958 and extends to them the Sincerest Christ- mas Greetings. E. G. CAVAYE, Hon. Secretary.


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