December 1958 School Magazine

December, 19Se

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine

December, 1958

.Brisbane Girls' Grammar School!ne

A BASKETBALL TEAM Standing (1. to r.): Joan Prideaux , Joan Simpson, Dierdre Muirhead. Janice Johnston. Sitting : Andrea Vidgen, Noela Carr (Captain), Patricia Stephenson.

B BASKETBALL rEAM Standing (1. to r.) : Tamsie Hubbard, Margaret McCallum, Karen Wilson, Ismay Selby. Sitting (1. to r.): Julianne Grant-Thompson, Penelope Salter (Ca;>tain), Julie Pickburn.

Both the "A" and "B" teams reached the finals, which were p layed against :Stale Commercial High School. The "B" team wa·s narrowly defeated, but the "A" team defeated Commercial in a very hard and well played match . The "G" team played non-competitive makhes and was victorious in a!J. of them. The inter-form matches, some of which were extremely close, provided ·greot excitement. !VB are to be heartily congratulated on their ultimate victory. The staff are to be congratulated en their victory over IliA in a match cha-rac- terised by good play and some hilarity, and we extend our thanks to them for jorming a team. We sincerely !honk Mrs. Melzer for her patient and untiring help and guid- ance throughout the season. Our thanks also go to the girls who helped with ·afternoon tea and scoring .

B TEAM B.G.G.S. v. St. Hilda's; won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House; won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . St. Margaret's; won by B.G .G.S.

B.G.G.S. v. Ipswich Girls' Grammar School; won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . Brisbane Sta:e High School; won by B.G.G.S.

Final: B.G.G.S. v. State Commercial High School; won by State Com- mercial High School.'

The results of the Inter-School matches are as follows: A TEAM B.G.G.S. v. St. Hilda's; wen by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . Somerville House; won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Ma-rgaret's; won by B.G.G.S.

CRITICISM OF THE TEAM Joan Prideaux- Assistant Goaler. Joan has improved her play throughout the season, but she should make more use of her height in defence, and her movements must be faster. Her goaling needs to be more consistent. 21

B.G.G.S. v. Ipswich Girls' Grammar School; won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . Brisbane State High School; won by B.G.G.S. Final: B.G.G.S. v. State Commercial High School; won by B.G .G.S. 20

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