December 1958 School Magazine

December, 1958

Brisba ne Girl~.' Grammar School Magazir..e

December, 1958

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine


Senior Captain: Toni Mil!er;

Senior Vice-Captain: Lynette Hardy;


Junior Captain : Margaret McCallum.

Swimming Captain: Barbara Bell.

Life-Saving Captain : Barbara Bell.

SWIMMING NOTES Although the team was quite small this year, we had good potential. especially in the Junior section , and this, combined with hard training, resulted i n ou r gaining third position in the Inter-School Swimming Carnival held on Saturday, 15th March. •The members of the Somerville House Swimming Team are to be congrdtulated for their success in winning the carnival, and Clayfield College for gaining second position. The Inter-rorm Swimming Carnival was held on 24th March at the Valley Baths, instead of at the Brisbane Grammar School pool as in previous yea·rs. .Sixth Form won the Lieutenant-Colonel Plant Cup w ith 42 points, defeating VC w ith 34 points and IIIC with 33 points. Jennifer Corish and Barbara Bell were a ·warded blues for winning indivi- -d ual events in the Inter-School Carnival. We wou ld like to tha nk Mrs . Melzer for her valuable training and Mis.s .Michod for her help with the team. B.B. LIFE SAVING NOTES The Inter-Form Li fe Saving Competit ion was held at the end of the first ierm at Spring Hill Baths, where the combined Third Form team successfully ·won the competition. The Sixth Form team came second, and Fifth Form gainerl ·third place. On Wednesday, 26 th March, the School Life Saving team, comprising Heather Dodd, Merle Freema·n, Ismay Selby and Barbara Eel!, competed for ·the McWhirter Cup . The Clayfield College team won, and we goined fifth ·position with s'o.S points. Our land drill, rescues and releoses were of a high s tandard, but we lost heavily in the speed tests. We wish to !honk Mrs. Melzer for her tireless training and instruction of .the tea·m, and the success we had with our life savipg methods is due in no small measure to her. We would like to extend our thanks to Mrs. Melford for ber assistance to the team. At present girls fr om Fifth and Sixth Form are training for life saving awards which are to be. competed fer at the end of the year . B.B. 18

ATHLETCS NOTES For the first time in e ight yeats the team had a triple triumph a nd won the Junior, Senior and Stephens Cups. It was a fitting culmination to the work and enthusia sm exhibited by the teem during the past term. The team sm- cerely appreciates the work done by Mrs. Melzer and Miss Michod, whose en-- thusiasm spurred us on to greater efforts. Serious training b ega·n earlier this year. The result was apparent at the beginning of the sports when the rela>y teams won three of the f~ur events. The element of s teadiness was more evident in the teams work _than 1t has be~n for several years. The ball games, especially those of the Jumors, p roved th1s .. Congratulations to Brendd Cox on her succe ss during the day. Lynette · Lewis or our 220 runner, Glenis Donaldson, also did well. It was pleasmg to· note that the success d id not merely depend on a few individual a thletes. The general standard was illustrated by the number of pockets won this year. Blues. were w on by Brenda Cox and Lynette Lewis. On the 18th July the School spent a pleasant afternoon competing in the· Inter-Form Athletics. We would like to congratuiate the winning Form, IVC, and Lynette Lewis, who won Mrs . Rorke 's prize for the best individual per-· formance of the da'y. I hope that the school continues its athletic activities with the same spirit as it has shown this year and meets with equal success. T.M. BASKETBALL NOTES This year has been a very enj oyable and success!~! one for the bd~ketbali teams but we were very disappointed when the trad1honal match a>gmnst the Old Girls was cancelled owing to rain. There hds been increased enthusiasm for basketball this year, and the teoms have worked hard to attain the high standard which was evident in mdtches. 19

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