December 1958 School Magazine

December, 1958

BrisbanE' Gil'ls' Grammar School Mag.azine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Mag.a zine

De.c.,mbar , 1958

Girls was postponed owing to rain, two friendly ma'tches with them took place during the season, a

Joan Simpson-Attack Wing . Joan has greatly improved her p lay towa•rds the end of the season. She has combined well with the goalers cmd centre p layers, but is sometimes slow to a:ta·ck. She must also improve h<9r defence . A ndrea Vidgen-Centre. Andrea, although slow to stmt. has proved a steady link in the centre court. Her jumping and defence and her ball handling are good . She must, however , keep trying at ail times . Deirdre Muirhead-Defence Wing. Deirdre tries very hard and her ddence and attacking are good. She has combined well in !·he centre court, but to improve her play she mus t learn to relax. Patricia Stephenson-Defence Assista'nt Gaoler. Patricia is sometimEJs slow to move, but improves her defence towards the end of each match. She should improve her jumping and learn to keep closer to her opponents. ShG combinEJs well with the centre and other defence players and always keeps trying. Janice Johnston-Defence Gaoler. Janice ha·s greatly improved her dElfence and has combined well w ith the other defence players. She a lways keeps trying, bu t must improve her interception of fo•st passes to the side. N. Car r Ncela Carr-Goale r. Noela has been a very willing a·nd helpful captain. Her play has g reatly improved throughout the season . Her a ttacking play has b een g::>od, b~ t her defence could be stronger. Her goaling is not always consistent. S. Melzer



B.G.G.S . v. St. Hilda's; won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . Somerville House; won by B.G.G.S . B.G.G.S . v. St. Margare t's; won by B.G.G.S.

E.G.G.S. v . I.G.G.S.; won by B.G.G.S. E.G.G.S. v. B.S.H.S.; won by B.G.G.S.

TENNIS NOTES Although the trad itional match between the Old Girls and the Present

Finals : B.G.G.S. v. Clayfield College; won by B.G.G.S.

A TENNIS TEAM From I. to r . : Marion Howcroft, Jan Kilgour , Geraldine Walden , Judith Smith (Captain ) . 2.2


(L. toR. ): Pamela Mor ton, Merlene M9yer , Ailsa Stables, Elain e Wilkinson.


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